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China Relief Expedition: The Boxer Uprising |
Chapter 15
Extracted from
The Boxer Uprising
Acquisition of the Philippines tended to
stimulate further a growing interest in China among Americans for both
commercial and humanitarian reasons. One important argument advanced for
retaining the Philippines was that they would serve as a convenient way
station in carrying on trade and protecting American interests in the Manchu
empire. The dominant problem in China at the end of the nineteenth
century was its threatened partition by the Great Powers. Both the
Americans and the British opposed this, and in September 1899 the United
States announced it had secured agreement from the interested powers for
maintenance of an Open Door policy in their relations with China.
The already extensive exploitation of their country by foreign states,
however, had aroused widespread resentment among younger Chinese. They
formed the nucleus of a secret group called Boxers by Westerners which, with
tacit support of the Dowager Empress, undertook a campaign against foreign
influences and foreigners. By early 1900 this movement had brought much
of China to the verge of revolution. Boxers in the northern provinces
attacked and killed hundreds of Chinese Christians and foreigners, mostly
missionaries. The wave of violence was climaxed by murder of the German
Minister on June no. In fear for their lives in what appeared to be the
beginning of a general uprising, most remaining foreigners as well as many
Chinese converts fled to the foreign legations area in Peking, defended by a
composite force of some 600 soldiers and civilians. Soon they were
besieged there by a much larger force of Boxers assisted by Chinese imperial
Although the McKinley administration disliked the idea of becoming involved in
an election year in an international incident with overtones of entangling
foreign alliances, it agreed to join with the other powers in taking such
steps as seemed necessary to rescue their beleaguered nationals. In
establishing the limits of American diplomatic co-operation with the
intervening powers, Secretary of State John Hay admonished the United States
Minister that ". . . we have no policy in China except to protect with energy
American interests and especially American citizens.... There must be no
alliances." And on July 3 Hay circulated a second Open Door note among
the interested powers, stating that it was the policy of the United States "to
seek a solution which may bring about permanent safety and peace to China,
preserve Chinese territorial and administrative entity, protect all rights
guaranteed to friendly powers by treaty and international law, and safeguard
for the world the principle of equal and impartial trade with all parts of the
Chinese Empire."
Already in June the Navy's China squadron, under Rear Adm. Louis Kempff, had
joined with other foreign naval units in bombardment of the Taku forts
guarding Tientsin, the port city nearest to Peking, and had supplied a
contingent for an international landing force composed of marines and other
available troops. Formed into a rescue column, including more than a
hundred Americans, this force had encountered overwhelming opposition and
failed to break through to Peking. The powers then had taken immediate
steps to organize a large relief expedition to drive through to the Chinese
Because of the Philippine Insurrection the United States had sizable Army
units available fairly near China. It could therefore contribute one of
the larger contingents to the international relief force. Although
General [Arthur] MacArthur, commanding in the Philippines, was somewhat
reluctant to weaken his already overextended forces, he agreed to dispatch to
China immediately the 9th Infantry and later the 14th Infantry and some
artillery units. Other units, including the 6th Cavalry, came directly
from the United States. Using Manila as a base and Nagasaki, Japan, as an
advance port, the United States eventually assembled some 2,500 soldiers and
marines in China under command of Maj. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee. On July 13,
elements of this force, officially designated the China Relief Expedition,
participated with troops from several other nations in the attack on Tientsin,
which surrendered on the same day.
By early August, an allied force of some 19,000, including British, French,
Japanese, Russian, German, Austrian, Italian, and American troops, was ready
to move out of Tientsin toward Peking, some seventy miles distant.
Fighting a number of sharp skirmishes en route, this force reached the Manchu
capital on August 12 and prepared immediately to assault the gates leading
into the Outer City. Lacking effective central direction, the relief
expedition's attack was poorly executed. The Russian contingent
prematurely forced an entrance into the Outer City on August 13, only to be
thrown into confusion and require rescue by other allied troops. The
next day, in a more carefully coordinated assault, elements of the U.S. 14th
Infantry scaled the so-called Tartar Wall and provided cover for the British
as they entered the Outer City in force, relieving the legations compound.
Then on August 15, Capt. Henry J. Reilly's Light Battery F of the U.S. 5th
Artillery shattered the gates leading into the Inner City with several
well-placed salvos, opening the way for the allied troops to occupy the center
of Peking. Although American troops had suffered comparatively light
losses—slightly more than 200 killed and wounded—they did not take part in
subsequent military operations, which consisted primarily of suppressing
scattered Boxer elements and rescuing foreigners in the provinces. The
McKinley administration, anxious to avoid further involvement in China, wanted
to get Army units back to the Philippines before winter.
In a few months all resistance had ended and the Dowager Empress sued for
peace, offering to pay an indemnity and reaffirm previously existing
commercial concessions. During prolonged negotiations an international
army of occupation to which the United States contributed a small contingent
of Regulars remained in north China. It was withdrawn in September 1901
under terms of the Boxer Protocol. This agreement also provided that the
powers maintain a fortified legation in Peking, garrison the Tientsin-Peking
railway—an American contingent served as a part of this force until 1938—and
receive reparations of $333 million. Of this amount the United States
claimed only $25 million. In a few years it became apparent that even
this sum was more than was needed to indemnify claims of American nationals
and in 1907, and again in 1924, the United States returned portions totaling
nearly $17 million to China, which placed the money in a trust fund for
education of Chinese youths in both countries.
Our thanks to the Center of Military History, United States Army,
Washington, DC for the information on this page, excerpted from the Army
Historical Series "American Military History", chapter 15, Emergence to World
Power, 1898-1902, pages 339-342, available online at
China Relief Expedition:
The Boxer Uprising
Copyright © 2012 14th Infantry Regiment Association
Last modified:
July 25, 2024