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Daily Staff Journal 17-Oct-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 17-Oct-66
2/14 rec'd (30) 60mm mortar rds vic 713205. 5 WIA, called dustoff
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
Dustoff called for 2/14 (Ref Item 2), did not evacuate WIA's. Dustoff will evacuate WIA's 0730 hrs, coordination was made with dustoff ship covering this action.
35 0758 This HQ (Maj Shelton) approved request for 2/14 to fire 4.2 mortars at 1000 hrs. 36 0800 B/4/9 reported 2 VN persons between 4 & 5 wire of perimeter in front of bunker 11. They were instructed to pick them up. Were unable to apprehend. 39 0812 4/23 will test fire .50 cal from bunker line 0830 after coordination with W/3/4 Cav. 40 0820 Delayed Entry 0750: 2/14 (-) started movement, & resupply extraction also started. 50 1005 2/14 reported possible loss of Starlite from resupply Helo evening of 16 Oct 66. 55 1055 B/2/14 rpts at 0945 destroyed (2) tunnels & (3) punji pits 709183, tunnels were 30 meters long, 2 ft x 4ft wide. 56 1100 Recon 4/23 detained (2) VCS male & female, turned over to ARVN, male is Vietnamese deserter. 721143. 57 1105 4/9 MEDCAP complete, returned to fwd base, treated (39) patients. 59 1120 2/14 held up w/thrown track at last location. 61 1135 HHC 2/14 found approx (5) lbs documents yesterday vic XT706196, evac to IPW today. 65 1251 2/14 reports they definitely had (1) Starlite Scope missing. 68 1315 Msg to G3, 2/14 patrol (Rear) due out at 180200 cancelled, the fwd element will cover same position tonight. 76 1523 2/14 called Ref Item 65: Starlite lost, Maj Whitener & gunner said that they saw it fall from aircraft yesterday, position where it fell from aircraft is approximately 300 meters west and slightly north of last night 16 Oct CP location. 79 1715 2/14 fwd resupply completed 1055. Bunker line cannot be sprayed tomorrow due to non-availability of aircraft. 90 2020 A/2/14 detected movement with radar at XT665165 engaged with M-79 & 81mm mortars at 2000 hrs. 92 2030 Info came from Capt Vozka at dist 2/9 ARVN engaged estimated VC Company at XT763153. 93 2045 A/4/23 patrol in position 2025. Spotted 1 VC XT653177 engaged with SA. Results unk. Patrol will stay in position. 94 2100 From G2: Reported by 25th ARVN, 7th VC Bn 165 A Regt with heavy wpn is supposed to mortar Cu Chi base camp sometime tonight. Eval: ARVN C/2, US F/6 95 2130 At 2030 C/4/9 patrol became engaged with undetermined nbr VC at XS655778. Arty fired in support, reaction force 1 plat C/4/9 dispatched to assist patrol. 97 2121 Delayed Entry: 4/23 patrols in position. Patrol B1 received 6 rds SA fire, returned fire with SA and M-79's at XT722147, are still in that position with Starlite. 98 2130 At 2107 2/14 detected movement at XT663165. 4 persons detected n radar. Fired 81mm at loc XT662167. Movement to west. 100 2155 Ref Item 95: Result was 4 KIA US, and 5 WIA US. (Scout Dog KIA). 102 2201 4/9 requested Fire Fly at 2200. 105 2220 A/2/14 radar picked up estimated VC Squad at XT664165. Fire 81mm mortar. 108 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued Opns kALIHI (2/14 Inf and 4/23 Inf) and LANIKAI (4/9 Inf). 4/9 Inf continued LANIKAI with a MEDCAP and BUDDY CHECKMATE Opn vic XS646765. 2/14 Inf conducted S&D from XT709207 to XT690164 with 1/7 RVN. 4/23 Inf continued KALIHI with a S&D BUDDY opn. 4/23 and 4/7 RVN conducted S&D from vic XT750120 to vic XT754141.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will conduct a S&D BUDDY opn with C/4/9 and 3/50 RVN vic XS660795 to XS655783. 2/14 Inf Bn will conduct a S&D opn from XT690165 to vic XT705207. 4/23 Inf Bn will conduct a S&D BUDDY opn with 4/7 RVN will S&D from XT730139 to XT756103.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 10, 2008