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Daily Staff Journal 16-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 16-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
Patrol 2 closed in Bn Area
11 0625 Patrol 1 entered friendly front lines 13 0845 CO, S2, S3 departed Bn CP for Aerial reconnaissance mission of KAMUELA opns area vic coord XT 4947 14 1045 From Capt Murphy to HHC, A,B,C: At 1600 hrs today 2/14 Inf will conduct a rehearsal for Award Ceremony at Bn Theater area. CO's guidon bearers and right guides will be present. Color guards provided by HHC will be present with colors. Staff will be present. 17 1255 From Co A to S3: Airlift figure for Co A for this afternoon possible contingency mission is 118 18 1300 From S3 to HHC, A,B,C: Above companies were notified to have CO's at 1st Bde resupply Point at 1707 hrs Sep 66 for aerial recon. Following persons were notified in each company: HHC (1Sgt Agan, Co A (Lt Otjen), Co B (Lt Dye), Co C (Lt Senkus) 19 1320 From S3 to HHC,A,B,C: Above companies were notified of following info: In case the 2/14 is called out as a Reaction Force this afternoon (Contingency Mission), (1) C Co takes over Ann Margaret, the bridge & bunker line. (2) Co A departs first on helicopters. (3) Co B departs second on helicopters. (4) Recon SA Plat will go as separate Platoons. 21 1501 Co C called (Sgt Allen) and reported that an 81mm Mortar WP round fired by Co C 81's had landed approx 30 meters to front of gun position. The bore siding safety pin is still in fuse. Co C requested EOD disposal of round. Round located at coord 65801632. 23 1521 From OP Ann Margaret reported one (1) 81mm mortar round fired by Co C's mortars landed approx 10 meters to front of an old unoccupied bunker near OP Ann Margaret. OP Ann Margaret was informed that Cease Fire had already been called. 24 0850 Late Entry: From Capt Fleming to Capt Murphy: 2d Bn 14th Inf will provide the division reaction force effective now until 191200 Sep 1966. The requirement is 1 rifle company on a 30 min standby. Capt Murphy informed Cap Fleming that B Co has been designated. 25 1625 From Co C (Lt Senkus) to S3: 81mm finish firing (4 rounds) - all patrols a go for tonight. 26 1702 From S3 1st Bde: As of 1700 hrs 2/14 Inf was no longer on standby for contingency mission for 1/5 Mech 28 1745 Co B 2/14 requested permission to test fire weapons at OP Ann Margaret this evening. Permission granted. 34 1908 Co C XO stated that Co C would have 25 personnel in Rear Area for operation KAMELA if Mess Hall does not deploy & 20 personnel if Mess Hall does deploy. 35 1956 Co C Patrol 1 departed FFL 37 2025 Bde S3: Airstrip guard provided by HHC 2/14 should call the 25th Avn Sec with a sitrep every hour on the hour. Notified Sgt McFarland, Sgt of guard at airstrip to be sure to phone sitrep in to 25th Avn Sec every hour. 38 2035 Co C Patrol 1 stated that what appeared to be friendly mortar illuminating rounds were silhouetting the patrol as it moved to position. Checked with 2/14 Arty, 4/23d Inf, and 4/9th Inf and none of these units knew of any illuminating rounds being fired. 39 2055 Co C Listening Post leaving friendly front lines. 40 2100 Co C Patrol 2 in position
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 16-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
2/14 patrol 2 closed B/C
11 0630 2/14 patrol 1 closed B/C 18 0848 2/14 furnishes reaction Co, effective 160845 hrs through 191200 hrs. 40 1400 1/5 Mech recd S/A rds vic coord 617224. Neg casualties, continuing to check area. 66 1958 2/14 patrol 1 departed B/C 74 2100 2/14 patrol 2 departed B/C 77 2130 4/23 at Laterite Pit received 2 rd SA and 2 burst of AW fire at XT667148. Returned fire with MGs and M-79 80 2204 4/23 Patrol, one man was bitten by something, they did not know what, patrol returning to B/C with the man. 85 2400 SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf continues establishment of base complex at Ben Luc. 4/23 Inf continues opn in FILHOL Plantation with plat 1/5 Mech attached. Conducting S&D. 2/14 Inf continues maintenance and training and preparation for operation KAMUELA.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 03, 2008