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Daily Staff Journal 26-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
C/2/14 reported hearing 2 or 3 shots to Co's left flank. Will check further & will notify S3 of further development. Fire came from approximate coord XT 17295261
4 0250 From Co C 2/1 to S3: 2nd Plat of Co C 2/1 Inf reported receiving approx 4 rds of small arms fire. Fire was returned by 3rd Plat elements with unknown results. No further enemy fire was received. 10 0740 Co C XO informed S3 that PFC Ralph L Massey (the man from Co C who was seriously wounded last night died sometime early this morning. Lt Senkus also would like information ASAP pertaining to extraction of Co C from vic coord XT153455. 11 0754 Maj Shelton: All helicopters will leave this area at 1430 to go to Cu Chi. 2/14 extraction time must be adjusted. 12 0758 S3: (Additional information) Chicom Claymore was set off against LP in Co C area which resulted in wounding of the two (2) EM. 13 0816 Co C will be extracted commencing 1330 hours today. Three (3) lifts of eight (8) helicopters each will be utilized. 16 0858 S3 (Maj Grffith) informed S3 Air (Lt Muir) that 25 sorties would be required for Co C's extraction this afternoon instead of 24. 19 0934 From 6 to S3: After Co C's heavy equipment is extracted starting at approx 1030 hours today Co C will conduct a search and destroy operation along following general axis and will be picked up by trucks coord XT 139504. 20 1055 3: Extraction of Co C's supplies by helicopter was completed at 1055 hrs from PZ vic coord XT153455. 22 1132 12 men from 2/1 Inf will receive Starlite instruction tomorrow 26 Aug 66 with Co A/2/14. 23 1135 C Co received 2 sniper rounds vic coord XT 154456 at 1135 hrs. Found a tunnel at that location. C Co is checking it out and calling in Arty. 25 1202 C Co found location from where sniper was firing, and is checking the tunnel at XT154456. 27 1220 S3: (Monitored) Mark lead element with smoke. C Co marked lead element with green smoke, identified by S3 in C&C ship. 29 1302 Co C (Monitored) found fresh bloodstains vic coord XT 148458. Bn S3 told Co C CO to follow the blood stains and check them out. 30 1310 S3 reports one possible VC KIA vic coord XT 148458 (Large amount of bloodstain were found at this location by Co C) 32 1418 S3: Co C received sniper fire from vic coord XT 147465 and XT150468. No friendly casualties. 33 1425 3: Get gunslinger team up over my position ASAP. 34 1430 C Co reports 2 VC KIA (poss) at vic Coord XT147467 and XT149469. 36 1500 S3: Get dustoff on his way to extract 1 WIA at vic coord XT 148468. 38 1512 C Co had a second wounded man. Man wounded in hand vic coord XT 148468. 39 1525 A Co has dismounted at SP at 1525 hrs on route 13 vic coord XT 140505 and is moving to blocking position vic coord XT 140480. 41 1530 Late Entry: C Co reports they may have lost a couple (2 more men). 44 1600 A Co had visual contact with C Co elements. 45 1610 C Co has linked up with A Co as of 1610 hrs at vic coord 140485. 46 1612 From S3 to Forward Air Observer: (Monitored) Main enemy body located vic coord 149469 at 1612 hrs 48 1630 C Co ETA to SP is 1650 hrs and want 7 trucks. 49 1651 S3 to Bde: Co C is at SP vic coord XT 140505 loading aboard trucks. Co A is approx 10 minutes from this same location at 1650 hrs. 50 1636 Delayed Entry: C Co estimated 4 VC KIA (Possible) 1 by Arty; 3 by small arms and 1 VC KIA (BC) as result of today's operation. 51 1710 Delayed Entry: Dustoff completed on the two C Co WIA at 1515 hrs. Dustoff requested at 1455 hrs. 53 1720 From CO to 33: Inform Bde 6 that all elements of 2/14 Inf on today's operation are safely home. 60 1820 C Co 2/1st Inf: Small arms fire was heard in front of C Co 2/1st Inf perimeter approx 500 meters to their right front. It was not incoming fire. 61 1843 Co C 2/1st Inf reported hearing approx 4 to 5 rounds, more of SA fire approx 400 meters to front of Co C 2/1 Inf sector. Firing was on enemy side of the wire and did not appear to be incoming. 62 1858 Co C 2/1st Inf reported one (1) VCS approx 300 meters to their front, in rice paddies. Was told by Capt Murphy to apprehend subject. If he resists take him under fire. 64 1906 Co C 2/1st Inf: VCS moved back into village before squad could move out to pick him up. 65 1930 S3: One (1) VC KIA bodycount at XT148457; one (1) possible KIA at XT147467 first sniper action; one (1) VC KIA bodycount XT 149469; one (1) possible KIA at XT150468; five (5) VC KIA bodycount at XT153471; one (1) VC KIA possible at XT150465
