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Frontier Posts & Assignments: Officers, Names, Deeds |
Early History of the 14th Infantry Regiment
Civil War: Officers, Names and Deeds
by Sgt. Robert H. Wilson Jr., USA (Ret)
Anderson, Thomas McArthur Ohio. Ohio. Private A 6th Ohio Infantry 20-Apr-to 15-May-1861; 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Cavalry 7-May-1861; Captain 12 Infantry 14-May-1861; transfer to 21 Infantry 21-Sep-1866; Major 26-Mar-1868; unassigned 15-Mar-1869; assigned to 10th Infantry 24-Jun-1869; Lieutenant Colonel 9th Infantry 20-Mar-1879; Colonel 14th Infantry 6-Sep-1886; Brigadier General Volunteers 4-May-1898; Major General Volunteers 13-Aug-1898; honorably discharged from Volunteers 12-Jun-1899; Brigadier General USA 31-Mar-1899; Retired 21-Jan-1900; Brevetted Major 1-Aug-1864 for gallant service in the battle of the Wilderness Va and Lieutenant Colonel 1-Aug-1864 for gallant service in the battle of Spotsylvania Va. |
Daggett, Aaron Simon Me. Me. 1st Lieutenant 5th Maine Infantry 24-Jun-1861; Captain 15-Aug-1861; Major 14-Apr-1863; Honorably mustered out 27-Jul-1864; Lieutenant Colonel 5th US vet Volunteer Infantry 23-Jan-1865; Brevetted Colonel and Brigadier General Volunteers 13-Mar-1865 for gallant and meritorious service during war; Honorably mustered out 10-May-1866, Captain 16 Infantry 28-Jul-1866; transfer to 2nd Infantry 17-Apr-1869; Major 13th Infantry 2-Jan-1892; Lieutenant Colonel 25 Infantry 1-Oct-1895; Brigadier General Volunteers 21-Sep-1898; Colonel 14th Infantry 31-Mar-1899; Brigadier General 21-Feb-1901; Brevetted Major 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Rapahannock Station Va 7-Nov-1863 and Lieutenant Colonel 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of the Wilderness Va; Retired 2-Mar-1901. |
Eldridge, Bogardus Ala. Mass. 2nd Lieutenant 10th Infantry 31-Aug-1876; 1st Lieutenant 21-May-1883; Captain 14th Infantry 7-Sep-1897; killed 2-Oct-1899 in action near Bacoor P.I. |
Goodwin, William Percy. Ill Ohio. 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 15-Aug-1876; 1st Lieutenant 8-Apr-1889; Captain 1-Mar-1894; Retired 8-Sep-1898; died 29-Dec-1899. |
Gustin, Joseph Henry Ohio. Ohio. Cadet MA 1-Sep-1871; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 16-Jun-1875; 1st Lieutenant 15-Jun-1887; rqm 1-Jul-1888 to 1-Jul-1890; Retired with rank of Captain 1-Mar-1894. |
Hasson, Patrick Ireland Pa. Private Corporal and Sergeant E 4th Infantry 12-Jan-1856 to 12-Jan-1861; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 22-Jan-1867; 1st Lieutenant 12-Apr-1872; Captain 8-Apr-1889; Brevetted 1st Lieutenant 27-Feb-1890 for gallant service in action against Indians near Willows Ariz 8-Nov-1867 where he was wounded; Retired 28-Mar-1892. |
Johnson, Charles Akers Pa. Wis. Private B 1st Wisconsin Infantry 20-Apr-to 21-Aug-1861; Private Sergeant and 1st Sergeant 13 wis Batty 4-Jul-1863 to 22-Mar-1865; 2nd Lieutenant 51st Wisconsin Infantry 6-Apr-1865; Honorably mustered out 6-May-1865; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 9-Aug-1867; 1st Lieutenant 23-Jan-1876; Retired with rank of Captain 9-Jan-1892; died 22-Dec-1893. |
Kimball, William Augustus Ind. Utah. Cadet MA 1-Jul-1872 to 14-Jan-1873; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 31-Aug-1876; 1st Lieutenant 6-May-1890; Retired with rank of Captain 13-Aug-1894. |
