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Daily Staff Journal 24-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 24-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
Co C request salt tablets on resupply tonight.
18 0930 S3 to 33: 2 large radio antennas spotted at XT 479448. One of the antennas was destroyed. The other one is on the far side of the river. The one on the west side of the river was destroyed. 20 0945 Co C - (1) 81mm round destroyed near ALPHA 21 1010 C Co has completed hook and tied in with B Co at near end of ALPHA, will fall in behind Recon. 22 1018 Entac and Mortar Plat has begun displacement to PAPA FOXTROT out past from point of origin 18 right 700 down 1400. Mortar Plat will remain there in general support for operation KAMUELA. 26 1050 C Co received fire from 1 sniper location vic coord XT 477440 armed with Chicom 7.62 carbine. Fire was returned and sniper was killed (Body Count). 33 1245 S3 to 33: VC killed this morning had a green uniform with US web gear and HO sandals. No head gear was found. 34 1205 From FAC to S3: (Monitored) Have target at 488419, it is clear. Maj Griffith cleared the strike from east to west. 35 1210 S3: Request t cases of smoke on resupply tonight. 38 1235 S3 to CO: have made contact. Automatic weapons fire from PO 13 Right .3 down .1 39 1250 S3: Request dustoff, have 3 WIA's at this time. 40 1305 S3: We were fired on from the front, 4 or 5 grenades. 150 rds small arms. 6 WIA's now. Cannot estimate what size enemy element. Believe it was outpost line. 41 1315 From FAC to 33: Have airstrike for coord XT 487423 42 1320 S3: Now have 8 WIA. Request slick to go with Dustoff. 43 1325 S3: Have been receiving rifle grenade fire. All have been duds so far. 44 1400 From Sgt Hollis (1st Bde) to S3: First Bde requests clearance for airstrike at coord XT 464395 at 1000 25 Sep 66. Also want an estimate of the VC force that B Co engaged this morning. 45 1410 From CO to 33: Send in the dustoff. Dustoff was completed at 1418. 8 WIA's were taken to Cu Chi on 2 ships. 46 1415 From CO HHC to 33: One (1) Platoon 4/23 consisting of 1 Officer and 35 EM, has replaced Co A 2/14 Inf elements on 7/11 position perimeter. 49 1455 Bde 3 to 33: Viking's 3 helicopter received S/A at vic XT 499421 54 1515 B Co requests C-4 on resupply tonight. 55 1525 S3 to CO: At the road junction there is a complex of buildings with thatched roofs with tunnels. 56 1555 CO 2/14 was fired at from village at 488421. Approx 2 rounds, chopper was at 1500 feet doing 80 knots. 57 1600 From Capt Murphy to Bde 3: That road junction previously reported had about 5 buildings with tin and thatched roofs. One bicycle was abandoned in path. Looks as if the outpost was early warning for the hamlet. 58 1635 S3: Spotted 3 VC in village. Fired at them, but missed. 59 1640 CO to S3: Request 3 more choppers from Bde. Capt Murphy called Capt Palmer and requested 4 additional choppers. Capt Palmer stated they would try to get additional ships. 61 1720 Aerial resupply of B and C Companies 2/14 Inf has begun at 1730 hrs. A Co is being helilifted to join forward elements beginning at 1720 hrs 62 1732 From Capt Byers to Capt Murphy: First lift has taken 10 minutes. 2d lift took off at 1735 hrs. 63 1745 From S3 to 33: Resupply ships were snipered at from vic coord XT 499431. Gunships took snipers under fire, results unknown. 64 1750 1st Bde to S3: The 6 HU-1D and the light Fire Team that you requested will arrive at Dau Tieng Air Strip at 250830 Sep 66. 65 1842 From Capt Byers to 33: 3d lift is on the way. 69 1900 Co C requested 40 lbs of C-4 on morning resupply. Also send blasting caps. 72 1920 CO requests RTO Harding on the first chopper in the morning. 73 2000 S3 to A Co: Be advised that one of our patrols made contact approximately 100 meters outside of the Bn defense perimeter. S3 is committing the reaction force that had been designated for that patrol. 76 2050 S3: Ref contact made by patrol at 2000 hrs. One man was slightly wounded, dustoff not required. 77 2055 C Co CO to S3: (Monitored CO C Co informed Bn S3 that he may have a requirement for a dustoff, one man was hit by friendly fire in the chest. Artificial resuscitation has been given, will need a resuscitator in the dustoff helicopter to keep man alive. 78 2110 From Lt Niles 4/23 Inf to S3: Lt Niles Rifle Platoon Leader of a plat from B Co 4/23 providing security for B BTry 7/11 Arty attached to 2/14 Inf reported receiving 3 rds sniper fire from the woodline vic coord XT 59044750 at 2110 hrs. 79 2120 S3 to 33: Se 2/14 informed S3 Air that the wounded man had died. And also cancelled the dustoff. 80 2130 S3: A VC patrol probed the perimeter & withdrew. This man went forward without letting anyone know to check where they had been. Upon returning one of LP's heard him and thinking he was a VC opened up on him. VC probe came from South East between A & B Co XT 449423. 82 2206 Co C requests 60 rounds of 81mm ammo, 1 case M-79, 1,000 rounds 7.62 linked. 83 2205 From S3 to 33: 2 Possible VC KIA's in front of Bravo Co XT 496419 at 2205 hours. 85 2208 From S3 to S3 Air: Scratch 60 lbs and send 100 lbs of Demo, 75 electric blasting caps, all flame throwers and Capt Deliz and RTO of B Co in the morning. 86 2235 S3 to 33: Delayed Entry - Arty made 10 possible VC KIA's near road junction at XT 485426. 88 2310 A Co reported firing 2 grenades at 2 suspected VCS, will keep area under surveillance. 89 2325 Co C requested flares, 4 white, 2 red, 2 green for tomorrow morning resupply.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 24-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
G2: 26 Sep 66 0800 hrs 5th ARVN Div will run a boat convoy from Tri Tam in Ben Zong Province. (3) ships, (20) motorboats towing (30) sampans. Will carry (60) tons rice. 0800 hrs will make return trip. Signal recognition, White and red panels. National flag on front of ship.
