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Daily Staff Journal 07-Jul-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 7 Jul 66
Seaback, William D. PFC - suffered what is believed to be a self inflicted perforating gun shot wound in left foot, anterior to plantar, prognosis good. Investigation continues. EM to be sent to Med Bn upon completion of investigation.
PFC Seaback William D. was drunk last night got up this morning at 0500 and picked up his M-16 rifle and accidentally shot himself in foot PFC Seaback has been in unit five days.
13 0700 B Co reported finding an abandoned ambush site vic XT 666177 complete with 2 Claymore mines U.S. and 20 rds of small arms ammo M-79. 15 0800 Bde notified 2/14 that a FAC and 3 flight of A/C airborne until 1030 hours. 18 0841 ARVN boat convoy left XT 4846 to 8014, convoy consists of 3 passenger boats, 15 motor launches, 36 sampans ARVN flying A/C 21 0917 S-3 reports evidence of recent digging at XT 658285 22 0945 B Co using punt 23 0950 6 VC located at XT 693213 26 1115 Cannon 50 reports 15 VC located at XT 674230 Arty is adjusting fire on location. 27 1130 Monitored from Dragon 50 one (1) sampan destroyed vicinity XT 676230 - Est zero casualties 29 1202 B6 advised us to notify arty LNO that last volley threw some shrapnel into his area. 34 1348 Message from 3 at 1330 hrs 4 VC were observed by SB 20 at XT 638203. They were engaged. Result two VC possible KIA. 35 1400 Message from O3 gunships to fly a target from point 2 left S-3 up 2.4 firing from that point Y left 2.8 down 1.5 36 1410 Dragon 3 request cotton mouth to get on his freq. 38 1500 DB6 requests DUST OFF two seriously wounded at objective PEAR coord XT 645215 39 1511 DB6 has made contact on objective PEAR. spot reports to follow 40 1517 Dragon 3 requests two gunships 41 1518 DB6 reports a third WIA and small arms and rifle grenade fire from all directions vic of PEAR XT 645215 42 1524 Alerted A Co stand by for Eagle flight 43 1532 DB6 receiving rifle grenades from all sides 44 1537 3/4 Cav plat receiving S/A and rifle grenade fire. 45 1540 DB6 located at XT 652210, still receiving S/A and rifle grenade fire. 46 1550 DB6 reports receiving mortar fire on west flank 60mm and poss 82mm at 635210 or 630210. 47 1600 DB6 reported 1 KIA and 2 WIA Dust off on station. 48 1612 Received 2 command detonated poss 105 mines 49 1625 3/4 Cav called Dust Off vic PEACH 2 litter cases. 50 1630 Dust off at 3/4 Cav position 3/4 Cav 20 was a WIA. 51 1720 B Co located XT 645215 effecting Dust Off. 52 1758 B-6 transmitted to D6 that he had 2 KIA and 5 or 6 WIA. 53 1805 Air strike request sent to 1st Bde by S-3 54 1820 From Bde 3 forward air observer airborne in a few minutes. 57 1925 DUST OFF picking up small arms fire and automatic weapons on SW of LZ 58 1935 From Lancer 3 said if you needed gun ships while others were refueling they could help 59 1958 D6 informs that fires received from VC were small arms, rifle grenades and 60 mm mortars. 61 2000 D6 to DR6 stay in present location until link-up 62 2009 All patrols are cancelled until further notice 64 2025 From Bde 33 helicopter not available for 0800 recon of XUAN LOC, Vau Daut. 65 2040 DB6 has made his link-up and cont mission 66 2058 DB6 is cont mission to pick up the bodys of the 2 KIA, and they have no VC BC 68 2159 DB6 one body recovered and they are moving to the rear, the other body could not be found. 69 2255 Bunker #1 reports flares being fired to their left. 70 2300 DB6 loc approx 400 meters from A/M (Ann Margaret) will close approx 15 min. 71 2305 From D3 only one body was picked up the other body had been moved and while one body was being picked up the recovery force was fired on by small arms. 72 2308 D-3 reports total of 5 KIA for DB 6 unit 74 2347 From Bde it is ok for patrols to go out at 2400 hrs. 75 2350 DL 5 reports friendly forces to his right fired some rounds to their front no other enemy contact was made.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 7 Jul 66
Rec Cas Rept SIW. HHC 2/14
Seaback, William D. PFC
070730 Jul 66. Base Camp. GSW left foot. Getting dressed for KP. Shot himself in foot.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 25, 2008