McCammon, William Wallace Jr Utah. At lge. Private and Corporal E 14th Infantry 9-May-1898 to 11-Jun-1899; 2nd Lieutenant 23rd Infantry 1-Jun-1899; 1st Lieutenant 2-Feb-1901. |
McCammon, William Wallace Ohio. Mo. 1st Lieutenant 22 Mo Infantry 15-Oct-1861; transfer to 24 Mo Infantry 22-Jul-1862; Captain 13-Oct-1862 to 20-Apr-1865; Captain aag Volunteers 3-Feb-1865; Brevetted Major Volunteers 13-Mar-1865 for gallant and meritorious service during the war; Honorably mustered out 2-Feb-1866; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 18-Jun-1867; 1st Lieutenant 10-Dec-1873; rear adjutant 23-Jul-1869 to 10-Apr-1886; Captain 29-Sep-1891; transfer to 4th Infantry 3-Feb-1900; Major aag Volunteers 12-May-1898; honorably discharged from Volunteers 30-Nov-1898; Major 6 Infantry 12-May-1900; awarded medal of honor 9-Jul-1896 for most dist gal in action at Corinth Miss in voluntarily assuming command of his co then under fire on 3-Oct-1862 and so continuing in command of the same until the repulse and retreat of the enemy on 4-Oct-1862 while 1st Lieutenant co E 24 mo Infantry and on duty as pro marsh 3 div army of the Miss; Retired 28-May-1902; died 27-Mar-1903. |
McConihe, Samuel NH. NY. Captain 93 NY Infantry 9-Jan-1862; Major 3-Dec-1863; Brevetted Lieutenant Colonel Colonel and Brigadier General Volunteers 13-Mar-1865 for conspicuous gal in the battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Va and for gallant and meritorious service during war; Honorably mustered out 15-Feb-1865; 2nd Lieutenant and 1st Lieutenant 14th Infantry 23-Feb-1866; Captain 25-Feb-1876; Brevetted Captain 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of the Wilderness Va; Major 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Spotsylvanian Va and Lieutenant Colonel 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service during war; died 7-Sep-1897. |
Mitchell, James Ireland. Army. Private Corporal and Sergeant L and quartermaster Sergeant 7 Cavalry 6-Dec-1867 to 6-Dec-1872; Private and Sergeant sig corps 19-Dec-1872 to 17-Aug-1885; 2nd Lieutenant sig corps 15-Aug-1885; 2nd Lieutenant 15 Infantry 4-Feb-1891; 1st Lieutenant 9th Infantry 18-Jun-1892; transfer to 14th Infantry 12-Aug-1892; died 6-Feb-1899 of wds recd in action 5-Feb-1899 at Pasay P I. |
Murphy, John Ireland. Army. Private Sergeant and 1st Sergeant det Dragoons and D 5 art 21-May-1858 to 21-May-1863; Private Sergeant and 1st Sergeant detachment of Cavalry and L 5 art 4-Jun-1863 to 21-Aug-1867; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 16-Aug-1867; 1st Lieutenant 1-Feb-1876; Captain 9-Jan-1892; Major paymaster 12-Jul-1899; Retired 17-Jul-1899. |
Patterson, George Thomas Tillman Ohio. Ohio. Private 22nd Ohio Battery 6-Jul-1863 to 13-Jul-1865; Cadet MA 1-Jul-1868; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 14-Jun-1872; 1st Lieutenant 15-Mar-1883; rqm 23-Apr-1879 to 30-Jun-1886; Captain 14-Oct-1892; died 17-Aug-1894. |
Reynolds, William Butler Wash Terr. Md. Cadet MA 1-Sep-1875; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 13 june 1879; 1st Lieutenant 10-Jun-1890; Captain 13-Aug-1894; Major 28-Feb-1901; Retired 16-Apr-1901. |
