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Daily Staff Journal 28-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 28-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
From S3 to Co C, 2/14 & Co C 2/1 Inf: A check was made with Co C 2/14 Inf & Co C, 2/1 Inf and after a thorough search of the area to each company's immediate front no indications of bloodstains & no enemy bodies were found as a result of the enemy activities reported last night.
12 1015 S3: Recon Plat Sgt was directed to report to Co C XO with mine detector and enough to man it to sweep area to immediate area of Co C's & Co A 2/14 Inf. 13 1040 S3 to Bde: Above units were notified that a squad size element from Recon Plat 2/14 Inf would be sweeping area to immediate front of Co C 2/14 position with a mine detector commencing approx 1045 hrs today. No mines or other foreign objects were detected. 16 1230 Entac departing on security mission for Philippine Survey Party 18 1335 S4 2/14 Inf would like to have two days advance notice of when B Co 2/14th Inf is returning to OAHU Base 19 1400 S3: Notified Bde that Recon Plat would zero Starlites this afternoon on ARVN Range. 20 1420 Recon party from 2/14 departed Bn area for aerial recon by Helicopter of Ap Trai Bi area. 23 1550 Recon Party from 2/14 closed Bn CP area from airstrip. Party did not make recon of Ap Trai Bi area because of inclement flying weather. 24 1630 S3 to Bde: Heavy Mortar Plat of 2/14 Inf closed OAHU base from Cu Chi. 27 1810 S3: A and B Co were instructed to have their Vietnamese Interpreters at the medics tent in front of the BTOC at 290815 Aug 66. 29 1900 Bn S5 conducted leaflet drop vic coord XT1545 at approx 1500 hrs today by helicopter, approx 22,000 leaflets were dropped in an effort to convince enemy to surrender as a follow up to combat operations. 31 1935 Patrol 1,2,3 in staging area as of 1935 hrs. 33 2015 From Bde SMaj Wilson to S3: At 291530 Aug 66 the Bde CMDR would like to have the 2/14 Inf Bn CO and one other member of the staff to attend a meeting to discuss details for the operation as outlined on FRAGO42. Each Bn CO will present this concept of operation for FRAGO42. 34 2040 Msg Center received two copies of FRAGO42 HQ 1st Bde. Also received two copies FRAGO43 (movement instruction)
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 28-Aug-66
4/23 to arrive at Cu Chi at 280730 Aug 66, veh be transported by air to Ton Son Nhut and by convoy to Cu Chi.
Ref Log No 59: Received from Div G2 Co 14 3rd Bn 271 reg. Strength on 30 June was 400 men. 3rd Bn Co's name is Sau Giau. Reg Hq located XT553781, 1st Bn loc XT532775, 2nd Bn loc XT543715, 3rd Bn loc XT530752, Co 14 spent the last month on mortar training. Left their unit 232400 hrs Aug 66. Co 14 equipment is 2 81mm mortars, 2 57mm recoilless. 3 30-Cal MG.
6 0140 Delayed Entry: 65th Engr working laterite pit received 8 rds SA fire at 1015 hrs and two rifle grenades at 1115 hrs. No casualties. Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
23 0805 C/2/14 found 105 rd in front of wire, rd was not rigged for detonation. 31 1005 FAC reported brush on road at XT394364. 100m west is a possible supply or training area. 32 1040 2/14 Recon will be forward of C/2/14 sweeping for mines. 34 1055 G2 reported SF patrol from Go Dau Ha sighted a VC Company at XT3737 & XT3735. 36 1103 G3 reported 5 C0123 Departed Lai Khe for TSN with 4/23 vehicles. 38 1140 2/14 will provide 1 squad for security of Philippine Survey Party 1300-1700. 41 1235 At 1220 a grease gun was accidentally discharged wounding two men. One serious with chest wound, other shot in hand. 42 1235 Entac plat dep 2/14 area to secure Phil/Kag 45 1520 C/1/5 Mech APC hit mine at XT335397. No casualties. 46 1600 MP at gate reported Nationalist reported VC in area. MI called to interrogate. 48 1635 MID reported: A nationalist reported 7 VC w/wpns and 2 mines at XT155495. They came from Trung Trai headiing south. Personnel turned over to Prov. Chief. 49 1644 All A/1/5 Mech have been extracted from mud and enroute to BC. Should be closing BC 20 min. 62 2000 From lightning, 22 3/13 Arty at Go Dau Ha reported 60 VC at XT333360. ARVN reported this to Div. 3/13 to fire on target. 73 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continue operation OAHU with day and night patrol. 1st Bde will continue operation. The planning stage is to conduct a 2 Bn Opn in AP supported by airstrikes and Arty fire.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 28-Aug-66
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. C 2/14
McBride, Charlie PFC
271330 Aug 66 Burns on shoulder, both hands. S&D msn, napalm bomb.3
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. C 2/14
Richeson, Daniel D. PFC
271400 Aug 66. XT156473. GSW left elbow. S&D msn, enemy small arms fire.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 02, 2008