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Daily Staff Journal 25-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 25-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Bn Command Group departed Bn CP area for today's operation.
12 0735 From S3 to Bde S3: Lt Muir called Capt Voska of Bde S3 and requested permission for 2/14 not to send out patrols tonight 25 Aug 66, because only 1 rifle company (Co A) would be on Bn's defensive perimeter. Capt Voska stated that 2/14 Inf was to man two (2) five (5) man Listening posts instead of patrolling. 17 0820 Entac Plat departed with two Philippine Engr Survey Parties. 19 0830 From PHILVAGV: Philippine Lt came to coordinate use of bulldozer and grader of perimeter at 1300 today. 25 0924 Dragon 6 coming down to refuel. 31 1013 From CO Co A to CO Co C: (Monitored) Did you just blow a dud? Answer was affirmative. 35 1107 Entac Plat security element for Philippines Engr survey party closed OAHU Base at 1107 hrs. 36 1111 Bn CO is going down for dinner. 46 1310 Entac elements on security mission with Philippines surveying party departed Base Camp at 1310 hrs. 47 1328 Bn CO departed Bn CP area enroute to airstrip to continue direction of today's search & destroy operation from aboard C&C ship. 50 1350 From Bn CO to S3: There are 2 people working field near where you took a boat ride the other day. Also there are 6 people driving caribou towards you from the other side. 51 1355 Several shots heard near C Co area, investigating action revealed Philippines Engr fired at a snake. 55 1514 From S3 Air to HHC: 1st Sgt was instructed by S3 Air to get all personnel that he can spare form HHC and send them to A Co Ord room to take Recon Platoon position on the perimeter defense. 56 1525 Recon Platoon airborne on eagle flight. 57 1530 From Recon Plat Ldr: Recon Platoon on LZ coord XT 158495 at 1530 hrs. Numerous civilians in area, Recon Platoon is apprehending and checking them out. 59 1535 Recon Platoon Ldr has apprehended 5 women, 3 children, 1 old woman, 1 old man, 2 middle age men. Will use our judgment as to whether or not to bring them in. 61 1616 S3: Three (3) five (5) man listening posts will be manned tonight in 2/14 Inf sector. 89 2212 From Co C: An explosion occurred at the edge of the perimeter vic XT155454 next to OP. 2 men wounded, one seriously with head wound, and one lightly. Time 2155 hours. Need dustoff, LZ is secured, will use luminous panels to mark LZ. 92 2305 From C Co 2/1st Inf, reports a man possibly snake bitten. Man taken to 2/1st Inf dispensary.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 25-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Convoy consisting of 113 veh departed for Cu Chi 0830 hrs.
48 1040 G3 Warning Order: Prepare 4/23 move 4 hour notice by helicopter/ Air Force Fic - Including company this loc, No Arty. 49 1040 1/5 informed to have one plat of B 1/5 ready to escort Engineer element to Cu Chi tomorrow P.M. Engineers will coordinate time, etc. with 1/5 tomorrow. Plat of B 1/5 will be at Go Dau Ha tomorrow night even if it means Engineer element has to remain overnight. 50 1100 C/1/5 loc west side Obj "C" 423443 loc footprints, bicycle tracks, recent camouflage 423440 loc recent camouflage, bicycles 0920 hrs. 0945 loc house with bunker containing propaganda booklets, supply records, 3 VC uniforms, food for 10 to 12 people, digging tools. 0955 Recon plt app 2 VCS XT 423441. 1005 picked 5 Civ 420441, one of which stated she saw 5 VC headed north this AM. 54 1139 FM SP Forces - 1 sqd of RF will proceed to XT220430 to check out reports of VC - will be dressed in regular fatigues. 66 1532 Recon plt on grd 1530 - have several civilians, checking out. 67 1600 Stay-behind patrol from 1/2 Inf made contact with unk size VC Force - Bn Force was committed in grid square XT8137. Since 0730 have committed 1/16 & 1/26, believe VC force to be Phu Loi Bn. 90 2210 C/2/14 called for dustoff for two men injured by claymore (VC) at XT155454 - 1 light injury, 1 major (DOW). 99 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued with operation OAHU. 2/14 conducted a 2 company S&D operation with one company returning to Base Camp approx 1500 hrs and the other establishing a Co base. 1/5 Mech conducted a 1 company plus Recon S&D operation; 4/23 supported 196th Bde (Sep) in the security of Base Camp. 1st Bde will conduct a one Bn Airlift in support of units in run. All other units will continue operation OAHU. 4/23 began air lift to Lai Kne.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 02, 2008