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Daily Staff Journal 24-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 24-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
From Bde S3 to S3: Insure that no vehicles or personnel from your unit are cluttering up the airstrip this morning. Airstrip to be kept clear for change of Command Ceremony at 1030 hrs.
14 0840 Entac Plat: At 0810 two Philippine Engr party with two sqds of security left friendly front lines. 15 0915 From Maj Koenig to Maj Griffith: The landing zone preparation fires have been disapproved by ARVN's. Maj Koenig wants to know your ideas. 16 0955 S3: 1st ift of six (6) helicopters transporting Co B 2/14 Inf to Cu Chi lift off from OAHU base at 0955. 20 1135 Entac returned to OAHU base from Philippine Engr Security mission. 21 1215 Third flight of B Co shuttle to Cu Chi by helicopter departed 1212 (this completes lift of Co B.) 23 1350 Entac element on security mission for the Philippines, Surveying Party has left base camp. 24 1455 From Bde S3 (Capt Voska): Mission to provide 2 gunships and two 106's to 196th Bde, for laterite pit detail report no later than 1600 hrs. 41 2115 Bde: 196th Inf is going to fire illumination rounds 2500 meters from 2/14th Inf patrols operational area. 42 2123 Bde gave 196th Inf permission to fire illumination, suspect (2) VC have infiltrated friendly lines. 44 2131 Bde changed previous report of (2) VC infiltrating 196th Inf lines, elements infiltrating were not (2) VC but friendly patrol returning. 48 2235 Bde informed us that 2/1 elements asked for illumination, an engineer truck has received a Claymore fire and small arms fire from north of the road. Illumination has been approved. 50 2330 Recon plat ldr: Sniper fired four rounds small arms at a Recon vehicle from a house south of the road at coord XT 153506 at 2300 hrs. Fire returned results unknown. No friendly casualties.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 24-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Lightning fwd reported 50 men at XT345392, when helicopters flew over men they ran into woods - 2d group of 50 in grid square 3239
34 1130 FAC reported location at XT345392 was bearcold with negative results - Area vic XT3239 searched - spotted 1 person who ran into rubber, numerous women & children on road moving South. 38 1345 A/1/5 Mech received 6 rds 60mm mortar fire at Go Dau Ha position - 240300 Aug. Recon during morning of 24th revealed 2 mortar positions at XT405329. No contact during recon. 39 1600 2/14 Security party for Filipino Engrs departed B/C 1340 hrs. 41 1412 2/14 Operation for 25 Aug 66 received in Bde. 42 1620 B/4/23 (-) reaction Force for 2/14 Opn on 24 Aug 66. 64 2245 196th Bde reported probing action as follows: 2210 in Laterite Pit veh rec 1 rd of SA fire and possibly a claymore mine detonated. 68 2305 2/14 reported Recon 2/14 with security element rec 1 rd SA fire in Laterite Pit. Call for illumination rds to try to spot sniper. 72 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued Operation OAHU with one company size operation. One element of the Mech Bn together with a Cav element provided route security. Operation OAHU will continue with 2/14 conduction at two company size S&D operation. 1/5 Mech with Recon will also conduct a S&D Operation. 4/23 will secure base camp with elements of the 196th Inf Bde (Sep).
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 01, 2008