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Daily Staff Journal 01-Jul-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Cu Chi Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Ap An Binh Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 1 Jul 66
DC 2 commo check L/C; DC 1 commo check L/C (loud and clear)
A/M SITREP neg cont
3 0100 Bunker line SITREP neg cont 4 0101 SITREP to Bde neg cont 5 0105 DC 1 commo check L/C 6 0107 DC 2 commo check no contact 7 0152 A/M SITREP neg cont 8 0158 Bunker line SITREP neg cont 9 0200 SITREP to Bde neg cont 10 0205 Bunker SITREP neg cont 11 0257 Lawyer 75 neg cont 12 0330 Bunker line SITREP neg cont 13 0350 SITREP to Bde neg cont 14 0400 Lawyer 75 neg cont 15 0402 Bunker Line SITREP neg cont 16 0455 Lawyer 75 neg cont 17 0458 Bunker Line SITREP neg cont 18 0500 DC 1 commo check L/C; DC 1 commo check neg cont. 19 0510 DC 1 GO 20 0511 Bunker line reported stand to was completed 21 0540 DC 2 GO 22 0550 Lawyer 75 neg cont 23 0604 DC 1 RP 24 0614 DC 2 RP 25 0725 Delayed Entry: DC 32 reports 2 possible KIA on S&D operation yesterday. 26 0815 Received message from Laywer fwd lawyer 6 gave TF 2/14 a new mission for today. Co A was called back to BC convoy returning to Cu Chi was called back to BC due to utilization of Cav element for new contingency also lawyer 3 reported elements completed night firing requirement at BC fwd. 27 0915 Patrol plan sent out for distribution and patrol leaders briefed. 28 1045 Convoy departing BC for Cu Chi also requested road clearance for 1300-1400. 29 1200 Received from fwd 1030, B Co departed for objective TINY, continued original mission A Co being used in support of 1/5 Mech. 1005 A Co moved to pick-up zone for helilift 30 1203 Received road clearance for convoy to fwd BC at 1400- notified 3/4 Cav. 31 1240 A Co in position neg cont. B Co neg change leading elements in BC stay back, patrols in position. Bn CO and S-2 attending meeting in T.B. 32 1555 6 copies of FRAGO 26 sent to Bde and 3/4 Cav 33 1800 C Co patrols SP 34 1830 C Co patrols CP2 35 1920 A/M neg SITREP (A/M = Ann Margaret) 36 2035 SITREP sent to Bde neg cont 37 2037 Dragon Charlie 2 called in message from DC 1 SIT 38 2050 DC 2 cancelled request for fire ball. 39 2055 A/M SITREP neg contact 40 2059 Lawyer 75 neg cont 41 2100 SITREP to Bde neg cont 42 2155 A/M and bridge negative SITREP 43 2200 C Co called neg SITREP 44 2201 Lawyer 75 neg cont 45 2202 SITREP to Bde neg cont 46 2220 Lancer 3 called for position of patrol Elaine and what time they were in position. Gave following info: XT 662179, arrived in position at 2037 hours. 47 2245 A/M, bunker line neg SITREP 48 2250 Lawyer 75 neg cont 49 2300 DC 2 SIT 50 2301 SITREP to Bde neg cont 51 2350 Lawyer C SITREP negative 52 2356 Lawyer 75 SITREP neg cont Log Closed Out at 2400 1 July 66
2/14th, S-3
Location: Ap An Binh, Vietnam
0001-2400 1 Jul 66
A Co Sitrep ended night firing classes
2 0035 Made radio contact w/all patrols, sitrep to Bde 3 0150 Radio Ck with patrols 4 0207 Sitrep to Bde 5 0300 Sitrep to Bde 6 0401 Sitrep to Bde 7 0405 Radio ck with DB1 DB3 neg contact with DB2 and DL10 8 0455 B Co sitrep neg contact 9 0459 Sitrep to Bde 10 0500 Radio ck with DB1 DB3 neg contact with DB2 and DL10 11 0600 Had commo with all patrols except DL1, sitrep to Bde, Sit unchanged 12 0610 Checked with DB2 and DB3 there seemed to be no road block on road, traffic normal. 13 0626 DL20 began clearing road to Hwy 1 14 0627 DB2 reported checking Hwy 1 15 0634 DB1 leaving ambush site 16 0641 DB2 leaving ambush site 17 0645 DB3 leaving ambush site 18 0650 All patrols have closed base camp neg enemy contact 19 0728 B Co closed LP 20 0750 S&A reports road cleared 21 0759 A Co closed LD 22 0710 B Co is located from CP1 east 700 south 700 23 0800 Saber B20 departed base camp 24 0820 A Co told to hold in position, B Co told to hold on obj TINY 25 0840 Sitrep to Bn Red, change of mission, cancellation of convoy 26 0855 A Co closed base camp 27 0900 Postal money orders will be purchased from clerk who w/arrive BC 1100 28 0930 Sitrep to Bde 29 0935 Attached one mine detector team and one demo expert to A Co 30 0950 B Co picked up 5 VCS at XT 518217 turned over to MID 31 1025 Convoy departed fwd CP 32 1105 A Co moved into PZ 33 1125 A Co picked up at PZ (First lift) 34 1130 A Co first lift landed at LZ 35 1135 Second lift for A Co at PZ 36 1155 A Co completed LZ mission 37 1240 A Co on road neg contact 38 1245 Sitrep to Bde rear 39 1250 Sitrep to Bde 40 1300 Sitrep to Bde Sit unchanged 41 1305 Sitrep to Bde 5 VCS reported at 0950 were found to be detainees only and were released to MID 42 1350 B Co closed BC 43 1500 Sitrep to Bde 44 1556 Co A loaded enroute to BC 45 1610 Co A closed BC 46 1715 Sitrep sent to Bde 47 1800 Sitrep to Bde 48 1910 S-3 2/14 cancelled DR 10 patrol for 1 Jul 66 49 1915 B1 leaving BC now 50 1920 B2 leaving BC now 51 1935 B3 leaving BC now 52 2005 Sitrep to Bde nc 53 2100 DB1 in ambush sit 54 2101 Sitrep to Bde 55 2133 DB2 in ambush sit 56 2146 DB3 in ambush site 57 2156 B Co sitrep nc 58 2200 Radio ck with DB1, DB2, DB3 lound and clear 59 2201 Sitrep to Bde 60 2257 Radio ck w/DB1, DB2, DB3 nc 61 2300 Sitrep to Bde 62 2345 Radio ck w/DB1, 2, 3 LC 63 2359 Sitrep to Bde nc
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 1 Jul 66
2/14 Co A completed landing at LZ at 1155
2/14 (Fwd) Sitrep - B 2/14 cmd group returned to B/C at 1245, stay behind patrols are on obj Jack. Co A (-) in psn (Div spec mission) No contact w/Bobcat or enemy.
37 1405 2/14 (Fwd) convoy departed for (Fwd) area at 1400. 38 1503 2/14 (Fwd) convoy closed (Fwd) area at 1445. Also A/2/14 completed mission and will be picked up in approx 1 hour. 39 1515 Convoy dispatched to pick up A/2/14 stay behind patrol closed B/C at 1500. 40 1516 Co B/2/14 stay behind patrol closed B/C at 1500 43 1725 VCS captured by B/2/14 were questioned and released 56 1910 2/14 (Fwd) rpts pat: DR10 aborted due to early morn participation in heliborne opn.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 24, 2008