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Daily Staff Journal 23-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 23-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
C Co 2/1st Inf reports 2 sniper rounds from approx. same location where grenade landed. CO C Co 2/1st Inf requests illumination - permission granted.
4 0035 C Co 2/1st receiving sniper fire. 4 0040 A/2/14: ARVN Outpost fired 1 burst with automatic weapon. 6 0040 C/2/1 Inf received 1 round sniper fire from approx coord XT 152504 10 0225 Bde Sgt Harper: 196th spotted two men kneeling with what appears to be a rocket launcher. 11 0230 C/2/1 reported illumination round in rear of their position. 12 0245 2/1st Inf Capt Chew reports three people moving in front of MP gate tripped two trip flares moving toward B Co 2/14 last seen in vic MP shack. 14 0310 2/1st Inf Capt Chew: Ref Item #12, Capt Chew reports additional 6 personnel joined those already reported. The 2/1st Inf has instructions from their Bde not to fire until fired on. 25 0654 From S3 7/11th Arty to S3 2/14: S3 7/11 Arty requests that S3 2/1st Inf bring to the attention of the 1st Bde S3 the fact that the 196th Inf was firing Artillery without requesting air clearance or fire clearance and subsequently illuminated our portion without coordinating the use of illumination. 27 0703 Bde would like to know how many anti-intrusion devices were set last night. 30 0726 From S3 to Bde S3: Number of anti-intrusion devices used last night were A Co - 6, B Co - 6, C Co - 6. 43 0936 Co B 2nd Plat arrived at range, preparing to commence firing. Subsequent log entries contain dozens of reports of units leaving position, closing base camp, leaving base camp, reaching position, etc. and communications regarding meetings to attend. All negative contact.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 23-Aug-66
A/2/14 reported truck returning from Laterite Pit had rifle grenade detonated XT150507. No casualties
6 0011 2/14 rpte A/2/14 recd 5 rds SA fire from XT 150507. No casualties.
15 0320 2/14 and 196 rptd 6 personnel outside main gate. 2 persons went into buildings on right side of road. 36 0815 From Maj Valz to 1/5 Mech: Road is clear all the way. 37 0820 Two (2) team Filipino survey teams with security element from 2/14 dptd 2/14 area. 40 0903 B/4/23 loc XT165534 found 3 men and 3 women with two children. All checked out OK. Personnel rptd hearing shooting last night but saw no VC. 43 1000 2/14 commence firing on range. 51 1150 2/14 completed firing on range. One grenade with faulty firing device. 52 1205 B/4/23 at coord XT137526. Picked up 1 detainee at this loc who was 32 yrs old, had no papers, claims he has never been in military svc. He also claims to be from downtown Tay Ninh. Unit will bring him in this afternoon. 53 1220 G2 requested pictures of anti-heliborne stakes on airstrip at coord XT340455, as requested by lightning 6. Mission turned over to S2 1/5 Mech who stated that due to VC activity in that area this would require a patrol to accomplish mission. 1/5 will send patrol out this afternoon or tomorrow AM. G2 notified. 55 1325 196 loc dud arty rd between bunker 7 & 8. 196 EOD team will blow it at 1445. 57 1455 Rear: C/4/23 located 4 VC at XT658179. VC ran. Taken under fire. Results unknown. 59 1615 C/4/23 (Rear) received sniper fire from coord XT658179 60 1630 1st Bde rear rpts that 65th Engr cut 60 acres and cleared 22 acres. 61 1631 B/4/9 destroyed 3 VC hand grenades at coord XT644173, and 1 30-lb AT mine w/trip wire, device destroyed. 62 1720 2/14 ENTAC plat return from security of Philippine survey team 70 1915 1st Bde rear, C/4/23 rptd 12-15 VC with poss auto wpn, and trench system running north to south, called in airstrike, completed 1850, ord 90% coverage and 3 to 400 meters of trench system destroyed at coord XT 658179. 71 1935 1st Bde rear rptd C/4/23 received 3 rds or auto wpn fire just after airstrike was completed at 1900 hrs. Est carbine. 87 2230 3/21 (196th) will be firing M-79's on a range center of mass of which is XT150485. 2/14 informed to coordinate Eagle flight activities with 3/21 prior to introduction of unit into the area. 91 2301 Ref #87: 2/14 requested M-79 firing be cancelled. Relayed request to 196th. 95 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues Opn OAHU and supported opn Blue Jay. 2/14 secured Laterite Pit and route with elements of 196th. 1/5 Inf (M) executed BLOCKBUSTER. 4/23 conducted a company S/R patrol in AO 1-A. One roadrunner departed Tay Ninh at 231045 arriving Cu Chi at 231255 with 93 vehicles. 4/9 continued to conduct security of Ann Margaret, bunker line and Laterite Pit at Cu Chi. 7/11 Arty fired mission at VC squad vic XT158521 at 221900 hrs in support of 196th. Neg results. SF project Delta closed Tay Ninh at 231500 hrs.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 01, 2008