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Daily Staff Journal 03-May-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 03-May-66
2/14 Sitrep - VC probing perimeter, 1 VC KIA, body recovered by VC
5 0030 4/23 rpts 2 WIA from mortar fire, rpt to 2/14th
6 0045 4/23 rpts 10 VC coord 650174 moving SW. Unit observing spotted by ambush patrol 9 0235 2/14 rpts VC coming up Dry Creek Bed at XT663164. Fired on 3 VC. Results Unk. VC had automatic weapons. Radar received sniper fire at Ann Margaret. patrol heading for OP. 10 0245 2/14 rptd ambush patrol passed through OP Ann Margaret at 0217 21 0645 G3 Air: Chopper Nr 829 standing by with pilot at Div H-23 Chopper Pad waiting for Col Barscz 22 0645 4/9 southern-most patrol had contact with 6 VC at 0610. Fired upon. Results unk. Fired illum and HE at coord 685165 23 0700 4/9 requested a chopper at 0900 to take out 2 patrol leaders. This is in addition to 0800 lift for Maj Thompson 29 0730 Delayed Entry: 2/14 called for mortar fire at XT676178. Cleared to fire by Arty LO. 31 0817 Ref Item 22: Patrol 1 had contact with 6 VC w/boat at 0610 hrs. At XT 685156. Results 1 WIA (Poss). 2 VC were carrying SA, moving from W to E 32 0850 Ref Item 38 (021200-022400 May 66) VC KIA uniform was a soft cap similar to those worn by US KPs. Remainder of uniform was of a light colored material (possible khaki). Body recovered by 2 VC between 2230-2300 hrs. Recovery personnel brought under SA fire. Results unk. 33 0915 Ref Item 5: Two 4/23 WIA resolved as only 1 WIA. 44 1120 S3 2/14 rptd 3 men digging and observing from a psn 100 meters to front of Ann Margaret at 1025. Indiv wearing steel helmets, packs, no wpns. At 1110 couldn't be seen any more. 46 1125 To 4/9, 4/23, 2/14: Each Bn prepare a reaction force to be committed in support of any element of that Bn performing a mission forward of the bunker. 47 1125 To 2/14 submit plan to Bde prior to 1700 3 May for reaction force Ann Margaret or in the event of major attack. 48 1140 Msg From Div 3: NLT 041200 hrs the base defense plan, interior def plan and/or interior guard plan to be delivered to G3, DTOC. By req of ADCIS 49 1205 S3 4/23 rptd the plat size patrol departed 031200. 52 1259 2/14 requested orientation flight over north end of base camp for company cmdrs. 54 1320 2/14 adjusted arty fire on XT66921738. FFE on 20 persons digging in. 30 (+) rds fired. Results unk, persons withdrew & obs moving N thru woods. 55 1335 Sweep patrol from A/4/23 recd sniper fire from coord XT655174. 2 snipers spotted and receiving fire from a third. 4/23 adjusting 81mm mortar to fire. 59 1355 4/23 patrol hit by mort and MG approx 100 meters south of Check Point B. 1 injury. Extent unk. 60 1425 Patrol C/4/9, one man is being returned with two other men because of heat exhaustion. Patrol will continue. 64 1526 Patient evac request from 4/9, 1 heat injury. 65 1535 4/23 S2 turned in piece of shrapnel taken from C/4/23 at 030030 May 66. Action took place at XT 652176. Direction of attack and number of rounds received unknown. 66 1548 4/23 reported A/4/23 patrol received 6-10 rounds mortar fire, estimate 60mm. Direction of fire and number of rounds unk. 68 1559 4/9 S2 reported 1 heat-exhaustion patient and 2 other men returned to unit at 1550 hrs. Patient evacuated to hospital. 70 1620 4/23 turned captured VC material consisting of one (1) neckerchief, 2 hats, 1 watch, 1 chain with whistle, lighter, nail clip, can opener (P-38), 1 wallet, captured 031430 at XT656174 during platoon sweep. Platoon fired at two snipers who fled and left equipment. 75 1700 Correction to entry 66: Patrol was hit by mortar and SA fire. Estimate 60mm. 13 VC engaged by 81mm mortars. 7 VC KIA (Poss) 4 Friendly WIA. 76 1740 From S2 4/9, patrol 2, of which half was to return before dark, will remain out until termination due to heat casualties slowing them down. 87 2015 Msg to Bns: 100% alert on bunker lines during periods of reduced visibility 89 2040 C/4/23 reports blocking position receiving SA fire from 656172. Harassing fire but no problem at present. 94 2205 2/14 Sit/Rep: Receiving SA fire from right flank of Ann Margaret at coord 66701680. ARty fire poss 1 KIA 102 2400 1st Bde continued to secure the perimeter along the bunker line. Patrols were dispatched throughout the day and evening. Patrols encountered harassing fires. Fires returned. Expected time of return of patrols will be during the AM of 04 May 66.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 03-May-66
Rec from Lt. Deliz casualty rpt - Battle
Michael A. Aluffi, SP4, US56371397, HHC, 2/14
Incomp perforating gun shot (r leg) 3 wks.
Standing in front of Commo Msg Ctr. No shot heard, only impact. 1410 hrs.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 06, 2008