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Daily Staff Journal 28-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 28-Sep-66
S3 to 33: Request dustoff for man in Co B who is in a coma with suspected appendicitis, XT 506405
Bde 3 to 33: Dustoff from Tay Ninh could not make it through bad weather. Dustoff mission has been relayed to Cu Chi.
22 0850 From Sgt Mai to 33: Wife of an ARVN soldier stationed at Dau Tieng reported following info at 0830 hrs, 28 Sep 66, to Sgt Mai interpreter 2/14th Inf. Yesterday, the 27th, the wife of the ARVN soldier was enroute to Dau Tieng to visit her husband. At approx 1400 hrs vic grid XT 3646 she observed approx 200 VC bivouacked in that general area (VC were cooking, some sleeping, etc.) VC made woman detour area. She arrived Dau Tieng 1600 27 Sep, to visit her husband in 3/8 ARVN Bn. 24 0845 From A Co to S3: Resupply for A Co, 1 large C&C syringe, patches, oil, mosquito repellant, hand set for PRC-25, foot powder, calamine lotion. 27 0930 From Bde (Flowers) to 33: 2 napalm duds are located coord XT 504386. 28 0955 From 3 to 33: Arty preparation, support of operation, started at 0945 hrs to 0952 hrs, Bn started to move toward Obj CHARLIE at 0955. 30 1040 From 3 to 33: At same location XT 510397 found fire under cookpot still burning, but no personnel present. 31 1044 From S3 to 33: C Co apprehended 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children at XT 510397. 32 1052 From S3 to Co C CO: (Monitored) found fresh footprints and holes. 33 1058 From S3 to C Co: (Monitored) Turn your unit around and come back and tie in with Co B. 34 1100 From S3 to CO, Co C: 2/14th Inf will hold in present position until Co A gets tied in behind Co B. 35 1108 From 1st Bde to S3: (Monitored) Just observed 5 personnel running from a house moving to the south into the wood line XT 511389. 37 1125 From Co C to S3: Co C destroyed 23 structures and 112 shelters, (1) 105 dud round, and have gathered up 15 small arms rounds, destroyed one tunnel approx 50 meters long. 38 1138 From C6 to S3: (Monitored) Have found 1 tunnel approx 50 meters long, also undetermined amount of documents approx 5 lbs in weight. Location from PO 9 left 1,100, up 1,300. 43 1313 From Mr Coleman to S3: Information obtained from wife of an ARVN soldier: Approx 300-500 VC were located on both sides of road from the bridge located at vic XT 415443 to the village of Ben Cui. VC were relaxed, some cooking and some sleeping. They wore black uniforms, helmets and Ho Chi Minh sandals. Also there were some buying in the village. She stated that there are liaison tunnels within the market area in Ben Cui. These tunnels enable the VC to escape when the American Troops come into the village. 44 1525 From 33 to Mr Coleman: Alerted Mr Coleman, 25th MI Det, to be at airstrip to meet first resupply helicopter from Bn fwd area which would have 5 VCS aboard picked up in today's S&D operation. 46 1529 From 2 to S3: On the first chopper coming in there wil be 1 make, 1 female and 5 children. 47 1620 From 33 to Mr Coleman: Directed Mr Coleman to have 2/14 medics examine the 7 VCS brought in today from the field. 49 1700 From 3 Xray Co B to S3: Further information on cement bunker. Located at vic XT 419397, has (5) 6x12 supports, 3 firing positions, and faces north, east and west. All cement reinforced inside. A 50 meter tunnel 8 ft deep connected to a trench line, and straw house. All were destroyed. 50 1700 From Co C to 33: Destroyed following items: 34 buildings, with tunnels, 19 smaller shelters, 7 tunnels. 51 1820 From Bde S2 to 33: Request any pictures you have of the caches found by 2/14. Capt Murphy informed Capt Williams that 2/14 has 4 pictures of the rice caches and would send them to Bde S2. 54 1910 From A Co to S3: A Co requires on resupply in the morning: Bags, patches, oil and one steel pot with liner. 55 1845 From S3 to 32: We want to keep the C&C ship for tomorrow to make sure there are enough helicopters for small bags. 63 1920 From S1 to 33: martin E Brumelle SSG E-6, C Co was very slightly wounded at 281050 Sep 6. He did not report the wound until resupply time. he was wounded when C Co was blowing booby traps vic XT512395. 64 1930 From C Co to S3: C Co requests the following articles: 1 case M-79 rounds, 100 rounds 7.62 and 5 bottles calamine lotion. 67 2000 From C Co to S3: C Co requests in addition to previous list: 7 rounds WP, 6 illumination 69 2015 From S3 to 3: Patrol 2 departed FFL at 2015. S3 wants 12 packages heat tablets, 3 tablets in each package. 71 2105 From S3 to 33: Patrol 2 reports seeing lights and hearing noises in front of their position. 72 2115 From Recon to S3: Recon requests the following: 2 cases smoke, yellow, green or violet, and 1 case foot powder. 73 2115 From A Co to S3: A Co requests the following supplies: 2 cases C rations, 2 bottles of calamine lotion. 74 2135 From S3 to 33: In addition to the last supplies for S3, he wants 8 bottles of mosquito repellant and 16 cans of foot powder.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 28-Sep-66
4/9 Forward: (4) mortar rd went over their base camp position, 2 exploded, poss 3 civilians wounded, will investigate in morning. Poss 60mm.
A/4/9 patrol moving to new location, first location was waist deep water.
