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Daily Staff Journal 20-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 20-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
From Recon Plat: All elements have returned to base camp from guarding Co A truck to LD for today's operation.
18 0900 From Bn CO: (Monitored) These people are framing this area you have to use caution coming in. 19 0905 From Bn CO to A Co: (Monitored) Your formation looks very good. 20 0912 From S4: Requested helicopter to lift sandbags and tar paper to Co C bunker line. Bde 3 was contacted and no helicopter available. 21 0920 From Bn CO: I am on north end of obj area, there is a herd of water buffalo and 2 men driving them to the edge of the woods. 23 0942 From S3: I was under the impression that we had assumed responsibility of bunkers since yesterday. CO 2/14 monitored and told S3 and 3/21st that he will take care of this and directed S3 to check with C Co and have them send 5 men to assist 3/21 on the bunkers. 30 1050 From S3: B Co has 2 VCs. One is a military man, the other is an old man and has Cambodian money. 32 1107 B Co mortar had misfire, requested procedure on handling the situation. B Co mortar plt sgt was instructed refer to B Co net and talk to his Co Commander for instructions. 34 1143 S4 called to inform S3 they have 2 2 1/2 ton trucks stuck in C Company area working on getting them out. 38 1205 Bn CO: (Monitored) C&C ship received sniper fire approx 1 magazine carbine fire from coord XT155450 41 1213 S3: (Monitored) Sampan which I was in sank. Will check sniper fire on your ship at XT 155450. 42 1215 A Co checked house out, no sign of occupant, will follow the trail to marrying point. 46 1245 From Bn CO to Eagle Flight C&C ship: (Monitored) If you will stay out of the cannon line we are going to fire artillery in that area. 47 1245 From S3: Artillery fire has been called on the position that our C&C drew fire from. 49 1322 Entac Plat has sent out 2 squads as security for Philippines. 59 1605 From Co C XO: Status of bunkers is as follows: Bunker 1 will be completed except for the roof; Bunkers 2,3,5 will be completed tonight. bunker 4 is being moved by 196th Bde to a location to be designated by CO 196th Bde 72 1948 A Co will have 77 people firing M-16's and 11 people firing M-14 E-2's, Need targets, transportation and ammo. 74 2020 Patrol 2 encountered a trip wire on way out. Patrol proceeding with the mission will report location in the morning. 76 2110 Bde S-2 called and reported 2 60mm rds landed on 196th Bde area. 77 2135 Bde to S-3, Mission: Supply one platoon to secure 155mm for a period of two weeks. Guide from ARTY to arrive at Bn at 210900 Aug 66, Platoon to arrive at 155mm site no later that 211600 Aug 66 81 2205 S-3 BTOC heard explosion. Recon platoon reported that it was near its position and had no casualties. Entac platoon also called and reported the explosion occurred between Entac and Recon and no casualties. Recon estimates it was a rifle grenade. 82 2215 196 Bde - Capt Leeds called and informed 2/14th Inf that their own mission for tomorrow was cancelled. He also wanted to know if his mission with C Co was still in effect. Answer: Still in effect. 83 2230 S3 to A,B,C, HHC: All units notified that any hostile fire will be answered on a two to one basis. If the enemy fires one grenade, two grenades will be fired back, etc. But do not fire in to the village.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 20-Aug-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
1/5 Reports that C Co patrol made contact with 2 VC at coord XT360423 time 0120. The VC fired 7 rds, return fire with S/A results unknown. Contact and headed North. No casualties.
27 0720 C/4/9 (Rear) spotted 4 VC coord 672154 opened fire w/SA & M-79 - Poss 1 WIA VC will check further in AM 32 0736 C/4/9 (Rear) spotted 4-6 VC in wire coord 672154 - opened fire - 1 VC KIA poss - 13 man patrol checking out at this time. 44 1042 Popular Forces Agent rpts 2 claymore mines exploded coord 161499 - 10 VC w/loud speakers coord 177496 at 191600 hrs. 47 1110 B/2/14 rpts picking up 2 VCS 1 appears to be military other is an old man w/Cambodian money coord 157450. 1 released, 1 IPW cage 48 1135 C/1/5 Mech spotted 6 VC coord 370437 - opened fire, VC started running NE toward todays AO - Results of fire unknown. Continuing to check. 50 1145 1050 hrs 10-man work detail FM 2/11, 196th Bde, heard 3-5 rds SA in village vic XT171531, booby trap tripped by female who was seen running away - fire not returned. Neg casualties. 53 1232 C/1/5 Mech found bunker at XT368446, C/1/5 Mech captured 1 VCC at XT407436 bunker destroyed, picked up wounded ARVN soldier who had been captured by VC. 57 1246 B/2/14 Eagle flight extraction complete. A/2/14 at XT140498. 59 1318 A/2/14 closed LD, loading on trucks for return to Base Camp 64 1415 C/1/5 Mech has 3 APCs stuck. 65 1450 B/1/5 Mech loc 1 female corpse 370430 shot in head - could be stray round. Calling PF forces from Trung Mit to take charge. Also 3 new bicycle at same location. 66 1455 From G2: Sighted large group of water buffalo and approx 50 people proceeding S on Hwy 1 coord 300250 at XT295273. The road is cut by large puddle of water. One eacyh side of water about 20 ox carts & large number of people - 2 Sampans settng ferry for people & ox carts 69 1530 2/14 finished firing on Starlight range and are returning. 72 1612 2/14 Bunker report - No 1 torn down, 2 complete, 3 & 5 completed, 4 torn down and moved. 73 1700 2/14 five plat out with working party back at BC. 88 1944 4/31 reported at 1935 hrs received 3 rds S/A incoming. 92 2010 4/23 reports 6 rds incoming at bunker 6. 93 2010 196th Bde, 2 WIA hit by SA fire - Mortar fragment. Evac 101 2120 196th Bde reported received 6-9 high expl. Casualty report 1 KIA, 3 WIA at 1920. 103 2130 C/82 Arty suffered one more KIA. Total to this time: 2 KIA, 3 WIA - all from C/82d Arty, 196th Bde 104 2130 A/4/9 at Laterite Pit recd 2 wp grenade, 1 fragmentation grenade, 4 WIA walking. The grenade came from the village XT667152 111 2214 Crater analysis of 196th area conducted by Arty LNO w/4/23 indicates at least 4 estimated 82mm rounds landed in the 196th area. 112 2216 Recon plat 2/14 received one rifle grenade vic XT171514. No casualties. 124 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde TF continued Opn OAHU and secured base for Opn Blue Jay. 4/23 Inf defends assigned sector of bunker line, 2/14 Inf conducted S&D Opn and 1/5 Inf (M) conducted a joint SF/CIDG and US Opn. 2/14 Inf will conduct a platoon size daylight recon patrol and 4/23 Inf will conduct a company size airmobile S&D Iob, 1.5 Inf (M) remains in base camp.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 03, 2008