Robinson, Levi H Vt. Vt. Sergeant F 10 Vt Infantry 16-Jul-1862 to 17-Feb-1865; 2nd Lieutenant 119 Usc Infantry 18-Feb-1865; Honorably mustered out 27-Apr-1866; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 19-Apr-1866; 1st Lieutenant 11-Aug-1866; killed 9-Feb-1874 by Indians near Laramie Peak wyo. |
Sickel, Horatio Gates Jr. NY. NY. Cadet MA 1-Sep-1872; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 15-Jun-1876; transfer to 7 Cavalry 28-Jul-1876; 1st Lieutenant 17-Dec-1882; Captain 23-May-1896. |
Sladen, Fred Winchester Mass. Nebr. Cadet MA 14-Jun-1885; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 12-Jun-1890; 1st Lieutenant 4th Infantry 10-Feb-1897; Captain 8 Infantry 20-Oct-1899; transfer to 14th Infantry 17-Apr-1900. |
Sladen, Joseph Alton England. Mass. Private and Corporal A 33 Mass Infantry 6-Aug-1862; 2nd Lieutenant 14 Us Infantry 25-Nov-1864; 1st Lieutenant 24-Oct-1865; Brevetted 1st Lieutenant Volunteers 13-Mar-1865 for gallant and meritorious conduct during the Atlanta and Carolina campaigns; Honorably mustered out 26-Mar-1866; 2nd Lieutenant 17 Infantry 27-Mar-1866; transfer to 26 Infantry 21-Sep-1866; 1st Lieutenant 17-Jul-1867; unassigned 19-May-1869; assigned to 14th Infantry 15-Dec-1870; rqm 25-Jul-1887 to 15-Jun-1888; Captain 15-Jun-1888; Retired 8-Apr-1889; Brevetted 1st Lieutenant and Captain 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Jonesboro Ga; awarded medal of honor 19-Jul-1895 for dist gal in the battle of Resaca, Ga 14-May-1864 while Private A 33 mass Infantry in voluntarily engaging in the action at a critical juncture and by the coolness and courage of his example inspiring the panic-stricken troops to repel the fierce assaults of the enemy. |
Smith, John Eugene Pa. Ill. Colonel 45 ill Infantry 23-Jul-1861; Brigadier General Volunteers 29-Nov-1862; Brevetted Major General Volunteers 12-Jan-1865 for faithful and eff ser and for gal in action; Honorably mustered out 30-Apr-1866; Colonel 27 Infantry 28-Jul-1866; unassigned 15-Mar-1869; assigned to 15 Infantry 15-Dec-1870; transfer to 14th Infantry 20-Dec-1870; Retired 19-May-1881; Brevetted Brigadier General 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the siege of Vicksburg Miss. and Major General 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service in action at Savannah Ga-Dec-1864; died 28-Jan-1897. |
Swift, Eben Tex. Ky. Cadet MA 1-Jul-1872; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 15-Jun-1876; transfer to 5th Cavalry 28-Jul-1876; 1st Lieutenant 13-Oct-1884; rear adjutant 4-Jun-1878 to 9-Mar-1887; Captain 11-Dec-1893; Major 7 ill Infantry 18-May-1898; Lieutenant Colonel 9 ill Infantry 7-Jul-1898; Colonel 4 ill Infantry 12-Nov-1898; Honorably mustered out of Volunteers 2-May-1899; Major Puerto Rico Regiment 1-Dec-1899; Honorably mustered out of Volunteers 30-Jun-1901; Major Puerto Rico provisional Regiment 1-Jul-1901; Major 1st Cavalry 24-Jan-1903. |
Tobey, Thomas Fry RI. Army. Sergeant D 10 ri Infantry 26-May-to 6-Aug-1862; Captain 7 ri Infantry 4-Sep-1862; Major 7-Jan-1863; Honorably mustered out 9-Feb-1864; Private and Sergeant F 2 batln 14th Infantry 27-Feb-to 15-May-1865; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 3-May-1865; 1st Lieutenant 6-May-1865; rear adjutant 16-Jan-1866 to 30-Sep-1867; Captain 23-Nov-1874; Retired 6-Jan-1892. |
