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Photos from the personal scrapbook of Col. James I. Muir, Jr: 1961-1962 |
Photos from the personal
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Highlights of Colonel James I. Muir, Jr's command of the 14th Infantry
1961 100th Anniversary of 14th Infantry Organization Day - program
1961 McGlaughlin Marksmanship Match
1962 Jungle and Guerilla Warfare Training Center
1962 Lt Col Calvin P. Titus donates military memorabilia
1962 Departure Reception for Colonel James I. Muir, Jr.
Photos of former Commanders of the 14th Infantry
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Christmas 1961: Annual McGlaughlin Marksmanshop Match
Photos L-R: Marksmanship has always been big in the 14th. Remember Maj. Severne McGlaughlin, 1939 to 1942? He was a Distinguished Marksman with both the pistol and the rifle. In the Army, he ranked 5th with the rifle, and 7th with the pistol. So we established an annual McGlaughlin contest. Here, Willard Grace, Lucile's father, awards trophies after the match.
Master Sergeant Sametisi - both rifle and pistol champion.
No information available for 3rd photo...
1962: Jungle and Guerilla Warfare Training Center
Because of the 14th Inf experience in the jungles, the Division made the 14th responsible for the Jungle and Guerilla Warfare Training Center.
Photos L-R: 18 July 1962 - Col James I Muir, left, CO 1st Bn 14th Inf., and Lt Gen Bruce K Hollaway, Dep C-in-C, US Strike Command, leave the 25th Inf Div Jungle and Guerilla
Warfare Training Center to visit various stations of the center, Col Muir is dressed in his uniform as C-in-C, "Hostland" Army, his role in the current 25th Inf Div., jungle exercise.
L-R: Lt Gen Bruce K Hollaway, Dep C-in-C, US Strike Command; Col James I Muir, CO, 1st Bn, 14th Inf, 25th Inf Div, and Lt Col Paul L Peterson, AC of S, G-3, 25th Inf Div,
at the punji pit in the 25th Inf Div Jungle and Guerilla Warfare Training Center. Col Muir is dressed as C-in-C, "Hostland" Army, his role in the current 25th Inf Div Jungle exercise.
Photos by SP5 Roosevelt Miller, 125th Signal Battalion (Inf Div) APO 25
July 30, 1962
Lt. Col. Calvin P. Titus, "Hero of Peking", donates military memorabilia to E Co, 14th Inf.
Photos L-R: Capt Richard A Burke, Jr., E Co commander, Mrs Ernest F. Easterbrook, Brig Gen J T Folda, CG, 25th Inf Div Arty, Maj Gen Ernest F. Easterbrook, CG, 25th
Inf Div, Brig Gen Edwin A Machen, Asst Div Cmdr; Col James I Muir, CO 1st BG 14th Inf. Examining military memorabilia of Lt Col Calvin P Titus, USA Retired, which he donated to his old unit, Co E, 1st BG 14th Inf, following acceptance ceremonies.
Col James I Muir, left, CO, 1st BG 14th Inf, and Capt Richard A Burke, CO, Co E, 1st BG 14th Inf, examine the bugle of Lt Col Calvin P Titus, USA Retired, which he carried during the assault of Peking in 1900. The cake was served following ceremonies at which the company received Col Titus' military mementoes.
1/Sgt Edmond A Linehan, left and Capt Richard A Burke, Jr., CO, Co E, 1st BG 14th Inf, cut a cake with the saber carried by Lt Col Calvin P Titus, USA Retired, following ceremonies at which the military mementoes of Col Titus were received by his old unit, Co E. Looking on at right are Maj Gen Ernest F Easterbrook, CG 25th Inf Div, and far right, Col James I Muir, CO, 1st BG 14th Inf.
Photos by SP5 Roosevelt Miller, 125th Signal Battalion (Inf Div) APO 25
1962: Reception Upon Departure from Regiment
Former Commanders of the 14th Infantry
Photos of previous Regimental commanders on display at 14th Headquarters in 1962
Photos from the personal scrapbook of Colonel James
I. Muir, Jr.: 1961-1962
Copyright © 2014 14th Infantry Regiment Association
Pictures Copyright © 2014 James I. Muir, Jr.
Last modified:
April 25, 2014