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Daily Staff Journal 15-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 15 Aug 66
1 0020 B Co: Reported firing, believed it was from 3/4 Cav. Two bursts of auto weapons, direction of fire was to the southeast
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
12 0835 C co reported info from an ARVN soldier from outpost that VC had lain mines in field south of outpost 13 0915 Recon Plat ldr: Approaching MARY, found (1) spike type booby trap, trying to locate temple 16 1010 Co C: Have only one (1) vehicle still mired 17 1015 Recon Plat Ldr: Unable to locate temple, found grave yard, also three (3) more punji spikes 18 1035 Co C CO: All vehicles unmired, but still have 50 m to go to the road. Will be moving in about 15 minutes 20 1052 Sgt Hollis 1st Bde: 1st Bde gave 2/14 permission to send chow and sandbag vehicles west of the airstrip 26 1112 Recon Plat Ldr: Located 16 punji spikes and a couple pieces of Junk, informed Maj Griffith, he said to find 75 more Punji spikes 28 1155 S5 returning from MEDCAP 28 1155 Recon Plat Ldr located booby trap 174492, canister, pineapple appearance, 8" long 5" in diameter, blowing in place 29 1156 Operations Sgt called S3 Rear (Sgt Bazar) and inquired when present Ambush Academy course would end. Sgt Bazar stated that he did not know but would obtain date ASAP and call information to S3 at OAHU Base 31 1328 Bn S3: Request progress report. 32 punji sticks had been found. 32 1340 Recon plat return to base camp (OAHU) 33 1408 From 32: Will start firing in about 10 minutes 37 1445 S3 Air requested that when Maj Griffith comes to the range that he would like for him to bring some more targets 43 1725 D33 to Bob 3: Capt Murphy called Capt Voska to prevent the reoccurrences of the incidents where the 3/4 Cav fired over the heads of our troops on the new bunker line. Capt Murphy informed Capt Voska that friendly troops are again on teh bunker line and requested 3/4 Cav be informed. 44 1735 Bravo Co reported having completed 1 row of triple concertina, 1/3 of the way across the perimeter 50 1904 Bde S-3: 65th Engr had one of their vehicles fired at on the Laterite Road this evening. 52 1940 CO Co B: B Co has completed installing two thirds of triple concertina wire in front of its perimeter 54 2007 S-3 to Bde Signal Officer check to see what other unit is using 2/14 primary command net frequency. Unknown call sign being used is Circumvent. Capt Miyashiro Bde Sig Off stated that check would be made. 58 2148 Co B ptl 1: Patrol is in position, there seems to be some type of jamming on the patrol radio frequency. 60 2212 S-3: Observed two flares apparently north of Bde position. 1st Bde was firing flares in support of PF outpost. 62 2327 Entac Plt: Intrusion devices in front of platoon position had been set off and requested instructions. Informed to maintain sharp lookout and keep HQ informed
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 15 Aug 66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Recon 2/14 loc 3 punji stakes, spikes in concrete, coord 172500. Destroyed
33 1055 2/14, 4/23 HHC no vehicles west of airstrip eff this time 36 1117 Bde wire team reported six (6) cuts in phone line between Bde fwd and SF camp at Tri Long 38 1136 Bde wire team reported wire line between Bde fwd and Tay Ninh SF compound has indications of tapping and had also been cut 39 1146 4/9 rear reported new trench 100-125 meters running NE by SW at XT694172 40 1151 Recon 1/5 Mech APC hit mine at XT371422. 5 WIA, 4 minor, 1 serious 41 1151 2/14 Recon located booby trap canister-pineapple in appearance, 8in long, 5in in diameter. Blew in place 44 1225 C/1/5 Mech is sending one (1) VCS to Bde IPW cage. Details of capture accompanying PW. 46 1238 C/1/5 Mech reports possible VC platoon XT 392301. Permission given to maneuver against platoon. 47 1326 C/1/5 Mech had APC hit mine at XT389302 at 1316, believed command detonated. Mines damage to APC will be repaired in 20-30 min. 48 1335 2/14 Recon found 32 punji pits on PL MARY. Destroyed. Neg contact 50 1415 2/14 will commence firing on range at 1935 M-16's and .45 cal pistols 54 1532 2/14 rpts C Co assumed responsibility of west side of bunker line fr B Co 1500 hrs 55 1544 S3/2/14 rptd firing on small arms range completed as of 1540 91 2400 Summary: 1st Bde TF continues opn OAHU, and secures base for opn. 2/14 and 4/23 Inf defended proposed bunker line for opn Blue Jay and continued construction of bunkers. 1/5 Inf (M) conducted a two company recon opn in AO 2-E and 4-F. One roadrunner was conducted from Tay Ninh, departing 0930 hrs and arriving Cu Chi 1405 hrs, with 68 veh. 2/14 and 4/23 Inf will continue to secure Bde base and base for pen Blue Jay. Element will continue construction of bunker line and wire barriers for opn Blue Jay. 1/5 Mech will conduct S&D in AO Bobcat. Co B on west and C on east of axis. Recon plat will screen western flank of axis and S&D.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 28, 2008