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Daily Staff Journal 21-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 21-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
From Lancer 3 to 33: Weather delay on airstrike. Desired to know if we wanted to go in without Air Support. Answer - will delay until airstrike
10 0900 2/14 requested permission to use gun ships in area Virginia at 0900-1000 hrs. Given permission by S3 Air 12 0925 To S3: Vietnamese on Atlas Freq. 13 0945 From Bde 3 to Maj Griffith: Airstrike will begin at 1025. Maj Griffith said that Arty prep will be 1040-1050. LZ will be 1050 hrs 14 0945 From Bde 3: Capt Phinny stated that Div has beam of area and jamming is caused by local radio station 15 1020 Bn CO, S3, Arty LNO departed Bn CP enroute to today's area of operation 16 1035 From S3 to 33: Be advised that C Co elements were helilifted to area of Opns 17 1039 From Maj Griffith to Capt Murphy: AP news man is with us for the problem and will be with us for about 3 days. Notify Division PIO. 19 1055 Lift is being delayed until after the airstrike. Serial 1 will now have 18 chalks. Serial will have 5 chalks. 21 1120 From Capt Voska to Capt Murphy: Spot report confirmed by photos: coord 443046, 60 foxholes in circular formation, 350 feet west of road. 24 1140 S3 to Co C Mort Plat: Effective immediately C Co and 4.2 inch Mortar Plat will render an hourly SITREP to S3 26 1155 S3 to 33: Last lift is unable to get in due to bad weather. The elements on the ground will remain on the LZ until the last lift comes in. The last lift consists of 35 personnel 27 1215 S3 to 33: The third lift is completed at 1215 hrs. Also the Long Range Patrol Leader is with us on today's area of operations 34 1420 Bn CO to S3: (Monitored) Bn CO is coming down for refueling 35 1430 The Div G3 visited 2/14 Inf TOC from 1430 to 1440 hrs and then departed with the 2/14 Inf HHC Commandant and Co C CO enroute to the Bn perimeter. 37 1505 From S3 to 33: Have found a dry piece of paper and some bread wrapped in paper which indicated that someone is around, possible one person vic coord XT 439458. 39 1510 Have a heat casualty at vic coord XT 439458 and require a dustoff. Man is from B Co. 42 1545 1st Bde to S3: Long Range Patrol elements must return to Brigade ASAP. 44 1620 S3 to Bde S3: 2/14 Inf closed in Obj MIKE and is preparing base camp for the night. 46 1720 S3 to 33: At approx 1720 hrs B Co received a rifle grenade and 3 rds small arms fire from vic coord XT 446455. No friendly casualties. Fire was returned results unknown. 50 1905 Fire mission was requested by FAC aircraft on VC running through woods at XT 456438 52 1910 S3: (Monitored) S3 informed A and B Co's to be on 100& alert. A sound was engaged in the build up area East of the perimeter 53 1920 FAC: Estimate 8 possible VC KIA by artillery fire at XT 456438 54 1920 From Capt Fleming to S3: Be advised that between 2000 and 0300 hours there is going to be a Lightning Bug operation on the Saigon River from Dau Tieng to Phu Loi. 55 1930 From B Btry 7/11 to S3: Artillery firing on Camp Fire 56 2005 S3 to TOC: At 1900 a recon patrol squad was ambushed by a VC platoon in a build up area at XT 453451. VC attacked on 3 sides and fired 30 rifle grenades and one M-79. There were no friendly casualties. Relief platoon reached the squad and both withdrew to the perimeters. Small arms fire was placed on the village. Civilian casualties unknown. 4 VC believed killed. Action ceased at 1920 hrs. 59 2112 DIVARTY to S3: There will be an air strike at 2400 tonight vic coord XT 477040 60 2115 A Co to S3: All patrols in position, negative contact. 62 2130 S3 to 33: Patrol Ldr located a stockade with cells at 452451. It has been vacated for 3 days. Fresh blood stains were found 3 or 4 days old. 63 2140 From S3 to S2: S3 stated that he is going to have an extraction problem but 2/14th Inf will get to its destination ASAP. Also what should be done with the 3/4 Cav element now that the mission has been changed. 64 2130 S3 to 33: Received corrections and additions to initial information on ambush of Patrol. At PJ coord XT 452449 ambush was sprung by a carbine. At coord XT 553454 another was located. Patrol was hit just inside built up area. One VCS escaped, 2 personnel in green uniform turned and ran into village. When patrol attempted to withdraw thru the village they were fired on from the buildings. Recon Plat helped the patrol withdraw. 3rd Plat of B Co set up a blocking position for the withdrawal to pass thru. 65 2135 S3: (Monitored) Tell your personnel to be especially watchful as something has stirred up dogs in the village. 