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Daily Staff Journal 27-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 27-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
From Co C to 33: The WIA last night was caused by C Co 81mm mortars.
14 0600 Delayed Entry: From Capt Peterson to Capt Byers: ARVN battalion will be operating this morning leaving Dau Tieng at 0615 and setting up company size blocking positions at XT478449 and XT478441. The ARVN Will wear red markers on their right arms. US advisor will be on 50.50, call sign Saggy Supper 3. His PO-EB is 43.47 17 0900 From Capt Peterson to Capt Murphy: Firing artillery at 473449 to 478448. Warn aircraft. 20 0940 From Fighter 48 to S33: Light fire team reported 3 people on bicycles moving very fast in southerly direction. 25 1130 From Capt Peterson to 33: ARVN's have made contact with VC squad at XT 465454. Request a standby fire mission. 27 1150 From Maj Hubbard to 33: Request slick to evacuate 1 ARVN at EB R 4.0 down 1.6 or XT 450475. Capt Mruphy stated that all our slicks had been pulled. Request a Dustoff through your channels. 30 1130 Delayed Entry: From 1st Bde to 33: All UH-1D's and gun team diverted to 2nd Bde until 1530 hrs. No heavy gun team to escort ARVN convoy. 32 1320 From A Co to S33: A Co XO is to bring the extra machine gun barrel out to A Co location when he goes out. 33 1340 Co C destroyed two buildings with spider holes, vic XT 497420 34 1405 From S3 to 33: Bn lead elements located vic XT 502417. Co B located 19 houses, 3 tunnels, length 20 meters, 4 ft high, 2 ft wide. Houses and tunnels destroyed. 35 1430 From Capt Grant to 33: Co C destroyed 12 buildings, 5 smaller type shelters vix XT 502416. 37 1555 B Co found a bag of documents believed to be from a VC unit in this area. To be evacuated to Tropic on resupply ship. Bde 3 was notified. 39 1000 Delayed Entry: From S3 Air to Cannon 50: CO 7/11th Arty recommends Hv Mort Plat 2/14 be returned to Dau Tieng so portions of B Btry may be moved there to maintain continuous support. Recommend move be accomplished ASAP. Bn CO approved the move. 43 1610 Co B destroyed 7 structures and 1 tunnel at XT 501415. Destroyed 3 structures and 2 tunnels at XT504412. 47 1837 From Bn CO to 33: Check with ARVN advisor and see if there is any scheduled river traffic tonight. 48 1845 From Lt Rapuano to Bn CO: There should not be any convoys in the river tonight. Anything in the river is fair game. 51 1910 From Capt Deliz to 33: There will be a small red box in tomorrow that contains medicine, about 160 vials and tablets that were found at XT 510405. 54 2000 From S3 Air to Bde: 2 rounds hit at XT 498473. Appeared to be M-79. No friendly casualties. 55 2000 From Co Co to S3: Notify element of C Co in rear CP and tell them to send all available personnel to C Co forward and also to send 2 donut rolls of wire to the forward location on the first available transportation. 56 2010 From Lt Niles to S3 Air: 3 people were seen moving at XT 492480 at 2010 hrs. Lt Niles requested permission to fire, permission given. Fired 7 M-79 rounds, 1 magazine automatic rifle, 15 rds MG, ARVN fired 4 M-79 rds into same area. 64 2115 From S3 to 33: Supplies for C Co: 5 bottles calamine lotion, scissors, bandage, 1 pair gauze 2x2, 1 pack, 4 tubes of Desenex ointment, 2 cases of foot powder. Supplies for Recon: 5 bottles of calamine lotion, 5 tubes Desenex ointment, 2 cases of foot powder, 1 case of smoke, yellow, green or violet. A Co: 2 bottles calamine lotion, 1 PRC-25 battery, and handset.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 27-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
From G3: 5th RVN SSE Rpts 0730 Tri Tam Sector will force smth to pick up rice - will use boats and be escorted by O-1 convoy cover.
36 0814 Fr G2: Report from 5th ARVN rpts Bn size unit moving from Plantation to XT5351. RVN rating F-3, US F-3 51 1113 Element to evac rice 56 popular forces, 60 laborers. 52 1130 C/4/23 XT630189 destroyed (1) AT mine, (2) booby traps grenades, (3) hand grenades, (1) house with bunker and short tunnel, connected. 54 1217 C/4/23 captured (1) US carbine, assorted documents, (1) bottle wine XT626188 in tunnel. Destroyed. Carbine to be evacuated. 58 1340 C/4/23 requested dustoff for (3) WIA from mine coord 625180. 59 1405 C/2/14 loc 497420 (2) small structures and 2 spider holes. Destroyed. 61 1416 C/2/14 loc 502417 (19) structures, 3 tunnels approx 20 meters in length, all destroyed. 62 1420 C/4/23 has two heat casualties, called for dustoff. 63 1435 C/2/14 located 17 structures XT502416, destroyed. 65 1515 At 1410 A/2/1 located and destroyed 200 lb rice, at 489423 at 1350 located and destroyed 200 lbs rice, at 1400 at 490420 located and destroyed 100 lbs rice, at 1440 C/2/1 located and destroyed (5) bags peanuts (250 lbs), 100 lbs rice at coord 489422. At 1445 A/2/1 located and destroyed 60 gal gasoline and (12) 5-gal cans at 485424. 68 1550 Msg Rec from G3, via hurricane, the 2/46 ARVN has made contact with 1 VC squad, squad has A/W XS725673, still in contact with VC. 69 1600 C/4/23 rpts (4) heat casualties, request dustoff LZ secure 630177. Dustoff completed. 75 1705 Dustoff for C/4/23 requested for (3) litter heat cases loc XT638175. Dustoff completed. 76 1710 B/2/14 captured 10 lb can of documents at 505398, evac to Bde CP (Fwd). B/2/14 at 1340 located (7) structures and destroyed them, (1) tunnel XT501415. B/2/14 1405 loc & dest (3) structures & (2) tunnels 504412. 102 2015 B/4/23 attached to 2/14 Fwd spotted (3) VC at XT490480, ARVN fired M-79 at VC Ptl not given permission to fire. 109 2125 4/23 radar picked up moving objects 10 to 25 meters apart, 5-9 objects. 652172 moving north 652175, firing mortars at them. 116 2230 Documents captured by B/2/14 appear to be records of finance and economy section for Tay Ninh Province, recent as of July 66. 122 2335 C/2/1 patrol received one hand grenade from N.W. of position XT487423, enemy strength unknown, returned fire w/M-60., M-16's, expended 150 rds. Patrol returned B/C 2318. Results unknown. 127 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues with 3 separate Bn Opns LANAKIA (4/9), KALIHI (4/23) and KAMUELA (2/14) & (2/1). 4/9 remained Fwd base improving base camp and planning a joint operation to be conducted in AO on 28 Sep, 4/23 conduct combat opns in their AO, 2/14 remained in night psn XT496425 while securing rice cache and LZ in order to introduce 2/1 Inf in Opn. KAMUELA by helilift. 6 airstrikes were flown in support of Bde operations.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 27-Sep-66
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA Co C 2/14
Mikus, Michael A. SP4 E4
262100 Sep 66. XT497423. FW left leg. S&D msn, friendly mortar fire.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 05, 2008