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Daily Staff Journal 16-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 16 Aug 66
Entac platoon reported a trip flare 200 meters to their right front
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Co C - are civilians still allowed to come in the vicinity of bunkers 1,2,3. Reply negative
12 0750 S4: Spt Plt Ldr is loading bunker kits on APCs for delivery 13 0900 Co C CO to Bn S3: Contact S5 and find out if there is any other word on the civilians harvesting their crops, civilians will not be admitted until further word comes from higher headquarters. 14 0929 Bde S3: From 1500-1615 General Heintgies will be on the bunker line for an inspection and Bde wants the bunker line shaped up 17 1030 From S3: Transportation requirements for today and tomorrow 2 1/2 ton trks 161330 Aug 66 and transportation for 40 personnel 170730 Aug 66 19 1200 1/5 Mech "Monitor Report" 1 VC engaged by B/1/5 results 1 VC body count, 1 Chicom carbine 20 1420 Lt Friend: said that they would begin firing at the small arms range at 1445 21 1515 S3: to all units concerned, informed B, C HHC, Recon, S-1, S-4 and Commo of briefing set for 1630 22 1530 Bravo Co said they had a vehicle stuck vicinity stake 5, need a wrecker to pull them out, said they had no wrecker crew available but would send a man out to take a look at it 24 1727 B Co reported having a man bitten by a snake on the bunker airport line. Snake believed to be a bamboo viper 25 1728 S3: Request dustoff vic Coord XT157510 to pick up man in our Co B who was snake bitten 26 1732 25th Medevac: Dustoff on the way. Have your elements prepare to dispense smoke grenades. 27 1734 25th Medevac: Reported dustoff completed as of 1734 hours 29 1755 B Co: The last volley fired by the Arty had a short round that landed approx 200 meters south of the road 31 1807 DB6: called to pass on to S-4 that all vehicles that were stuck have been extricated and return to base camp 34 1900 Lancer 1: The dinner scheduled 171200 Aug 66 to which D6 and D38 were invited is cancelled for D6 and D38 35 1940 Lancer 3 to D33: A Bde vehicle will be leaving the base by the main gate heading toward Tay Ninh. Notify units and patrols. Capt Murphy informed Capt Browning that this would not be within sight of our units. 37 2001 Msg Cen to S-3: Received copy no 19 of patrol order no 4 Operational OAHU from 4th Bn 23rd Inf Received defense of 1st Bde sector of Div base Cu Chi and training requirement for divisional ambush school 41 2055 DB6: Bandit 3 was bitten by an insect and sent to a surgeon in Boxers area. Medical evacuation would not be required.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 16 Aug 66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Delayed Entry: At 2330 15 Aug C/2/14 rec SA fire at bunker 12, returned fire with approx 60 rds. Results unk
24 0730 G2 Reports 8 ox carts going north o Highway 1 with approx 50 people. 1 cart heavily loaded 25 0802 1/5 Mech recon hit AT mine XT355436. Request dustoff for 3 WIA 1 serious, CS grenades in APC were detonated. Unknown whether track can be repaired or not. 2 litter 1 amb. Mine was made of wood and pressure detonated. Dustoff completed at 160840. 26 0815 1/5 Recon has 1 walking, 1 serious, 1 KIA 29 0925 1/5 Mech infr to Log no 25, large mine in wood case, cratering, 3 CS grenades in track, 3 Claymore mines 30 0930 2/14, 4/23, 3/4 Cav, 7/11, 65th Engr has been advised of Gen Heingintes visit to area, advised to police bunker line 33 1030 1st Bde FAC reports roadblock consisting of dirt or brush at 308487 35 1200 At 1135 hrs B/1/5 spotted 1 VC running at coord XT370378 - VC ran into bushes, taken under fire - Result 1 VC KIA (BC), 1 ChiCom carbine captured 36 1230 Msg to 1/5 Mech: Reports indicate VC have established 20 mines XT320473 37 1320 Susp VC troop camps, aid stations, commo liaison stations, dispensaries for supply storage. 41 1455 Recon plt 1/5 Mech loc 3 ST mines made of TNT & C-4 in Eastern pottery w/c bu type detonators.45 45 1603 1/5 Mech captured one VC w/French rifle 47 1725 2/14 reported one (1) man bitten by snake, dustoff called. More info to follow. 49 1805 From Bde rear: At 1640 Sgt Poindexter B/4/9 was in a shop in Cu Chi when 8 rds of AW was fired into shop appox 60 meters away. After firing ceased the Sgt went to place where firing came from and found 1 rd Russian made 7.62 ammo made in 1943. Three men from B/4/9 went to Cu Chi to pick up laundry
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 28, 2008