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Daily Staff Journal 06-Jul-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 6 Jul 66
A Co spotted 2 VC, 1 with wpn XT 656209, VC crossed road moving north. No engagement. VC were 500 meters away.
A Co engaged 3 VC at coord XT 651208 maneuvering to find the VC and kill or capture.
30 0958 At 1330 we must send one officer to A Co 65th Engr to pick up and guide one flame APC to OP A/M 31 1007 A Co received one WIA DA 6 don't know how serious, may require dust off. 32 1030 A Co has one more WIA in area of obj RED XT 651208 from small arms. 33 1045 Sitrep no Arty fire. Maneuvering elements to engage VC. 34 1110 Sitrep 5 WIA with one possible KIA. On obj RED. 35 1115 Reaction force committed 3/4 Cav. 36 1125 A Co being engaged by est 2 VC platoons XT 651208 A Co occupying trench line from PO MIKE R5 37 1145 VC dispersing because of fir from APC's of 3/4 Cav platoon 38 1148 HHC is ready to take over any mission given to them by S-3. 39 1200 Dust off notified t obe ready to move to XT 651208. 40 1210 A Co reports 8 WIA; 3 walking, 5 litter, 3 KIA. 41 1215 Bde informed us that dust off will arrive in 20 minutes. (15-45 minutes). 43 1245 D3 reports Dust Off completed. 44 1250 Call from Lancer, Capt Fleming there is tactical air support in case we need it. 45 1300 Received copy #22 of 25 copies ambush patrol plan. Gave it to S-3 for file. 46 1305 Call from DA 6, requests 3,000 rds MG ammo, 2,000 rds 5.56, 60 M-79 and 15 ea 60mm mortar rds. 47 1308 Called Bde to return gun ships back on station. 48 1330 Ammo resupply airborne. 49 1445 Ammo resupply completed. 50 1400 A Co moving again 51 1410 Report from 25th Med - 4 KIA, 14 WIA A Co 2/14. 52 1415 50 rds of Arty were fired in support of friendly unit (A Co) 53 1420 A Co received sniper fire from 1 VC located XT 648212. Semi-automatic; maneuvering against fire, also located 1 VC KIA. 54 1450 From Bde: At 1330, FAC sighted two sampans at XT 674235 on Saigon River advise light fire team. 56 1500 S-3 2/14 (Maj) requested that 3/4 Cav remain attached until tomorrow. 57 1507 Reference item #56: Bde approved. 58 1610 A Co is at XT 663205 moving south to obj WHITE. 63 1840 Maj Russel 3/4 Cav requested to know if we had any MIA he reports on element of his. Saw a man tied to a tree near the position A Co 2/14 S&D in today. 64 1855 Bde called and said Cav element will be detached to check area XT 635181. Cav element will return after mission. Mission is to check body tied to tree. 65 1940 DA 6 Xray, 3/4 Cav element mission was cancelled. 72 2310 Maj Griffith informed Capt Wood that an eagle flight and air rifle plat might be requested - pass on to Division.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 6 Jul 66
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 24, 2008