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Daily Staff Journal 03-Sep-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 3-Sep-66
1 0025 From 196th Inf to S-3: Bunker line personnel observed two men running with a shining object. They opened fire and subjects disappeared. 2355 hrs.
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
4 0230 From 33Z to S3: Request that movie film be sent back to Cu Chi as early as possible 10 0800 Entac plat departing base camp on security mission for Philippine Survey Party 11 0805 Co C commenced firing on ARVN firing range 12 0900 Co A & Co C, Clear all civilians in area out past the new defensive wire line. 13 0940 2/14 Inf will have use of ARVN Firing Range until 1200 hours today. National Police will have use of the range this afternoon. 14 0950 Bn CO, S3, Arty LNO departed Bn CP area for airstrip to conduct aerial recon of Ap Trai Bi area 16 1010 Recon Plat departing base camp to ARVN firing range to zero their weapons. 18 1050 S3: All personnel in Heavy Mortar Plat will wear steel helmets at all times when outside living areas. 20 1107 S3 to S3 196th Bde: The following air space requirements were submitted to S3 196th Bde for possible move to Ap Trai Bi Area: HHC - 73 personnel & 51 equipment spaces for total of 124 spaces; Co A - 123 personnel & 10 equipment spaces for total of 133 spaces; Co C - 130 personnel & 10 equipment spaces for total of 140 spaces; Co B (From Cu Chi) - 130 personnel & 10 equipment spaces for total of 140 spaces. Total air spaces requirement from Tay Ninh is 326 personnel & 71 equipment spaces for a total of 397 spaces. 21 1130 From 196th Bde S3 to S3: 2/14 Inf perimeter will be extended to the outer wire line effective 031600 Sep 66 22 1155 From S3 to S3: All personnel from 2/14 have returned from ARVN firing range 23 1200 Entac Plat has returned to base camp 24 1445 S3 Rear to S3 Forward: S1 request that the two Vietnamese interpreters be sent to Cu Chi for the purpose of getting paid. 26 1447 2/14 Inf has permission to fire on ARVN Range tomorrow from 0800 to 1700 hours 27 1508 Roman Catholic confessions 1215 hrs, Mass will be at 1230 hrs. Protestant Worship will be at 0830 hrs. All services will be held in 2/14th Inf Mess Tent. 28 1648 S3 Rear to S3 Forward: Chopper arriving tomorrow at OAHU base at 1000 hrs, will bring B Co CO, a member of 2/14 Inf Commo Plat, and 1 money order clerk. 37 1925 From 196th Inf S3 to C Co 8th Support Bn: (Monitored) 196th has a dustoff coming in. Requesting agency is 3/21st Inf. Snake bite injury, nationality U.S.. Area is secured and will be marked by smoke. 38 1930 From 196th to S3: Send someone with a radio to the airstrip and investigate a fire near the airstrip. 39 1940 From S3 to 196th Bde: Major Griffith reported that he was on the airstrip and saw no sigh of a fire. Bde S3 stated that the fire was on his side of the airstrip and had been taken care of. 41 2000 From SP6 Page to S3: Medics are taking one man to the 196th Inf Med Holding Company even though the road condition is RED. 42 2001 From 196th S3 to S3: Force Victor II reports that District has respectfully requested that we do not use the range until after 4 Sept 66. 43 2012 All training scheduled to be conducted at ARVN rifle range tomorrow (4 Sep 66) has been cancelled. 44 2015 From XO C Co to S3: Sgt Wayne E. Wall, Co C, carelessly discharged weapon into the ground in C Co area, no casualties.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 03, 2008