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Daily Staff Journal 19-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 19 Aug 66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Bde S3: Capt Voska informed Capt Murphy that there is a strong possibility that the helilift may be delayed for an hour or more because choppers are weathered in. Capt Murphy told Capt Voska that if the lift is delayed, air strike time would have to change accordingly.
13 0855 S3 Air: B Co move to airport (Mnt) 14 0855 Bn command group (consisting of Bn CO, S3, S2, Arty LNO, SMaj & radio operator departed Bn CP for airstrip for helilift to vic coord 285328 for today search & destroy operation. 15 0913 S3 to A Co & C Co: Philippine units leaving friendly front lines 18 1000 From CO: First elements on ground at 0955. Beginning sweep north towards Obj PETE, received small amount of small arms fire on LZ. 20 1017 From 32 to 6: Be advised that one chopper load is still at helipad in base camp. Am holding load until chopper returns for it. 32 was ordered by Bn CO to send load to LZ GREEN when chopper available 21 1018 S3 to S3 1st Bde: Informed Bde S3 that this station monitored following report over radio: One (1) helicopter on 1st lift was downed vic coord 268330 when it landed too fast in water and spun around. Downed helicopter is well secured at present time. B Co securing. 23 1032 Bde: 196th Engineers will be using TNT at XT155525 between 0930-1030 26 1105 To S3: Monitored 400 meters west of your position there is a Sampan 2 men paddling it. 31 1140 From S3 to Hornet 38: Be advised that when Hornet C&C goes down for refuel Bn CO can get another C&C from Top Tiger. 32 1110 From Gunslinger Helicopter to Bn CO: (Monitored) Have large size boat in this area. Bn CO said it is OK, it is flying a Vietnamese flag and has been there all day. No trouble. 34 1225 From Bn CO to S3: (Monitored) this rain storm may be the snawer to problems as far as your rice is concerned. 38 1245 From D33 to Bde 33: Present situation: B Co is leading and are presently at 279329. C Co is still in the area of the tunnels and caches. 39 1146 Late Entry: From C Co CO to S3: Located extensive trench system with firing pits to the sides, mines to the sides, also shelters to the side. Cache of 400 lbs rice also found, destroyed. Not able to destroy trench system. Coord XT 273328 40 1300 25th Aviation: Two slick ships on way to extract security fire for downed chopper. Chopper evacuated by CH-47. 42 1330 From Maj Kubas to D33: Security unit for downed chopper has closed Tay Ninh.` 43 1335 From S3: B Co located approximate 2 ton of loose rice and destroyed it. 46 1353 From Bde S3: Request progress report by 1600, 19 Aug on wire laid and bunkers built in our area of responsibility. 47 1405 From S3: Bunker and wire progress report called to Bde as follows: No change from that reported on 18 Aug 66. 48 1410 From Philippine Element: Request security forces for survey team in 10 minutes. Capt Murphy informed the Philippines to pick up security squads at our CP. 49 1420 From HHC 1st Sgt: Shots will be administered this evening between 1700 and 1830 hrs. At the Medics Tent. 50 1421 From Boxer: Request guide at 1800 hours at usual place for the 2 platoons to go on the bunker line tonight. 51 1435 From D6: Co Co found a 10 ton rice cache at QUEBEC down 2.2 right .2. B Co reports 2 booby traps same place as before - destroyed. 62 1744 Entac: Mission terminated heading for CP 64 1800 From S3: Notified 4/23 that C Co Plat is enroute to relieve elements on the bunker line. 67 1835 From Bde S2: 2 VC squads stationed in forest vic XT14578, strength is 26 personnel well armed, have 6 mines about 5 kilos each. Intend to detonate against allied & government vehicles on North 13 from Phan Ninh to Tay Ninh and or Road 5 from city to Trinh Dien. 69 1945 From Bde: Wants to know about the firing going on or near our perimeter. A check with the units revealed that the firing was far from our lines, probably by the PF outpost.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 19 Aug 66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Bde TOC informed by Avn that 2/14 helilift would be delayed due to weather at Bien Hoa and Phu Loi
28 0736 1/5 Mech recon ambush patrol returned at 0715, brought in one (1) Mauser weapon. Unon entry into ambush position 1950 18 Aug patrol sighted 4 VC and engaged with A/A, search of area revealed the rifle but no signs of blood or evidence of a kill. 32 0902 4/23 reported Sgt Lloyd B/4/23 was accidentally shot in shoulder with M-16 by a squad member, Sgt evacuated to Medics 37 1005 2/14 on ground 0955 moving toward obj PETE, received S/A fire on LZ 38 1015 2/14 second lift off at 1010 completed 1015. Downed HU1D at XT268330 still on ground. 52 1153 C/2/14 found 400 pounds of rice and tunnel complex XT275329, tunnel complex contained mines, booby traps and firing pits, rice was destroyed. 57 1338 2 Security sqd from B/2/14 left to secure down helicopter, helilifted to fwd BC at 1330. Down aircraft taken by CH47 to Phu Loi 58 1340 C/2/14 passed throu B/2/14 moving toward LZ RED. At coord XT280329 found 1 ton of loose rice which was destroyed. 59 1352 To 2/14: 4/23 requests progress of wire and bunkers on perimeter 60 1445 C/2/14 destroyed 10 tons of rice at coord XT282328 at 1435 hrs 61 1505 2/14 started extraction 62 1515 C/1/5 Mech roving patrols received SA fire XT353426. Estimated 2 wpns, now deploying against. 65 1612 2/14 extraction completed at pick up zone 68 1628 Delayed Entry: B/2/14 located 2 booby traps CBU's vic 276328 at 1450, destroyed in place. 73 1743 A CH-47 resupply for 1/5 Inf dropped 4 drums of MOGAS at coord 451275. Drums busted on impact and can not be used by VC 98 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde TF continues opn OAHU and secures Base for opn Blue Jay. 2/14 Inf and 4/23 Inf defended proposed bunker line for opn Blue Jay and continued construction of bunkers. 2/14 Inf conducted a two company S&D airmobile opn & 4/23 conducted one daylight recon patrol. 4/23 provided security for B/7/11 with one platoon. 1/5 Mech conducted maint of veh & equip. During 20Aug B/4/23 will provide 1 plat to conduct search and recon, 2/14 will conduct S&D opn South of Bde Base and 1/5 Mech will conduct joint opn with SF and CIDG.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 01, 2008