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Daily Staff Journal 02-Aug-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Tay Ninh, Vietnam
0001-2400 2 Aug 66
All units were notified of 0600 standto and report to Bn by 0615
3 explosions heard in B Co's area. Call by S3 to B Co revealed an anti-intrusion device had been set off and 1 enemy hand grenade thrown into B Co's area. B Co returned fire immediately with two hand grenades. Coord XT174513. No friendly casualties. No known VC casualties
3 0150 Gave Patrol #6 new location to A Co. SP4 Presswood. XT178526 4 0152 To B Co. Patrol #7 new location XT178515. Sgt Holbrook. 7 0300 C Co CP spotted VC trying to climb tree at XT178523, 2 M-79 rds fired Neg. results 11 0420 Patrol 5 heard an ox cart go into the village, 33 instructed him to apprehend ox cart if possible. 12 0430 Patrol 5 reported hearing someone banging bamboo poles together behind their position. Dragon 33 instructed Patrol Leader to identify target and kill or capture. 14 0553 C Co standto completed 15 0556 Patrol #6 leaving position 17 0612 B Co standto completed 4-125 18 0612 C Co standto to strength. 5 Off, 140 EM Attached 1 Off, 12 EM 19 0616 Patrol #6 returned B.C. 20 0620 A Co standto 5 Off, 144 EM 21 0621 Patrol #2 returned to B/C 22 0625 HHC standto to 13 Off, 128 EM 25 0640 Patrol 5,3,7 all closed B.C. 27 0645 Patrol #1 closed B.C. 30 0722 Informed A Co and & C Co to meet Maj Griffith at B Co CP 31 0820 Maj Kubas informed Capt Deliz that 2/14 has one Huey laid on until 1700 2 Aug 66 37 0944 D2 - inform all units to have their 2 patrol leaders report to my location and I will take them on a recon 38 0954 Dragon C6 reports having romeo elements in his area and wants to know if they're attached. Affirmative. All instructions for the Romeo patrols should come through Dragon C6 39 1029 Dragon A location of our patrols coord XT183551. Neg contact. 40 1050 B Co patrols report from location vix XT 154518 many civilians in area but no VC contact 44 1126 Dragon Bravo, third platoon has closed Base Camp. Encountered numerous young men working fields and many civilians all appeared friendly. B Co Commander wants to send a patrol into village in front of his area during daylight. 45 1133 Dragon A patrol has returned to Base Camp. Encountered many civilians who reported no VC in area. Numerous young men working fields. Not many children, numerous dogs indicating undetected night ambush unlikely. Questioned 12 people who said all the civilians were from the North and hated VC 48 1250 C Co 3rd Plt. crossing friendly wire and entering Base Camp 53 1420 Fr S-3 to A Co: Warning order to A Co concerning one (1) platoon to be attached to Artillery for security for tomorrow. 57 1457 Bravo Co needs an interpreter, on the way. 59 1540 Bravo patrol closed BC 1530 60 1555 S-3 to 1st Bde Avn: Need 1 huey for C&C at 0730. Also need gunships same time on 10 min call 68 2000 Patrols 1,2,3,4,5 departed 2000 to 2019 80 2200 S-3 fwd: Patrols 1,2,3,4 in position, patrol #5 not yet Patrol #4 is 50 m west of previously given location. Negative contact 81 2218 Patrol #5 in position 82 2238 Pat 5 reports flashlight to 400 meters to their front. Clearance given to fire when target comes into range. 83 2300 3 personnel going to Cu Chi be at Bde S-1 at 0730 hrs. 85 2400 B Co reported firing into their right flank, pulled OP back. Reported that it was a Saber element. Call Saber and told them to refrain from firing into B Co sector
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 2 Aug 66
B/2/14 received one VC hand grenade and had one seismic intrusion device triped by a VC force of unknown size vic XT174513. No friendly casualties, unit threw two grenades, results unk
2/14 Fwd spotted one VC suspect at vic XT178523 in front of C Co outpost, fired 2 rounds M-79, neg results
21` 0500 2/14 Patrol #1 closed B/C 26 0600 2/14 Fwd Patrol #6 left ambush site, neg contact 29 0630 2/14 Patrol #2 closed B/C at 0621, patrol #6 closed B/C at 0616 36 0930 Convoy fr Tay Ninh dep for Cu Chi 61 1940 2/14 Fwd patyrol loc to div 65 2025 2/14 Fwd pat #2 deptd B/C 2000, Pat #6 deptd 2003, Pat #3 deptd 2014, Pat #5 deptd 2015, Pat #1 deptd 2019 76 2210 2/14 Patrols (Fwd) 1,2,3,4 in pos - Sitrep N/C 77 2225 2/14 Fwd pat $5 in pos 2218
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 26, 2008