Yeatman, Richard Thompson Ohio. Ohio. Cadet M A 1 July 1868; 2nd Lieutenant 14th Infantry 14 June 1872; 1st Lieutenant 15-Mar-1883; rqm 30 June 1886 to 25 July 1887; rear adjutant 25 July 1887 to 1 July 1890; Captain 14th Infantry 28-Mar-1892; transfer to 3rd Infantry 26-Oct-1900; Major 22 Infantry 13-Nov-1900. |
Friends |
Alexander, Andrew Jonathan Ky. Mo. 2nd Lieutenant and 1st Lieutenant mtd rifle 26-Jul-1861; 3 Cavalry 3-Aug-1861; Lieutenant Colonel aag assigned 1-Jan-to 10-Aug-1863 and 23-Apr-1864 to 24-Apr-1865; Captain 3 Cavalry 13-Sep-1863; Major 8 Cavalry 28-Jul-1866; Lieutenant Colonel 2nd Cavalry 20-Mar-1879; Retired 3-Jul-1885; Brevetted Captain 1-Jul-1862 for gallant and meritorious service during the Peninsular campaign in Va; Major 3-Jul-1863 for gallant and meritorious service during Gettysburg campn; Lieutenant Colonel 20-Jul-1864 for gallant and meritorious service during the Atlanta campn; Colonel 2-Apr-1865 for gallant and meritorious service in the capture of Selma Ala and Brigadier General 16-Apr-1865 for dist skill and gallantry in the Cavalry engagement at Ebaneezer Church Ala and Columbus Ga and for staedfast devotion to duty in the field during the war; also Brevetted Colonel and Brigadier General Volunteers 5-Jan-1865; died 4-May-1887. |
Bingham, Horatio S Canada. Minn. 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Minnesota Cavalry 23-Dec-1863; Captain 4-Jan-1864; Honorably mustered out 19-Apr-1866; 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Cavalry 23-Feb-1866; killed 6-Dec-1866 in action with Sioux Indians near Ft Phil Kearney, Dakota. |
Carr, Eugene Asa NY. NY. Cadet MA 1-Sep-1846; Brevetted 2nd Lieutenant mtd rifle 1-Jul-1850; 2nd Lieutenant 30-Jun-1851; 1st Lieutenant 1st Cavalry 3-Mar-1855; Captain 11-Jun-1858; 4 Cavalry 3-Aug-1861; Colonel 3 ill Cavalry 16-Aug-1861; Brigadier General Volunteers 7-Mar-1862; Honorably mustered out of vol ser 15-Jan-1866; Major 5th Cavalry 17-Jul-1862; Lieutenant Colonel 4 Cavalry 7-Jan-1873; transfer to 5th Cavalry 10-Apr-1873; Colonel 6 Cavalry 29-Apr-1879; Brigadier General 19-Jul-1892; Brevetted Lieutenant Colonel 10-Aug-1861 for gallant and meritorious service at the battle of Wilson's Creek Mo; Colonel 17-May-1863 for gallant and meritorious service in the action of Black River Miss; Brigadier General 13-Mar-1865 for gallant and meritorious service in the capture of Little Rock Ark; Major General 13-Mar-1865 for gallant and meritorious service in the field during the war and Major General of Volunteers 11-Mar-1865; awarded a medal of honor 16-Jan-1894 for dist gal in the battle of Pea Ridge Ark 7-Mar-1862 directing deployment of his command and holding his ground under a brisk fire of shot and shell in which he was several times wounded while serving as Colonel 3 ill cav; Retired 15-Feb-1893. |
Green, John Germany. Army. Sergeant and 1st Sergeant B and Sergeant Major mtd rifle 1 july 1846 to 27-Aug-1848; Private and 1st Sergeant B mtd rifle 18-Sep-1852 to 5-Jul-1855; 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Dragoons 18-Jun-1855; 1st Lieutenant 3-Mar-1861; 2nd Cavalry 3-Aug-1861; Captain 13-Aug-1861; Major 1st Cavalry 9-Jun-1868; Lieutenant Colonel 2nd Cavalry 3-Jul-1885; Retired 20-Nov-1889; Brevetted Major 3-Jul-1863 for gallant and meritorious service in the Gettysburg campaign and Lieutenant Colonel 15-Apr-1865 