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Daily Staff Journal 05-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 5 Aug 66
S-3 sent sitrep to Bde notified them that all patrol were in
S-3: Stand to report, HHC 15/128; A Co 4/127 att 0/12; B Co 4/133 att 1/11; C Co 5/137 att 2/26
17 0721 D3: 3/4 Cav told to hold on road until given the word to move by Maj Griffith 18 0750 A6 has dismounted tracks and are behind C Co waiting for C Co to move out 20 0803 D-6: A6 relayed message - people are working in rice paddies close to your location, be careful 21 0827 Viking 14 informed us that CC ship available now at his location #667 23 0850 1st Bde: Received distribution from 1st Bde: Confidential Sphinx, change 1 to FRAGO 35, ambush and Patrol plan from 4/9 Inf 24 0859 Dragon C reports capturing three VCS on objection LION 25 0907 Dragon A6 reports having reached objective LION 26 0911 Saber H10 reports having 1 male, age 25 with ID card but can't tell if it's good or not, taking him to Dragon 3's location 27 0915 Dragon C6: Located on objective Lion. Have 4 or 5 VCS. 1 male, 2 women, 2 child and don't know what the other one is 28 0924 Dragon 3: VCS with ID card cleared by national police and released 29 0925 Dragon A captured 1 VCS at coord XT 137486 30 1015 Dragon C6 located at coord XT 144485 searching houses 32 1035 Dragon C6 reports they have destroyed 4 buildings by burning at south edge of TIGER continuing on their move 34 1047 Dragon 3 to Dragon A & Saber H10, Dragon 3 gave permission to move to TIGER and clear left side of TIGER 35 1100 Dragon A6 notified D3 that they were heading back to where they were working but couldn't find them 37 1134 Dragon A6 still working way through west side of TIGER. Charlie located on east side of TIGER 39 1145 Saber 10 informed D3 that he has one man with ID card and 2 children with ox cart. Cart searched 40 1150 Several rifle shots fired in corner. Can't determine if incoming or directed in air 41 1152 Dragon B6 firing seems to be coming from village along road, from a vehicle 42 1157 Dragon B6 reports that firing of approx 20 rounds small arms came from ARVN troops driving along road in village 43 1201 C6 destroyed 1 firing position with tunnel in ground XT 152486 46 1247 3: Contact 107 to send the vehicles to the redball along with the Hq3 to pick up the troops 47 1300 3: Reference last message, cancel the trucks 49 1330 S-3 - Charlie has closed Base Camp 50 1335 Alpha 6 arrived at highway moving toward location 53 1400 D32: C5 told to send one squad to XT176521 to locate 1/2 sqd VC plus equipment within 300 meters radius of that location, equipment they are looking for (communication) 55 1410 D32: In reference to the squad that will search for suspected VC, S-3 wants you to take one Plt 56 1411 D2: Capt Deliz picks up the VCS and turned them over to Lt Smith of the 25th MP Detachment 57 1500 C Co element reports thay are in the area stated, searching 60 1520 C5: Unit searching area thoroughly no equipment so far 61 1555 C unit return search completed no result 63 1640 Bde: Flame track will be permanent attachment unless need arises elsewhere, coordination on arrival time will be made by your headquarters with the proper personnel 64 1605 S-2: 4 prostitutes were detained and turned over to the IPW team at Bde for disposition. One porstitute had 4 packets of a type of powder in her possession; while waiting for the interrogator to begin their questioning, she began to tear open the packets and empty the powder into the ground. Two packets were given to the IPW team and one packet retained to be forwarded through channels for analysis. Normal evening activities: Patrols left wire and reached position, no contact
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 5 Aug 66
2/14 patrol 1 closed BC 0550, patrol 2 dptd ambush site 0555
C/2/14 on obj LION w/3 VCS in possession. Final status of VCS pending.
39 0917 A/2/14 on obj LION 0905, C/2/14 and B/3/4 Cav on obj LION and each has picked up VCS 42 0925 A/2/14 1 VCS at coord 137486 will be interrogated by National Police 44 0935 A/2/14 reports a total of 5 VCS without ID cards, being turned over to A-6 for Evac 45 1000 Lobster 9 reports fired 18 rds of 105 on obj LION, and 18 rds on obj TIGER 50 1035 C/2/14 has destroyed 4 bldg by burning at coord XT139482 and is on the move again 51 1047 A/2/14 and Cav moving to W side of TIGER and will clear. C/2/14 is now clearing E side of TIGER 57 1155 2/14 rpts Saber elements has 1 man 2 children on ox cart. Man has ID card but was turned over to MP for interrogation 58 1201 C/2/14 dest 1 firing psn XT152486 66 1350 C/2/14 closed B/C at 1330, A/2/14 closed B/C at 1350 68 1415 2/14 rptd that all VCS they had was turned over to 25th MP's to Lt Smith 73 1730 2/14 cancel patrol 3 and shifted patrol 4 from XT154516 to 158514 82 2101 2/14 sitrep no change. Patrol 1 departed friendly lines at 2030 85 2157 2/14 sitrep no change Patrol 4 in psn at 2105, 1 in psn at 2115
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 27, 2008