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Daily Staff Journal 22-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 22-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
From B Co to S3: B Co no comm with patrol 1 and patrol 4. No contact with patrol 4 since 2400 hrs. No contact with patrol 1 since 0100 hrs. The two patrols are close to perimeter and no firing has been heard.
5 0230 S3 to 33: B Co CO heard 3 suspected recoilless rifle rds. 14 0657 From Capt Peterson (ARVN advisor) to S3: Population of following villages is: (1) Village located vic coord XT 4845 is 200 people; (2) coord XT 464448 is 100 people; (3) coord XT 4747 has no population. However, 200 to 300 people from village Capt Peterson lives in work in the rubber plantation vic coord XT 4747 during the day. 22 0910 Lead elements of B Co received 11 S/A rds from 2 or 3 snipers approx vic XT 452449. No casualties. Arty was called on snipers 23 1000 From Bde S3 to S3: Today a 155 Btry will be located at SF Camp Bau Dung in Reinforcing general support for Operation KAMUELA. 24 1030 From Maj Kubas to Capt Byers: For tomorrow helicopter support all 5 slicks, a light fire team & C&C ship will arrive at Dau Tieng around 0800 hrs. 26 1045 From Lawyer 3 to S3: Spot report - located tunnel is 15 meters length west edge of town - nothing in it. 27 1100 From 1st Bde: Capt Fleming stated that today's requests for airstrikes would have to be cleared thru Province Chief. The airstrikes requested for 1100 hrs today vic XT 4449 will be directed because clearance was not obtained in time by Div because of comm difficulties. 28 0927 Delayed Entry: S3: Spot report - dried peas, 100 lbs dried fish carbide, man and woman 29 1133 S3 to Bn CO: (Monitored) We made a hasty check of the area. It would take a considerable amount of time for a thorough search of the area. Also have 1 heat casualty 30 1135 S3 to 33: Have 1 heat casualty, request dustoff using one of the slick ships 32 0927 Delayed Entry: S3 to 33: 2 VCS captured vicinity town XT 451450 - including 100 lbs fish (with carbide hidden inside fish), 100 lbs peas. 33 1210 Bn CO to S3: Dustoff complete. Have someone police up VCS which are coming in on same A/C 38 1330 A Co requested that S3 contact A Co XO and tell him to take salt tablets to the field this afternoon. PFC Mengleton was notified. 40 1315 From Bde S3 to S3: 2/14th Inf has a change in mission for tomorrow. Will move in S&D operation northwest vic coord XT 468467 and return to the same perimeter for the night. If it is decided that either A or B Co forward be replaced by C Co which presently is occupying the Base defense perimeter, it must be done by foot. 42 1420 S3 to 33: Recon Plat found 3 bottles of Penicilin and some hypodermic needles, also picked up 1 male VCS without identification vic coord XT 467448. Also all male occupants of village had moved out. 43 1425 S3 to 33: Recon Platoon has apprehended 4 VCS. The National Police released 2 of them and made visual identification of two VCS and indicated to keep them for further interrogation. VCS apprehended vic coord XT 467448 at approx 1425 hrs. 45 1455 S3 to 33: S3 wants A, B Co's 81mm mortars and 2 gals of water per man delivered to the field with resupply this evening. 46 1500 From Maj Hubbard to S3: Lightning Bug operations will be conducted from vic coord XT 490423 at 230330 Sep 66 hrs. 47 1520 From Maj Kubas to S3: 2/14th will have the same element tomorrow that we have today working for us. Maj Kubas wants the flight leader to return to 1st Bde ASAP to discuss a tactical move for tomorrow in which the flight Ldr is going to work. 48 1600 S3 to 1st Bde: Resupply to A, B Co's forward has been completed as of 1600 hrs. Also A and B closed in the base perimeter where they will stay for the night at 1520. 