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Daily Staff Journal 02-May-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ 2/14 Bn S-4 2/14 Battalion Supply Section Activity
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 02-May-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
Bde Commo check L/L. Ann Margaret, all clear. Started taking responsibility of Ann Margaret and bunkers.
14 1230 Taking full responsibility of bunkers and Ann Margaret completed. 15 1320 Broken line to Ann Margaret, also report of suspected enemy activity to the right and center of Ann Margaret. 17 1600 Delayed report from Lawyer Charlie. 1. 2 VC observed moving south toward river line at XT661174. VC in black pajama uniform, equipment unknown. VC taken under fire by M-79 grenade, results unknown. 2. 3 VC observed moving south toward river line at XT669169, VC in black pajama, VC taken under arty fire (105's) and tank fire. 18 1640 Received Bde Patrol Plan (Consolidated) 20 1750 Received from 1st Bde, Bde Base Defense Overlay 22 1822 Lawyer "C" Sit/Rep - 1 VC observed coord 66001720, VC by outpost Ann Margaret wearing black PJs, taken under small arms fire, VC retreated. 23 1840 Sit/Rep form 4/23 - 3 VC at XT 65416, engaged w/small arms & M-79. Est 1 WIA, withdrew north, time 1810 hrs. 26 2005 Ann Margaret reported 4 VC, there was no activity. Location 50m to right front wearing light colored khaki type clothing, 1 black PJ. 27 2005 Received request from B Co for 22 M-18 claymore mines. OK'd and sent to S-4 by SSG Bazar 28 2005 Sit/Rep from Ann Margaret - 4 VC under observation right front of position, appox 50 meters. Taken under fire by M-79 and M-16. 1 VC dropped from tree into hole, 3 crawled into woods. 29 2030 Sit/Rep from OP Ann Margaret through L/C - 4 VC located 300 meters north east of OP, moving southwest, VC being taken under mortar fire. 30 2035 Set/Rep from OP Ann Margaret - 6 VC observed, 1 VC confirmed killed, 2 wounded, lay next to kill. Kill under observation. Location 30-60 meters on right flank of A/M. VC popping in and out of holes. VC seem to be trying to retrieve body. No noise or scream when VC are hit. Requested 100 rounds M-79. Ammo brought by G/S team. 35 2250 Sit/Rep from A/M - L/C - 3 VC in woodline 50 meters to the right flank of A/M. 1 VC standing guard, other two seemed to be looking for bodies, when illum. mission came in VC retreated, were taken under fire. VC returned fire. 1 possible VC WIA. Previously reported VC body no longer in area. All action observed by Starlite. 37 2350 Sit/Rep - A/M receiving auto fire from between bridge and OP A/M
2/14th, S-4
Location: XT 656163 Cu Chi, Viet Nam
0001-2400 02-May-66
Received 2500 Sand Bags: Item issued to Companies
Received 1 ea Latrine 8 Heater: Issue to C Co
Received 4 ea 65 Cu Ft Refers: will be issued to 1 ea Mess Hall
Received Aluminous Chalk: Issued to units
No Quartermaster Laundry available for Units, may send laundry through PX, Pay as you go. Still having trouble getting adequate tent frames. Quartermaster shows Poin inoperative due to Generator
Page signed by: Willam C. Tison, Capt, Inf S-4
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 02-May-66
Capt Mobley reported some Red TAT started to Cu Chi THIS morning - Rest to come this afternoon - Cargo ship start unloading this afternoon.
