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Daily Staff Journal 19-Jul-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 - Cu Chi Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 - Trang Bang Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 19 Jul 66
C Co called and requested 1 commo man to go to bunker #4 to lay wire line
Ann Margaret called by Capt Nieberding and put on 100% alert
5 0055 Wire team departed for C Co to repair wire line at bunker #4. Called bridge LL 9 0125 Maj Griffith informed the wire team to repair LL at OP Ann Margaret tomorrow 11 0150 Informed 4/23 that we are sending troops on foot to Ann Margaret 13 0152 Permission received from 1st Bde to use illumination 19 0206 B 7/11 is firing illumination rounds over the bridge 20 0217 3/4 Cav notified D-6 that the tanks on Ann Margaret will be on our freq 21 0217 DP3 informed by Capt Nieberding to keep listening to radio 23 0223 A green star cluster was fired as a notification of reentry of friendly front lines 24 0232 Lt Friend reported that C Co did not know if the portable spot lights were present at bridge 25 0235 Delayed Entry: Maj Taylor notified A/M tanks to stay on our push 27 0240 Bridge reports that illumination rounds are fine 28 0245 Sgt Graff informed us that Sgt Henry checked under the bridge 33 0300 C Co reports green star clusters are being fired from his extreme right flank, he is checking this out. Also arty LNO informed that illumination rds can be stopped 34 0306 C Co reports green flares from right rear from toward the airfield 35 0307 Air strip informed this HQ that one green star cluster was fired from his right flank. 4/9 reports that their unit has not fired any flares. 36 0325 Capt Turner reports negative activity from the bridge also the wire line to AM has not been repaired 37 0340 One round illumination requested by C-6 38 2315 Delayed Entry, Bridge incident - through #42: VC exploded a charge placed under the south side of bridge at coord XT 659168. Bridge NCOIC Sgt Graff notified Lt Wren who failed to pass word to Bn Hqs 39 2345 Elements 1/5 Inf reported to 2nd Bde, Div and 1st Bde that bridge had been damaged. 1st Bde notified 2/14 Op Center. Mag Griffith called 40 2355 Maj Griffith and Col Heard personally inspected damaged section and report was made to 1st Bde 41 0010 After conferring with Col Davis, Maj Griffith ordered C Co to detail one squad to move to AM for reinforcement while 1/5th Inf personnel patched bridge for foot traffic 1/5 units withdrew. 42 0030 Ann Margaret reinforced; Artillery illumination commenced to allow observation of bridge damage. No trip flares, lights or intrusion devices on bridge at time of explosion. 43 0345 Land line to airstrip is back in operation 46 0410 Laterite Pit informed this station that illumination rounds are being fired over their site 47 0415 C6 informed us that bunkers 1-2-3 have radio contact as DC27 and will contact and monitor our net for the rest of the night. Also LL is established with these bunkers and LL has been established with C Co CP 48 0420 Ref #46 Bde informed this station that a flare ship was dropping illumination over the Laterite Pit by mistake 50 0430 LL to AM established through C Co switchboard 64 0623 Capt Nieberding informed C Co first Sgt that all men on the bridge, bunker line and OP Ann Margaret that all areas will be straight and the men will also be fresh shaven and cleaned up. 65 0628 Capt Nieberding requested from 65th Engr S-3 that a team be sent to access damage, determine amount of time required for repair of the bridge. 66 0630 65th Engr S-3 informed this HQ that they have a engr team on the way to estimate the damage to bridge 83 0910 Lofty, Longbow C/2/14, Bde notified of baot patrols along creek bed. 84 1000 From Bde, meeting of Bn EXO at Col Heard's office 1100 hrs 89 1103 Lightning 6 visited bridge site at 1045 hours 97 1320 25th Div Admin Co was given the commitment of 44 personnel to report to S-1 1715 hrs 98 1355 Message from Bde, units to reinforce bunker line. Will report in full strength. Special emphasis on road leading to OP Ann Margaret. 20 July VC celebration of Geneva Accords Day 102 1405 D-33 notified us that a veh from Romeo element hit a land mine at XT 541173 resulting in two WIA. Personnel have been evacuated. 105 1520 Requested C&C ship for fwd area first flight tomorrow. Also checked on gun ships 0630 C.C., one gunship standby 106 1525 D-33X informed us that there are 210 personnel in the field from HQ Co with attachments 109 1620 Message from 3/4 Cav to S-9 3/4 ton destroyed by mine, request evacuate 127 1910 Bde, bridge at AM can hold 1/4 ton, 3/4 ton and APC 135 2030 From PC-1 Propaganda machine located at Cu Chi-1
2/14th, S-3
Location: Trang Bang, Vietnam
0001-2400 19 Jul 66
3/4 from Recon plat hit one possible land mine, 2 WIA not serious.
Roadblocks cleared by engr-tank
3 1035 549176 B Co captured 2 VCS 5 1115 VCS brought to Bn S-2 for interrogation 6 1210 B Co discovered VCS at 555175 7 1305 A Co found 10 foxholes vic 543175 running along west road 8 1305 A Co found VC leaflets from 544154-544160 12 1555 FM Warrior gunship situation unstable may be able to have them on call for mission 13 1707 FM 33 T 2nd Bde OH23 for C&C first flight, gunship will be on call 14 1750 S-2, S-5 returned from visit to Phouc Hiep. OP as directed by C/S 25th Div outpost commander requested 8,000 sandbags, pickets and barbed wire. Other needs were offered such as blankets, food, etc. and garrison was complimented on fire action 15 1755 Romeo elements returned to BC after escorting convoy back to CC 23 2003 33 Zulu having difficulty with set but hears this station loud and clear
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 19 Jul 66
At 2311 on 18 July a section of the bridge at Ann Margaret was destroyed. Further info to follow.
From Bde rear: Bridge at Ann Margaret is temporarily repaired, it will take 1/4 ton, 3/4 ton or APC if absolutely necessary.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 19 Jul 66
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. A 2/14
Brown, Bernard SP4 E4
191405 Jul 66. XT571174. FW left knee. Setting up mortars for night fire, when friendly vehicle hit land mine close by.3
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. HHC 2/14
Feinstein, Sheldon PFC
191405 Jul 66. XT571174. FW shoulder and head. On vehicle which hit land mine.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 25, 2008