66 2200 From Maj Griffith to S2: Call Bde S3 ASAP and notify them that the artillery can not fire the H&I fires that the Bn needs because of inadequate amounts of ammo. Illumination is also a problem. Desire help from Bde to get adequate stocks. Artillery LNO requires 10-15 Chinook loads of ammo to be at acceptable levels. 67 2200 S3 to Bde Duty Officer: Requested that the duty officer pass following info to Bde S2 to be given to Div S2. At approx 2330 hrs unit (Bn Forward) had been receiving sniper fire and two VCS were detained. As soon as personnel were in our custody, sniper fire ceased. Individuals denied any knowledge of VC activities in area Grid Square XT 4445 and would not talk about VC activities. It is felt to be significant that the sniper fire stopped when these people were detained. Approx one to one and a half hours later an element of Recon Plat made contact with a VC force firing from built up area vic XT 453451 68 2200 From S2 to Bde Duty Officer: Reported to Capt Palmer, (Bde Duty Officer) that we had received info from ARVN concerning an unidentified VC Bn moved into AO vic coord XT 4545. Report dated 1610 hrs 21 Sep 66. This report tended to be strengthened by fact that number of Recon Plat saw two persons in Green uniforms running from Ambush site vic XT 453451.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 21-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
2/14 airstrike delayed due to weather
29 0907 Maj Vals (G3) informs that a Cav Plat minus tanks will be attached to 1st Bde today for 2/14 31 0950 2/14 Opn airstrike at 1025 hrs all elem follow prep of LZ 33 1020 2/14 plan changes: LZ time 1058, TAC air 1025, Arty prep 1040, gunship prep 10501 34 1025 A/4/23 rec sniper fire vic 702181. Dustoff requested for 1 man shot in head 35 1025 B/4/9 CP loc vic 656738 picked up civilian at that loc. Civilian says 3 VC were at his house armed with carbines, when Co landed the VC fled into woods. Civ family evacuated. Civilian stated that approx 40 hard core VC and NV are operating in area. C/4/9 remains in blocking position. Have 6 detainees who did not have proper identification. 37 1043 A/4/23 picked up 2 women and 1 child in house where sniper fire came from. Woman stated that 1 VC was in house and fled after firing 39 1100 B/4/9 says village loc 660731 contained 70 women and children, no males. Civilian picked up earlier (see item 35) indicated that the people in this village are taxed 50% of their rice crops. Advisor at 4/9 CP says this village is VC. 40 1101 ARVN req dustoff for woman hit by mortar 41 1109 2/14 fwd informs that they have AP Newsman in area who states he will be in area for 3 days 42 1112 A/4/23 rec sniper fire vic 700180 from auto wpn, no casualties. Returning fire. 43 1120 2/14 Arty prep complete, gunship prep in progress, first lift departing at this time 44 1128 A/4/23 receiving heavy sniper fire vic 700180. Returning fire and calling Arty. 46 1142 A/4/23 requests dustoff for 2 litter patients and one walking. 1 shot in neck. 53 1220 A/4/23 observed 3 VC vic 700182. Took under fire. 2 VC KIA (Poss). 67 1520 B/2/14 had 1 heat casualty vic 443458. Evac by C&C ship 69 1520 Delayed Entry: Gen Westmoreland and party visited 4/9 Inf Fwd from 1325-1510 hrs. Insp facilities and discussed opn. 74 1635 A and B 2/14 has closed on obj MIKE at 1620 and will stay there for the night 75 1645 Div G3 advised that 5th ARVN Div will operate a Lightning Bug from Dau Tieng to Phu Loi during period 2200-0300. 76 1720 2/14 fwd received 1 rifle grenade and 3 rds SA from XT446455, returned fire and checking house at loc 84 1943 2/14 reported that est 8 VC KIA (Poss) by Arty fire. XT456438. Reported by FAC directing Arty fire. B Btry 7/11. 91 2032 Delayed Entry: (1930) Recon 2/14 rpt (1) sqd ambush ptl engaged by 1 VC platoon from three sides w/(2) AR's, (30) rifle grenades and (1) M-79 rd. Sqd returned fire w/SA and A/W and M-79. VC broke contact at 1930. (4) VC KIA (Poss). No friendly casualties. 92 2040 Msg to 2/14 (fwd) tropic 6 has directed a change of mission for tomorrow. Dragon will conduct opns to vic XT478442 on 22 Sep 66. Acknowledge when Dragon 6 has rec msg. 106 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde cont 3 separate Bn opns, opn LANAKAI (4/9) Opn KALIHI (4/23), Opn KAMUELA (2/14) B&C 4/9 w/(2) Cos of 2/50 ARVN conducted search & pacification opn. A/4/23 conducted Opn in FILHOL Plantation w/(2) Cos of 1/7 ARVN blocking and A/4/23 S&D to XT705187. 2/14 A&B Cos and Recon Plat helilifted to LZ419452 and moved east to obj area and established overnight base.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 04, 2008