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Daily Staff Journal 11-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 11 Aug 66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, and reports of patrols leaving ambush sites and arriving back at base camp. All negative contact.
Bde: Ref use of firing range from 1300 to dark. Bde said you must notify them two (2) days in advance
14 0848 Bde: Bde called back and said there was a mistake. We could use the range at desired time 15 0915 Bde: There will be a meeting at Bde briefing tent for either Maj Griffith or Col Davis at 0930 16 0950 B,C,HHC: Number of personnel to report to Bn TOC at 1230. For zeroing of starlights on rifle range. B Co -7, C Co - 30, HHC - 0. Informed Capt Deliz and S4 19 1055 Dragon L5: reports having made contact with Tomahawk unit 20 1110 S-3: Notified B & C Co to be prepared to provide 1 platoon each for perimeter detail. Have platoon Ldrs report to Maj Griffith (TOC) 1330 for briefing & details 21 1110 Lt Ebitz B Co: Request bulldozer to clear bamboo in the area to the front of B Co's CP at XT 172513 23 1240 D32: Firing data to Bde. Principle direction of fire 10%, Right limit 30%, left limit 350% 24 1305 2: Capt Helde coordinated with ARVN through B-Team Tay Ninh that the range was clear. Monitored from Bde that coordination was on the way. Lt Friend said there were people all over the range 25 1320 32: Commencing use of range 1330 27 1353 Bravo Co: Is 2 at your location, we have a VN civilian throwing a fit because we are cutting down his Tapioca crop on our perimeter 30 1453 FRAGO #8 HQ 2/14 was dispatched to addresses by messenger 31 1520 Recon: Charlie 1st Plat Ldr is going to 4/23 area to get filled sandbags 32 1522 Lt Friend: Units quit firing at 1520 and have closed base camp 33 1545 S3: Operation for tomorrow is cancelled 50 2106 Bravo Co pick up two lights in front of 2nd Plat sector with starlight. Lights cannot be observed with naked eye. Lights seem to be signaling to each other. Will keep you informed
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 11 Aug 66
2/14 patrol 2 dptd ambush site
2/14 patrol 2 closed BC
25 0614 2/14 patrol 1 dptd ambush site 27 0744 2/14 patrol 1 closed BC 30 0847 C/4/9 found two DH-10 (Chicom claymore) at coord 147506. Mines are believed to have been put into psn approx 2145 hrs. VC was obs and taken under fire and prevented from firing mines into 4/9 psn. Fired on indiv, results unk. 31 0815 2/14 rpts entac plat on bunker line w/everything in place 32 0830 FAC reported pile of rocks (construction) at XT304358. Road is passable 34 0854 4/9 rpts track from Bobcat hit mine at coord 360435, track disabled. No casualties, track being repaired 38 0944 Roadrunner departed 0900 for Cu Chi with 100 vehicles, 4 escort veh, two wreckers and 12 tracks 56 1547 Capt Murphy (2/14) passed info that tomorrow opn (2/14) FRAG O 8 to OPORD 13-66 is cancelled 57 1602 A/2/14 patrol Rear: 1455, found 1 82mm WP rnd and bag of homemade hand grenades at XT668169. Destroyed in place. 1525, aerial FO for this patrol spotted 1 VC sqd vic XT667188, took VC under fire w/Arty and mortars, 1540, patrol located vic XT672169, received 1 rd sniper fire and called 81mm mort. 63 1743 2/14 (Rear) night patrol in psn
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 28, 2008