9 0500 Dustoff 2/14 forward CP, suspected appendicitis, unconscious XT506405, area secure. Request ship approach from south. 11 0545 Dustoff from Tay Ninh unable to close location because of weather, was relayed back to Cu Chi, will complete dustoff from there. 13 0600 Dustoff from Cu Chi on the way. 14 0610 1st dustoff going in from Tay Ninh to try again. 17 0645 B & C of 2/1 moving out to secure rice cache. A Co securing base camp. 20 0734 Boats will depart to pick up rice at 0830, 2/1 lead elements at XT484425 25 0915 G3 reported 1/46 ARVN contacted VC sqd at XS728714, 2/46 ARVN contacted VC platoon at XS725691 28 1015 Bde Fwd reported wife of ARVN soldier sighted 200 VC bivouac at XT3646. 29 1017 Boat linked with 2/1 for pickup of rice made at 1010. 30 1040 Lead element 2/14 at XT510397 found cooking fire that had been hastily abandoned. 31 1044 2/14 picked up 1 female, 1 male, 5 children at XT510397, status pending. 32 1115 FAC sighted 5 personnel 33 1145 B & C 2/14 located XT509463. Co C destroyed 23 structures, 11 small shelters, (1) 105 dud, (20) rds small arms ammo, (2) tunnels 50 meters long, captured 5lb documents. 34 1208 LRRP contact with 4-5 VC at XT442477, no US casualties, (1) VC KIA (Poss), patrol received rifle grenade and small arms fire. 36 1235 A/2/14 linked up with B & C at 1237. 37 1238 All LRRP extracted 39 1130 Delayed Entry: 4/23 AO sighted 400-500 meter trench at XT700184. 5 personnel ran into trench when helicopter flew over. Trench appeared to be newly dug or repaired. 40 1307 A/4/9 lift complete at 1255 no contact. 1 ARVN platoon accompanies A/4/9 LRRP extraction helicopter rec'd 5-6 rds SA fire at 442477, speed 80 knots altitude 100 feet. 44 1400 G3 gave approval to airstrike at 657249 at 291300 Sep, area contains bunkers & trenches 51 1555 4/9 Fwd notified this HQ at 1550 hrs that (1) UH-1B is down at 670819 due to lost oil pressure - half of A Co is securing aircraft, B Co & remainder of aircraft on standby. Manchu 6 is overhead in C&C ship in touch with downed aircraft, crew does not request assistance. 53 1630 Ref log 51: 2nd lift was departing area when gun ship rec'd undetermined no. of S/A rds - gun ship went down under own power. 2d lift circled & landed for security, attempting to fix, Box Car on way. 54 1645 B/4/23 loc (1) large trench with signs of recent use at 688176 55 1648 Downed chopper, ref log 51, is in the air under own power. 57 1650 Boat convoy departed 2/1 area for Dau Tieng w/325 100 lb bags rice. 60 1717 Boat convoy lead located 495447 - lead boat rec'd fire from both sides of river, started rec at 1700 hrs, request fire team, dustoff called for (1) US WIA. 61 1800 B/4/23 has coiled for night at XT686176. At XT690175 B/4/23 located and destroyed 15 punji pits freshly repaired, area contained fresh indications of activity, numerous footprints and bicycle tracks. 76 2105 Rpt from G2: 2010 hrs Rpt from Cu Chi Sub Sector, RVN outpost loc 588149 under attack from est VC Co, 2010 hrs RVN outpost loc XT610138 under attack from ext VC Co, Sr advisor says probably size is plat at each loc, RVN called Arty. 86 2222 At 2155 hrs B/4/23 patrol #2 loc XT691175 sprang ambush on undetermined no of VC, fired claymore, results 1 VC KIA (Poss), VC returned fire with 2 claymores & moved out. 1 US slightly wounded, patrol returned to perimeter. Area still covered from perimeter. 90 2036 C/4/9 tower spotted (5) persons moving east at 675151 at 930 meters from tower, spotted by radar & starlite, requested permission to fire from Div, permission granted, will fire 4.2 92 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues with two separate Bn opns, LANIKAI (4/9), KALIHI (4/23) and one multiple Bn Opn KAMUELA (2/14 & 2/1 Inf). 4/9 conduct combat operations in AO while 4/23 sent one company into the FILHOL plantation to conduct S&D opns and night ambushes. Company will remain overnight and return to Cu Chi on 29 Sep 66. 2/14 continued S&D opn, 2/1 Inf continued to secure rice cache, evacuation of rice commenced at 1030 hrs by sector rep from Dau Tieng. All elements of 1st Bde will continue combat opns in assigned AO's.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 28-Sep-66
Rec Cas Rept NBC Co C 2/14
Fagnano, Eric L. PFC E3
262025 Sep 66. XT495419. Gunshot wound left hand. Self-inflicted wound, .45 Cal. pistol.3
Rec Cas Rept WIA Co C 2/14
Selby, Bennie J. PSG E7
261500 Sep 66. XT487418. Abrasions and cuts on face. S&D msn, enemy rifle grenade4
Rec Cas Rept WIA Co C 2/14
King, Scott R. SGT E5
261500 Sep 66. XT487418. FW Face, left hand, right knee. S&D msn, enemy rifle grenade6
Rec Cas Rept WIA Co C 2/14
Brunelle, Martin SGT E5
281050 Sep 66. XT512395. FW right hip. Combat support mission, friendly artillery round.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 06, 2008