9 1017 To 2/14 have representative at coord point between 2/14 and 4/23 at 1045
10 1120 1/69 request a plat be attached instead of 2 sqds 11 1148 4/9 Lumber personnel will move out about noon - LANDSLIDE will inform 4/9 when they are ready to move out. 12 1225 4/9 reports all troops in position on new bunker line. 13 1230 Request 2 Bde give all clear when 1/5 clears 1st Bde Area 14 1230 All units on bunker line Ann Margaret occupied 15 1235 4/23 All units in position on new bunker line. 17 1304 1/5 Off our line as of 1200 hrs, 1st Bde assumed bunker line. 19 1310 To 4/23 Ref Chopper for moving wire. Have LNO see Maj Peterson, A Co 25 Avn Bn. He will make arrangements because wire will have to be sling loaded. 20 1520 Lt Col Booth called regards detach Plat (-) to 1/69 Armor for the laterite pit. He doesn't feel it should be done. 22 1615 Plat (-) married up with 1/69 Armor 24 1630 From Div TOC - Request APC aid evacuation of 2/27 casualty with serious head wound at coord 619181. 25 1700 Delayed Entry: 2/14 reported 2 VC moving toward river line, XT661174 wearing black pajama at 1400. Fired on with rifle grenade, results unknown. 26 1700 2/14 reports 3 VC moving south toward river line at XT669169 wearing black pajamas. Time 1415. Taken under fire by 105 and (2) 1/69 tanks. Results unk. 27 1730 Lightning TOC requested VTR to recover 1/69 Armor aid track which is stuck in 2/27 area. 28 1824 C 2/14 rptd 1 VC XT 660172 observing OP Ann Margaret, VC taken under fire with SA, VC withdrawn. Results of fire unknown. 29 1840 4/23 rptd 3 VC at XT654169, engaged with SA and M-79, est (1) wounded, 2 withdrew north. 31 1845 C/4/23 spot report 1 VC spotted coord 657187. VC ran off, did not take under fire. 32 1915 C/4/23 located hand grenade booby-trap at XT650182, booby-trap deactivated. Also found and destroyed punji pits at same location. 33 1930 4/23 sweep has made turn at CPC, much activity in area, no action, quite a few people. Entire platoon will stay at ambush site instead of planned squad. Platoon rpts what sounds like generator running vic XT 649179 at 1925 hrs. Size of unit unk. 35 1945 Lt Massey at Saigon docks reports one man from A/4/23 run over by 5-ton. Man in 13 Field Hospital. More details to come. 37 2040 4/9 element received fire from friendly unit, Lancer 3 contacted element and had firing ceased. 38 2112 Vic OP Ann Margaret, 4 VC under observation to the right front of tng psn. Approx 50 meters. VC fired on by M-79 and M-16. VC Equip: 3 VC wore light khaki clothing, 1 had black pajamas. One VC dropped from tree to hole in ground and disappeared. Three observed crawling toward woods. Above occurred at 2005 hrs. At 2030-2035 hrs 4 VC located 300 meters NE of Ann Margaret moving SW. VC taken under fire. Total of 6 VC observed. One VC confirmed killed. Two VC wounded lying next to KIA. Wounded under obs by Starlite scope. Kill loc 30-60 meters on right flank of OP Ann Margaret. VC popping out of holes in ground. VC trying to recover bodies but are prevented from doing so by SA fire. No noise or screams made by VC when hit. 39 2115 Received spot report from 1/69 rep friendly fire on friendly unit. 41 2215 2/14 Sitrep: VC probing 2/14 area OP Ann Margaret reports 1 confirmed KIA, 2 WIA. 45 2245 G-2 rpts all available bodies firing on coord XT70582209. Air Obs rpts 800 persons at 2235. 46 2245 DIVARTY rpts VC mortar fire in laterite pit. 47 2301 4/23 rpts 1 VC crawling east at coord 655171. Unit is sending 5 men to secure foot path across river at coord 655170. 48 2310 4/23 rpts 1 VC crawling toward bridge vic 659179. Observed with Starlite. 50 2335 4/23 rpts sniper at 657167 firing into friendly bunker at coord 650167. Engaged with M-79. Results unk. 51 2345 4/23 rpts (ref 47) 5 man security party recv SA fire from 2 VC at coord 655172. Have taken under fire, results unk. 53 2400 1st Bde TF elements continued to secure bunker line. Patrols and ambushes continued. 1st Bde TF elements will continue to secure bunker line and send out ambush patrols.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 06, 2008