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Daily Staff Journal 22-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 22-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
S3: Notified S4 that Recon will pick up trucks at 0645. To pick A Co up at Laterite Pit.
20 0739 S3 informed Co A that they are to assume 3/4 Cav's defensive perimeter effective 0800 (B Co will occupy until A Co feeds chow) 24 0814 ENTAC privided 6 men to secure the Philippine engineer Party. Going in front of our lines. 27 0830 S3 informed Co C that unit was to provide one (1) squad as security for MEDCAP this morning. Squad to report Bn CP by 0900 hours this morning. 28 0917 S3: Capt Murphy leaving Base Camp for MEDCAP 29 0928 S3 to Co C XO: Have one (1) sqd size patrol for you company. Patrol leader report to S3 221300 Aug 66 for briefing 33 1300 Message from Bde S3 that laterite security mission will be the same as last night with the exception that there is not going to be any tank reaction force. 40 1518 C Co reported detaining 1 VN male 1340 hrs at XT 175524. No ID card. He was observing our wire line. Suspect turned over to MP's at 1515 hrs. Age of suspect 16 to 20 years of age. 41 1530 S3 to HHC,A,B,C, Commo, S1 and S4 that there will be a briefing in the Bn briefing tent at 1630. 42 1550 C Co assumed responsibility of A Co's perimeter as of 1545 101 2130 Recon platoon: Engineer 5 ton broke drive shaft and is unable to move. Will secure with Engineer and Recon unit until Engineer wrecker comes from OAHU base. 102 2150 Maj Campbell: At XT156498 supposed to be a young lady observing all activities we are conducting between 0800 and 1000, then 3 males come and talk over her observation. Source of information uncertain. 126 2350 Recon Plt Ldr reports small arms fire vic coord XT158507, also an explosion believed to be a grenade detonation was heard about 75 meters north of road. No casualties. Firing came from south of road.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 22-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Entac Plat 2/14 sending 6 pers for security for Phil Engr party departed 0815
35 1020 C/4/9 Rear reported Laterite Pit rec SA fire at 0245 hrs. Returned fire and obs 1 body being carried away. Checked at 0730 and found parts of body, pools of blood and assorted ordnance. Also found 1 VCS with flesh wound. Unit claims 1 VC KIA (BC). 36 1104 1/5 Rpts: March Unit one at check point 7 at 1055. MU 2 is right behind. MU 3 took wrong turn at CP#5 and turning around at this time. 1 Veh turned over vic CP#5 and holding up MU 4 & 5. No casualties. 46 1220 1/5 Mech reported 2 vehicles collided XT 347336. 1 Em hurt, being treated on spot. 47 1224 B/3/4 Cav track hit mine at XT319476 - no casualties 54 1309 65th Engr veh hit mine vic XT337458. 13 WIA, 2 KIA being evacuated. 65 1525 C/2/14 1340 detained 1 Vietnamese male 16-20 years old XT175524. No ID card, he was obs the telephone wires. Turned over to MP's at 1515 hrs. 67 1545 Recd call for 1/5 Mech Sabre "B" 6 requires dustoff loc 338458 2 KIA 7 WIA. Dustoff called 1545 hrs - 1550 Dustoff Not called. WIA evacuated by covering gunships 68 1615 Warning order issued to 1/5 Mech - Be prepared to secure bridge 437349 prior to darkness on 22 Aug 66. 70 1617 2/14 patrol #1 cancelled - coord 172499. 72 1720 1/5 Mech notified that bridge securing mission is cancelled. 77 1815 From 65th Engr Sgt Hensley: Veh that will remain at 1/5 Mech area overnight - AVLB has 2 4lb blocks of C4 with charge on the side. Have it removed. 93 2115 Called dustoff for 4/23 Inf coord 166553. Man exploded blasting cap from claymore in hand. 96 2142 2/14 rpts 5 ton truck broke drive shaft on road to Laterite Pit - Veh being secured. Recovery veh on way to two truck to BC. 101 2250 Veh (Ref log 96) has been repaired and back in use. 107 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opn OAHU and secured base for opn Blue Jay. 2/14 Inf secured Laterite Pit with elements of the 196th. 4/23 conducted platoon daylight S/R patrol in AO 1-A. 1/5 Mech executed BLOCKBUSTER. One roadrunner departed Cu Chi at 1000 hrs with 132 veh. 4/9 Inf conducted security of Ann Margaret, bunker line and Laterite Pit at Cu Chi. 1/5 Mech: Three ambush and two LP's were established during darkness and returned at first light. Neg contact. 1/5 Mech conducted opn BLOCKBUSTER. Co B 1/5 continued to secure Arty elements at Go Dau Ha.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 03, 2008