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
At approx 0200 elements attached to 2/14 Inf reported incoming sniper fire from direction of XT17295261. Unit returned with SA fire, results unk
24 0350 4/23 Inf Bn departed with the following equip and personnel: 310 personnel; 8 3/4 ton veh with trailers; 10 14 ton veh w/7 trailers; 25 sorties; 9 C 123's and 16 CV2's 33 0738 4/23 has 51 personnel back here at OAHU B/C 37 0840 A/1/5 located a 55 gal drum of CS Gas with some kind of time fuse at coord XT 375475. Destroy after completion of opn. 38 0840 1/5 Recon loc XT359460 pick up 1 VCS at same loc being interrogated. 39 0915 C/1/5 found one CBU bomb at coord XT 371479. Destroyed in place. 40 0920 1/5 Recon plt mission has been changed from what was stated in oprd, to cover the east side of Bn flank. 43 0945 Recon 1/5 loc 255 drum of CS Gas at SX379472. C Co found 2 VC claymores at XT379472 destroyed. 44 1005 Recon 1/5 found 15 55 Gal drum of CS Gas at XT378473, 14 full and 1 has been blown. 45 1012 Received info from Capt Hagman that 10 VC in small house at XT383453. 47 1030 C/1/5 Mech recd sniper fire from XT374484. Rtn fire. 48 1035 A/1/5 Mech loc two more drums of CS both damaged. 49 1038 Recon 1/5 Mech loc 1 black uniform 1 steel helmet in a bombed out buildinjg which also had a bomb shelter. XT378483 50 1100 2/14 Supply's extraction pick up completed. Troops will walk out. 51 1110 C 1/5 found a house at XT375480 with the following inside: 5 claymores, 3 12-inch, 2 8-inch, 18 fragmentation grenades, 3 were used to booby trap entrance to the house. 1 German-made volt meter, 1 Czech potato masher, 9 45-volt battery, 4 VC blasting caps, 3 tripods for claymores, 3 rolls of blasting wire 50 ft each, 3 bicycles axles. 52 1135 C/2/14 recd 2 rds sniper fire from XT154456. Rtn fire and called for Arty. Also loc tunnel. Further info to follow. 55 1325 C/2/14 at 1310 found a large blood stains on ground at XT147460 possible caused by Arty, claiming 1 VC KIA 57 1430 C/2/14 received 2 rds of sniper fire from XT147465, 2 rds fro XT150468. No casualties. 60 1528 C/2/14 has two WIA, 1 was wounded in hand, 1 in foot. 61 1528 A/2/14 moving by truck, then foot to establish blocking psn vic XT139477 to vic XT142483. C/2/14 to withdraw through A/2/14. 66 1554 Arty observed secondary explosion while firing zone fire XT155471 68 1620 Lumberjack report - 4 acres cut w/43 windrows. 71 1637 From Lobster 9 - coord 151470 susp enemy loc fired 116 rds Arty Est 6 KIA VC. 72 1645 FM S3 7/11 - 1430 hrs fired 129 rds HE, lrd wp at suspected enemy psn in support of 2/14 opn, 1 VC KIA Poss, Ground patrol moving through area rpts much blood throughout area. 74 1705 C/2/14 closed BC 1702 hrs. A/2/14 loc at SP rpt 4 VC KIA (poss) 1 VC KIA (BC). 81 1950 Final results of 2/14 operation conducted today: 6 VC KIA (BC) by Arty; 1 VC KIA (BC) by SA; 3 VC KIA (Possible) by SA. Subsequent log entries contain dozens of reports of units leaving position, closing base camp, leaving base camp, reaching position, etc. and communications regarding meetings to attend. All negative contact.
97 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued operation OAHU, 2/14 secured a portion of Blue Jay perimeter, C/2/14 conducted a company size S&D Southwest of Tay Ninh. 1/5 Mech conducted S&D operations in AO-2
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Aug-66
Rec Cas Rept Battle DOW. C 2/14
Massie, Ralph PFC
252155 Aug 66. XT155455. FW head. Company LP overnight, enemy claymore.3
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. C 2/14
Richeson, Daniel D. PFC
215525 Aug 66. XT155455. FW head. Company LP overnight, enemy claymore.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: April 03, 2008