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Daily Staff Journal 13-Oct-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 13-Oct-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
2/14 Resupply started 0820. At CP2
24 0930 Rec Info from 4/23 that they rec all from SA 1/7 ARVN who has picked up a female VCS. She has identified her brothers and approx a sqd as VC in Phu Hoa Dong area. She also stated her father is Lam Van Sao who is working in Cu Chi Base Camp. 25 0935 2/14 extraction completed at 0930. 29 1023 2/14 airstrike completed at 1020 and B-C. 2/14 started to move at 1021. 32 1041 C/4/9 Recap: Searched a total of 32 boats - 17 motor boats, 9 small motor boats, 6 man-power boats. Principal cargo was pineapples, onions, tapioca, rice, sand. Nothing suspicious. 85 pers were checked and none detained. 34 1150 2/14 rpts: While FAC was overhead he reported the 3-4 pers ran into trench vic XT652227. Arty strike on that area completed at 1120 and air strike at 1145. Foot troops will check area when they pass through. 35 1206 3/4 Cav hit VC Forces (size unknown) 1 APC & took direct (2) hits. From RPG-2 (46mm) (5) casualties and (1 critical). Action vic XT652227 37 1245 Ref log 35: 2/14 rpts (2) RPG2 (40mm) hit (1) APC, command tank, platoon leader not wounded. 38 1255 2/14 rpts total 7 US WIA & (1) VC wounded (Captured). 40 1318 At 1310 hrs S3, 2/14 reported to CO 2/14 that VC WIA was identified as member of 7th Bn 165A. 41 1325 C/2/14 destroyed tunnel approx 20 ft long vic 659234. 50 1755 Resupply A/C for 2/14 rec 2 rds S/A fire from undetermined number VC. From XT673230, no hits. 56 1855 Rec 2/14 patrol fwd loc B 2/14 673231, C 2/14 671235, Recon 2/14 674234, Out 2000, In first light. 57 1900 1/5 Mech patrol returning through Ann Margaret is stuck at 650176. 61 1931 Recd message from 3/4 Cav (2) gunships escorting 2/14 resupply A/C received (2) hits from 20 rds fire from undetermined number of VC. vic 688237. No cas. 62 1950 1/5 Mech rpt their patrol that was stuck earlier has closed Ann Margaret. 65 2025 A/4/23 elem at Laterite Pit recd 2 rifle grenades, no casualties, no fire returned. 66 2030 C/4/23 patrol 2 recd S/A fire from unknown nbr of VC. 1 VC was seen, fire returned. Neg results, no casualties. 67 2040 Patrol from A/4/23 recd S/A fire 200 meters from Ann Margaret, coord 661123. Patrol leader hit in arm, size of VC force unk. 68 2100 Ref Item 67: Size of VC elem est one man. Patrol leader was not wounded by VC activity, he was scratched by tree branch during fire fight. 4.2mm/81mm and Arty was called in on vic of activity. 70 2125 OP Ann Margaret received 7-8 rifle grenades. No casualties. 71 2140 Arty & mortar fire ceased (ref item 68) patrol from A/4/23 preparing to depart Ann Margaret for original ambush site. 75 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued Opn KALIHI (2/14 & 4/23 Inf) and Opn LANIKAI (4/9 Inf) in Ben Luc. 4/9 Inf conducted a BUDDY opn with C/4/9 and 1 Plt 3/50 RVN conducting a CHECKMATE vic XS635796. 2/14 Inf with attachments conducted S&D opn. 4/23 conducted S&D with C/4/23 moving from Cu Chi to XT726142.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will conduct a BUDDY Opn with 3/50 Inf vic XS5777, XS5776, XS5877. 2/14 Inf will conduct S&D Opn from vic XT677232 to XT699209. 4/23 Bn will move to and conduct S&D opns vic XT7214.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 13-Oct-66
CO, XO, and Adj attended daily briefing in the 1st Bde briefing room.
Adj departed to visit 2/14 and 4/9 S-1.
5 1000 Red Cross girls visited HHC, 1st Bde 6 1045 Notified switchboard operator to call all Bns and HHC, 1st Bde and all staff sections that there was to be no traffic on base camp roads from 1500 to 1700 hrs. 7 1105 Bde CO departed Bhuc Cong. 8 1115 Rec call from Sgt Smith (Awards and Decorations) Award for SFC Turner, HHC, 1st Bde, has to be in by 1300 hrs. 9 1130 Received 4 supplemental out-of-country R&R allocations. 2 Hong Kong, 1 Taipei, 1 Penang. 11 1300 Rec report from Bde TOC that 3/4 Cav attached to 2/14th Inf had casualties, number unknown. These reports for information only. 12 1445 Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA Co B 2/14
Baron, Richard M. SGT E5
131240 Oct 66. XT668238. Superficial FW Right leg. S&D msn - enemy rifle grenades and SAF.13 1445 Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA Co B 2/14
Galvan, Juan SFC E6
131240 Oct 66. XT668238. Blast Injury upper abdomen and lower chest. S&D msn - enemy rifle grenades and SAF.14 1445 Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA Co B 2/14
Rodriguez, Victor SP4 E4
131240 Oct 66. XT668238. Fragment wound right cheek. S&D msn - enemy rifle grenades and SAF.15 1600 CO, XO, and Adj attended daily briefing in the 1st Bde conference room. 16 1830 Held promotion board for E5 & E6 in the 1st Bde conference room. 17 1925 Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA Co B 2/14
Atkins, Ralph A. SP4 E4
131240 Oct 66. XT668238. Missile wound 5th finger right hand. S&D msn - enemy rifle grenades and SAF.18 SUMMARY: Daily briefings were held at 0800 and 1600 and attended by the CO, XO, and Adj. All Bns and HHC, 1st Bde were instructed by this HQs to keep all non-essential vehicles off base camp roads between 1500 and 1700 hrs in deference to visit to Division by Secty of Defense MacNamaara. Bde CO was absent from this HQs from 1105 to 1200 hrs to visit Bhuc Cong. Received 4 R&R allocations; All allocations given to the 4/23rd Inf. Received information casualty reports from 3/4 Cav attached to the 2/14th Inf and passed on to 3/4 Cav S1. Received 4 battle WIA casualty reports from Co B 2/14, Opn KALIHI. This brings total casualties on operation KALIHI to 16. Promotion board for E5 and E6 was held at 1st Bde HQs.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 09, 2008