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Daily Staff Journal 14-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 14-Sep-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
From Co A to S3: Co D/3/21 assumed responsibility for Co A 2/14 Inf perimeter at 140650 Sep 66.
10 0720 From Co C to S3: Co D/3/21 elements complete relief of Co C 2/14 Inf at 140710 Sep 66. 11 0755 S3 to S3 196th Bde: Hot Line (telephone) between S3 2/14 and S3, 196th Bde will be disconnected at 0755 hrs because of move of 2/14 Inf to Cu Chi. 12 0945 Bn CO stated that C Co 2/14 would go back to Cu Chi by motor convoy instead of by helicopter lift because of weather conditions. 13 0948 2/14 entered FM Radio net of Trp B/3/4 Cav for move to Cu Chi. 15 1003 From Trp B 3/4 Cav: There will be a delay in your movement to Cu Chi because of road repair. Movement will not start prior to 1030 hours. 17 1105 3/4 Cav stated it will still be another hour (approx 1205) before 2/14 Inf convoy can move. Repair work still being done on road. 19 1352 B 3/4 Cav: Movement time will now be 1400 hrs for convoy to Cu Chi. 21 1420 S3 to S3 196th Bde: 2/14 Inf (-) requested permission to leave 196th Bde FM Radio Command Net. Permission granted. 22 1500 From S4: Heavy Mortar Plat has one (1) vehicle with flat tire. Will repair it and rejoin convoy. 23 1537 From CO Co A to 33: There is a traffic jam, both military and civilian vehicles, at location where AVLB is being installed (road repair). 24 1547 From HHC CO to S3: (Monitored) Recon Plat has one vehicle broken down. Vehicle will be picked u by trail party. 25 1550 From S3 to CO, Trp B, 3/4 Cav: (Monitored) Request drop in rate of speed so that convoy can catch up. 27 1658 2/14 Inf (-) terminated Operation OAHU vic Tay Ninh, RVN and conducted motor march from Tay Ninh Airstrip (West) to Cu Chi, RVN. Trp B 3/4 Cav controlled movement of Convoy to Cu Chi. 2/14 Inf march units departed Tay Ninh at 141400 Sep 66 and closed Cu Chi at 141658 Sep 66. No enemy contact was made during this move. 29 2030 From 1st Bde S3 to S3 Rear: Inspection of Recon Plat 2/14 Inf originally scheduled for 151500 Sep 66 by MACV J2 has been cancelled.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 14-Sep-66
2/14 patrol from B Co closed B/C.
2/14 elem from Tay Ninh arrived B/C
45 1705 S2, 4/23 Report villagers told him apprx (30) VC enter the village XT702176 after darkness and leave before dawn. Also the people contacted in Grid Sqs 7016 & 7017 were very unfriendly & uncooperative. 58 2005 2/14 Patrol dptd B/C 75 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde conducted one company size S&D opn in FILHOL Plantation. One plat 1/5 Inf reaction force on standby at A.M. 2/14 Inf detached from 196th Inf Bde & returned to Cu Chi base. 4/9 Inf advance party dptd to Ben Luc while Bn (-) prepares for Opn LANIKAI vic Ben Luc.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Bn (-) moves by vehicle to Ben Luc for Opn LANAKAI. 2/14 Inf prep for upcoming opn with recon of proposed Bn base location & maint of wpns & equip. 4/23 Inf conduct 1 Co size overnight S&D Opn in FILHOL plantation w/1 reinforced plt 1/5 Mech Bn. Bn (-) prepare for future opns.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 03, 2008