43 1107 2/14 recd approx 10 rds sniper fire coord 477840. Returned fire, (1) VC KIA (BC). (1) captured weapon. Continued to move. 7.62mm chicom carbine. 46 1125 1st Bde FAC loc (1) damaged structure XT 488419 result of airstrike. (1) large camouflaged structure damaged. Burning. 55 1245 B 2/14 recd sniper and A/W fire vic coord 483429. Size of force undetermined. 56 1252 2/14 requested dustoff for (6) WIA for Tay Ninh. WIA slight. 58 1305 4/23 3d Plat called Arty. Silenced VC small arms fire. Arty continuing. Unit will continue to move upon completion of Arty. 59 1310 B/2/14 rpts contact believed to be outpost line. Total WIA (6). SA fire silenced. 61 1340 B/2/14 receiving rifle grenades vic 483428. Last 6 grenades were duds. Total casualties fr previous engagement (8). Commencing to move into area for further check. 65 1435 2/14 clearance granted for airstrikes 1430H. 66 1450 2/14 moving on axis BROWN. Now at XT482427. Estimated size of earlier contact 1 VC squad. 70 1530 2/14 at XT484426 found (5) buildings with thatched roofs with tunnels under buildings. Investigating. 71 1610 C&C ship fired (2) rds. No hits. 72 1700 2/14 XT488421 spotted (3) VC running fm village. Neg contact. 86 2135 2100 hrs VC patrol probed 2/14 from coord XT491418. 1 man from C/2/14 went fwd without authority to check out the area. LP from 2/14 thought this individual was VC and fired on him resulting in one friendly KIA 89 2151 Plat from 4/23 attached to 2/14 rec 3 rds sniper fire from wood line vix 490480, no casualties 92 2200 RF/PF post loc XT 773137 under attack by VC Co. Light fire team and flare ship sent to area by div. 93 2235 B/2/14 spotted 2 VC in front of perimeter coord XT 496419. Brought under fire with auto wpns results 2 VC KIA (Poss). 96 2310 Result of arty fire directed against VC locations and village between 1610-1625 hrs 2/14 in support of 2/14 opn, 15 houses dest. 10 VC KIA (Poss) (rptd by A/B FAC) 98 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued 3 separate opns, LANAKAI (4/9 Inf), KALIHI (4/23 Inf) and KAMUELA (2/14 Inf). 4/9 Inf will conduct combined opn with 3/50 ARVN Regt. 2/14 Inf will continue S&D in AO and 4/23 will conduct platoon size S&D opn vic Phu Hiep XT 680168.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 24-Sep-66
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. Co B 2/14
Ebitz, Curtis V. 1LT
241400 Sep 66 XT483428. FW left leg. Hit by fragment from enemy grenade on S&D msn. Encountered enemy outpost.3
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. Co B 2/14
Edgecomb, Perly J. SSG E6
241400 Sep 66 XT483428. FW right shoulder. Hit by fragment from enemy grenade on S&D msn. Encountered enemy outpost.4
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. Co B 2/14
Smith, Charles W. SP4 E4
241400 Sep 66 XT483428. FW back. Hit by fragment from enemy grenade on S&D msn. Encountered enemy outpost.5
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. Co B 2/14
Harris, Calvin SP4 E4
241400 Sep 66 XT483428. FW right thorax. Hit by fragment from enemy grenade on S&D msn. Encountered enemy outpost.6
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. Co B 2/14
Walker, Enoch R. PVT E2
241400 Sep 66 XT483428. FW right upper arm. Hit by fragment from enemy grenade on S&D msn. Encountered enemy outpost.7
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. Co B 2/14
Warfield, Raymond F. PVT E1
241400 Sep 66 XT483428. Hit by fragment from enemy grenade on S&D msn. Encountered enemy outpost.8
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. Co B 2/14
Burr, James A. SP4 E4
241400 Sep 66 XT483428. FW right arm, right leg and nose. Hit by fragment from enemy grenade on S&D msn. Encountered enemy outpost.9
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. Co B 2/14
Ammendolia, Ralph SP4 E4
241400 Sep 66 XT483428. FW left wrist Hit by fragment from enemy grenade on S&D msn. Encountered enemy outpost.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 05, 2008