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Daily Staff Journal 23-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 23-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
S3: The Battalion will switch to the Bn Primary frequency as of 0640 hrs.
16 0718 C Co to S3: Relay to S4 to figure on 107 rations for C Co for today. 22 0950 Bn CO to C Co CO: (Monitored) There are some people moving close to C Co blocking position vic coord XT 471468, have National Police check people out and stop them from moving any closer to blocking position. 24 1016 C Co found 1 tunnel at vic coord XT 469473, 2 1/2 ft deep and 3 ft long. Destroyed. 25 1037 C Co found 8 spider holes vic coord XT 467474. Not recently occupied, not destroyed 27 1055 A Co destroyed an old 60mm mortar round and one 81mm mortar illumination round at vic coord XT 471465 34 1315 From S3 to 33: We have 1 heat casualty, sending him back to A Co. Request dustoff. 46 1505 B Co has located on Southern portion of rubber plantation several positions with overhead cover which appear to be old artillery positions 47 1340 Delayed Entry: A Co picked up 1 VCS at XT 473468 and are bringing him to Base Camp forward for further interrogation. 48 1515 A Co located 1 tunnel and spider holes from Kilo down 2.7 Right 1.0 coord 470452. Holes are collapsing in at this time 49 1520 S3 to 33: S3 requests 1 PRC-25 radio on resupply this evening. 50 1600 A Co closed 1545, other elements closed night defense position 1530. Resupply began 1550. 51 1639 S3: 1 of the resupply choppers drew 12-14 rounds of M-1 sniper fire at coord XT 487455. 68 1950 Patrol 1 departed 1950 hrs. Patrols 2,3,4 departed FFL at 1950 hrs. 70 2100 All patrols in psn as of 2100 hrs. Negative contact.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 23-Sep-66
Delayed Entry: 2/14 C Co patrol departed B/C at 2100, in psn 2125
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
18 0655 2/14 has switched back to primary freq 29 0830 B/4/23 located large trench system coord 672202, too large to destroy. Will check thoroughly. Runs E to W for approx 200 meters, evidence of recent use. Shelters built into walls, shelters being destroyed to cave in walls and disrupt use. All booby-trapped with pineapple grenades. Destroyed. 32 0900 4/23 notified Bn HQ that bunker F-5 has caved in and cannot be occupied. 2/14 notified, states they do not know when it can be repaired 36 0958 B 2/14 linked up with C 2/14 472468, proceeding north as planned. 37 1030 C/2/14 located tunnel at coord 469473. 2 1/2 ft deep, 3 ft long 39 1120 C/2/14 loc 8 spider holes coord XT467474. Did not destroy, moved to psn Tiger. A/2/14 dest (1) 60mm rd, (1) 81mm Illum rd coord 471465. Being destroyed 40 1130 Fr G3 - within last hour FAC Long An observed (1) VC company vic XS570770, 4/9 Arty req to assist FAC overhead 56 1510 A/2/14 picked up 1 VCS at 1345 hrs vic XT 473468. Being evac to 2/14 CP 62 1700 2/14 Fwd resupply chopper rec'd 12-14 rounds of S/A fire vic 487455 height 1500 ft speed 80 knots, no hits 93 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued operations on three fronts 4/9 (Opn LANIKAI) conducted maint of equip & wpns in base area. 4/23 (Opn KALIHI) conducted one company size airmobile opn. 2/14 (Opn KAMUELA) conducted S&D mission in AO. 4/9 will conduct airmobile opn, 4/23 will conduct 2 separate plat size S&D operations and 2/14 will conduct S&D mission in AO.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 05, 2008