for faithful and meritorious service during war; Colonel 27-Feb-1890 for gallant service in action against Indians at Mount Turnbull Ariz 30-Apr-1869 and Brigadier General 27-Feb-1890 for gallant service in action against Indians in the Lava Beds Cal 17-Jan-1873 and conspicuous gallantry in the several actions during the Modoc war; awarded medal of honor 4-Nov-1897 for most dist gallantry in action against hostile Modoc Indians at the Lava Beds Cal 17-Jan-1873 in exposing himself in the most fearless manner to very great danger by walking in front of the line when the men hesitated to go forward as ordered and reassuring the command which then advanced upon the Indians who were concealed among the rocks and fighting from behind their natural fortifications while serving as Major 1st Cavalry. |
Pepoon, Silas Nov-1865; Honorably mustered out 20-Nov-1866; 2nd Lieutenant 10th Cavalry 17-Aug-1867; 1st Lieutenant 17-May-1872; died 16-Oct-1874. |
Price, William Redwood Ohio. Pa. 2nd Lieutenant 3 Pa Cavalry 15-Jan-1862; 1st Lieutenant 7-Sep-1862; Captain 1-May-1863; Major aag Volunteers 5-Aug-1864; Brevetted Lieutenant Colonel Volunteers 23-Jan-1865 for industry zeal and fai ser during the campaign before Richmond Va; Colonel Volunteers 13-Mar-1865 for gallant and meritorious service and Brigadier General Volunteers 13-Mar-1865 for faithful and meritorious service during the war; Honorably mustered out 1-Sep-1866; Major 8 Cavalry 28-Jul-1866; Lieutenant Colonel 6 Cavalry 2-Apr-1879; Brevetted Lieutenant Colonel 2-Mar-1867 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Five Forks Va; Colonel 10-Dec-1868 for gallant and meritorious service in an engagement with Indians in the vicinity of Walkers Springs in the Aquarious range in Ariz 10 and 13-Dec-1868; died 30-Dec-1881. |
Sanford, George Bliss Conn. Conn. 2nd Lieutenant 1st Dragoons 26-Apr-1861; 1st Lieutenant 30-Jul-1861; 1st Cavalry 3-Aug-1861; Captain 1-Oct-1862; Major 25-Jun-1876; Lieutenant Colonel 9 Cavalry 20-Aug-1889; Colonel 6 Cavalry 22-Jul-1892; Brevetted Major 19-Oct-1864 for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Cedar Creek Va. and Lieutenant Colonel 13-Mar-1865 for gallant and meritorious service during the war; Retired 28-Jul-1892. |
Tappan, Benjamin Ohio. Cal. Surg 8th Ohio Infantry 2-May-1861; honorably discharged 24-Mar-1862; asst surg Volunteers 3-Dec-1864; killed 22-Mar-1866 in action with Apache Indians near Cottonwood Springs Ariz. |
Von Luettwitz, Adolphus H Prussia. Kans. Private E 54 ny Infantry 1-Jan-1862; 2nd Lieutenant 18-Jun-1862; 1st Lieutenant 1-Sep-1862; Captain 1-Nov-1862; Honorably mustered out 18-Sep-1865; 2nd Lieutenant 3 Cavalry 30-Aug-1867; 1st Lieutenant 26-Jan-1870; cashd 8-Jul-1870; reinstated 8-Sep-1874 with former date of rank; Retired 5-May-1879; died 29-Mar-1887. |
Winters, William Henry Ohio Army. Private A 6th Ohio Infantry 20-Apr-to 1-Aug-1861; 1st Lieutenant 27 ohio Infantry 2-Aug-1861; Captain 1-Jul-1862; Resigned 22-Oct-1862; Private Corporal Sergeant and 1st Sergeant 1st Cavalry 18 sept 1864 to 30-Mar-1865; 2nd Lieutenant 1st Cavalry 12-Mar-1865; 1st Lieutenant 8-Aug-1866; rqm 11-Nov-1875 to 25-Jun-1876; Captain 25 june 1873; died 12-Jun-1880. |
Additional information regarding abbreviations and the Early History of the 14th Infantry Regiment