49 1730 S3 to 33: Send out two (2) PRC-25 batteries tomorrow and every day for duration of problem. SSG Knight, Comm Sgt, was notified to get them and see that they go out with the resupply. 50 1800 S3 to 33: Bn has four patrols for tonight. A Company has Patrol 1 vic coord XT 479459 and patrol 2 vic coord XT 471459. B Co has patrol 3 vic coord XT 472455. S3 called back and said that Patrol 3 was cancelled. 52 1805 From Capt Ward to Capt Murphy: The 246 PSYWAR Co will fly leaflet deop and loudspeaker missions in area that you requested tomorrow between 1400 hrs and 1900. Leaflet drop will be 4,000 Chieu Hoi leaflet 20,000 for VC relatives and 20,000 for VC. 100 leaflets will be safe conduct passes in addition to the 20,000 above. Loudspeaker missing will consist of Tapes A2 and A6. 54 1810 From Lt Otjen to Capt Murphy: Request 1 air bag be sent out on morning resupply. 55 1830 From Sgt Flowers Bde 2 to Capt Murphy: 25th ARVN Division has reported 1 Company of 306th VC Battalion located at XT 420410 61 1950 From Capt Murphy to Capt Voska: The 2 VC used today were of no use today and we do not have future plans for them. 71 2345 Lt Col Davis to Capt Murphy: Bn net is being jammed. Have all units switch to Bn log net. The following people were notified: 1st Bde, S3 Rear, HHC, A, B, C Co's, Comm Officer, Medics, IPW Team, 4.2 Mortar Plat, B Co 7/11 Arty, Arty LNO.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 22-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
2/14 lead elem B Co, sniper fire XT 452449, est 2-3 sniper, called Arty on suspected VC loc, fire ceased, unit continuing move. Neg casualties.
55 1035 A/4/9 located tunnel complex at XT566874, also found sign in Vietnamese indicating a minefield. A/4/9 checking area. Also (1) civilian in area told that several VC moved out of village just north of river at XS667730. VC moved from river and will not allow anyone to enter or leave village. All approaches to village are booby-trapped and mined and VC are waiting for US elements to attack village. 56 1040 B/2/14 engaged machinegun in a bunker at 452445 w/M-72 LAW. Making check of area. 57 1055 At 1045 XT448453 B/2/14 rpt tunnel 15m long. Bn to work in and around village. 58 1100 A/4/9 loc 20 foxholes XS669738 on either side of road. Neg enemy contact. 65 1250 Correction to item 56: "Bunker" was a pile of logs, MG and gunner were not found in bunker. 68 1330 A/4/9 discovered tunnel system and several foxholes and 4 VC hiding places that were booby-trapped. Further details not known at this time. 70 1335 Fr G2, Fm FFV II: Nguyen Van Hnung (Chieu Hoi) assistant sqd leader 2d Bn, 165th Rgt, rallied to 5th ARVN with the following info: His unit located as of 220800 XT 747180, unit ready to move at XT585335. Will keep one plt at the above coord. 72 1452 A/2/14 loc 467448, neg contact. All male occupants have moved out of village vic A/2/14 loc. 75 1529 4/9 Convoy rec 1 rd SA fire vic 760990. Convoy continued to move. 78 1600 (1420) Recon Plat 2/14 loc 3 bottles penicillin w/needles & 5 VCS vic XT 467448. Med supplies destroyed. 3 VCS evac and 2 released by National Police. 79 1608 2/14 rpts, have resupplied as to 1600 103 2125 4/9 patrol ROBIN got SA fire at XS643768. Was receiving S/A from SE & NE, called in Arty and fired one HE & one WP and sniper fire stopped. Patrol continued on way. 114 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde cont three separate Bn Opns with opn LANAKAI (4/9) Opn. KALILI (4/23) and Opn KAMUELA (2/14). 4/9 conducting a search and pacification opn vic XS671748 and XS667740 W/A Co and a G.O.T. 4/23 Inf, A plat, B/3/4 Cav & 1/7 ARVN (-) conducted S&D opns in FILHOL Plantation. 2/14 conducted S&D opn from vci XT44458 to vic XT478455 with the Recon Plat & companies A&B where tey established overnight base.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: April 03, 2008