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Daily Staff Journal 15-Jul-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 15 Jul 66
A Co reported receiving 2 enemy 60mm mortar rounds at XT685115 at 0300
Capt. Nieberding called A Co and requested a crater analysis of the 60mm mortar fire that A Co received. None could be made to to thick underbrush
57 0905 S-2 had two Chieu Hoi's and moving to A Co position 60 0930 A Co moved 200 m north of yesterday's operation area. Will search and blow tunnels. 62 0905 S-3 reports that there are 8 or 10 personnel at XT 669143 digging what looks like foxholes. 63 0955 C Co reports that 2nd lift of personnel have closed BC. 3 Personnel and equipment are coming with B/7/11 Arty motor convoy 64 1000 EOD is working outside of A/M, B Co provides one fire team for security 65 1030 A Co located 1 tunnel at XT 693126, 7 meters long 4 meters down, tunnel blown 66 1055 A Co 1 tunnel at XT 692127, size 3 ft dia, left branch 3 ft long, right branch 8 ft long 69 1108 S&A reports VN activity approx 2 sqds with VS Advisor moving east to west on south side of laterite pit. 70 1117 A Co located 1 tunnel XT 692127 right branch 30 ft long, left branch 10 ft long. Destroyed tunnel 71 1145 A Co reports 1 tunnel 30 meters long, 2 ft diameter XT 694123 destroyed 72 1202 2 tunnels located by A Co XT 69123. Six ft long, 2/3 dia. ONe secondary explosion believed to be a mine. 74 1215 A Co destroyed 1 tunnel at XT 691123. 6 ft long 2 ft diameter. 77 1259 A Co reports finding extensive tunnel complex at coord XT 692126. Also found there were 20 lbs of documents and 167 rds S/A ammo. Still searching. 79 1320 Call from B/2/14 Inf want to know whether or not they can have their 8 new men fire their weapons at 1900 hrs this evening. Also would like to know whether Bn is going to train them or the Co will. 80 1345 Late Entry: At 1150 hrs Vic XT 694125 tapping of wood against wood was heard underground. A 40 lb shaped charge was blown over site, portions of a tunnel were located. Tapping ceased. Another shaped charge was used in same location, tunnel collapsed. 1 VC KIA (poss). 81 1405 A Co reported locating another tunnel at Coord XT 691123, they are working on it. 82 1408 S-3 informed A Co that 2nd Plat B Co 1/5 would arrive at his location between 1420 and 1430 hrs to effect coordination. No change of mission for A Co. 83 1425 A Co reports finding a rusty homemade pistol in tunnel complex located at XT 692126, they are still working in tunnel complex. 87 1526 A Co reported tunnel complex destroyed (XT 692126) it was 300 meters long, 2/3 ft in dia. 8 ft deep 93 1720 DA6 effected resupply and are firing defcons 96 1730 Late Entry: 1200 hrs. Tunnel food (fish) 10 rds ammo, clothing found this morning by A Co at XT 697126 104 1845 Bde MSG Nelson req complete details on the 2 tunnels found by A Co at approx 1200 hrs today. 110 1815 DA6 1 man wounded slightly in the leg when registering mortars, by a riccochet frag. Medic on spot took care of injury, will not need evac. He will remain with the unit. Em name PFC Klock, William P. 115 2015 DL6 reports small arms fire to south of their position, no rounds are coming into their area. 116 2035 D-3 reported flare to N.E. approx 500 meters of Ann Margaret 117 2047 DL-6 report activity in area is checking it further 119 2100 Capt Taylor called and said a H23 for C&C no UH1D available 120 2105 DL-6 reported receiving fire in his position, neg casualties. VN outpost received appx 6 mortar rounds coord 669150 123 2143 Late Entry: XT 693121 DA-6 reported patrol ran into a fire fight with VC and 2 VC KIA by body count with possibles. 4 US WIA slight 1 sprained ankle, 2 powder burns, 1 a small piece of shrapnel in the nose. Cav element spotted 1 VC chased him into the woods. 124 2150 DL-6 reports VN outpost receiving sporadic small arms fire and 4 more mortar rounds, small arms coming form coord XT 672155 126 2205 DL-6 reports all firing has ceased 129 2212 DL-6 reports sporadic small arms on VN outpost started again 131 2245 DL-6 reports OP-2 reported a flare approx 200 meters south of his position
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 15 Jul 66
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. A 2/14
Kluck, William P. PFC E3
151815 Jul 66. XT 691118. FW left leg. Patrol, hit by mortar frag.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 25, 2008