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Daily Staff Journal 28-Oct-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 28-Oct-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
2/50 ARVN with 4/9, 2nd lift complete. Received 4-5 rds S/A fire in LZ on this lift from unknown nbr VC. Fire returned, VC stopped firing, broke contact.
30 0830 2/50 ARVN with 4/9 received unknown nbr SA rds from unknown nbr VC from house vic XS605798, gunship made pass on house, returned fire, (2) VC KIA (Poss). Fire stopped. 36 0950 Delayed Entry: 2/50 ARVN with 4/9 received unknown nbr SA rounds from unknown nbr VC from XS605798. VC broke contact, withdrew to Northeast, Arty fired at VC. Results unk. 38 1012 A/4/23 reports Arty sank 2 sampans at XT764157. 64 1555 C/2/14 found and destroyed 1 ea 105mm dud at XT666182. 69 1705 B/2/14 sustained 1 heat casualty, will be picked up by C&C ship XT675196. 70 1740 B/2/14 searched obj MAGPIE and found it unsuitable for remaining overnight. Unit will move 200 meters north of MAGPIE. 75 1915 2/14 requests emergency signals for patrols ref defcons and reaction force be altered if possible because of duplication and need for radio verification. Emergency signals are designed for use when radio commo is lost. 75 1930 B/2/14 reported hearing 50 cal MG fire from coord XT675198 at 1835 hrs. Fire was apparently not directed at B Co. Checking determined that there were no friendly units in the area. Arty was called 1840 hrs, 12 rds fired. Neg results. 87 2125 At 2108 both radar sets on 4/23 bunker line detected targets vic XTY655172 (3-4 men). Fired 81mm mortars and 4.2. Tower reports one man running toward tree line same vic. 91 2220 Delayed entry 2120: 4/9 reported observing large explosion on an azimuth of 92 degrees, 5000 meters, appeared to be napalm. Flares being dropped in area. Cannot observe if they are from ground or air. (Msg from G3: Explosion was ammo dump at Bien Hoa) 94 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued Opns LANIKAI (4/9 Inf) and KALIHI (2/14 and 4/23 Inf). B/4/9 and elements of 2/50 ARVN conducted an air/ground mobile opn vic XS594788 and XS598798. B/2/14 conducted airlift to XT667202 and moved to XT674202. 4/23 Inf conducted S&D opns vic XT764151.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will conduct BUDDY Opn with RVN plat vic XS674769 during darkness and A/4/9 conduct airmobile S&D BUDDY opn vic XS6682. B/2/14 Inf will conduct S&D BUDDY opn with 1/7 ARVN vic XT674201 to XT696190 and 1/7 RVN blocking XT700188. 4/23 Inf will conduct ambush patrols vic XT763153. Co will be extracted by air vic XT769140 at 0630 hrs.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 13, 2008