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Civil War: Chancellorsville After Action Report |
April 27-May 6, 1863
- The Chancellorsville Campaign
No. 186 Report of Capt.
Jonathan B. Hager, 14th U.S.
by Capt. Jonathan B. Hager, Fourteenth
U.S. Infantry
Camp Near Falmouth, Virginia May 7, 1863
CAPTAIN: In obedience to instructions from brigade headquarters, I have the honor to make the following report of the movements and operations of the regiment from and including May 1 up to the evacuation of Chancellorsville: The regiment arrived at Chancellor's on the evening of April 30, and encamped on the pike leading to Fredericksburg. On the morning of May 1, the regiment, in connection with the rest of the brigade, was ordered to the front, and formed line of battle on the left of the Twelfth Infantry. At this time the Second Brigade of the division was engaging the enemy in front and on our right. The skirmishers of the Third Infantry soon engaged those of the enemy, the latter falling back. Under a fire from the enemy's battery in front, the line advanced to the crest of the hill, and took its position under the crest, on the left of the line of the Second Brigade. After remaining in this position about half an hour, the line retired in splendid order to the position it took in the field before advancing, and shortly after to the encampment of the evening before. In this advance the regiment lost 3 men killed, 5 wounded, and 1 missing.
The officers and men behaved well, though many were under fire for the first time. The regiment lay in line of battle during the night of May 1, and was called to arms twice during the night. After midnight of the 1st, we were ordered to change our position to the road leading from Chancellor's to the United States Ford. The regiment remained here until evening, when it was ordered to take position to the left of the road to Ely's Ford, which position it occupied until after midnight, when we were ordered to move farther to the right on the same road, which the regiment held until the evacuation of the place. Major Giddings, Fourteenth Infantry, arrived on the morning of May 3, and was ordered to the command of the regiment.
The following officers of the Fourteenth Infantry were present with the battalion on May 1 during the entire day and in all its subsequent movements: Capt. W. Harvey Brown, acting field officer. Second Lieut. Charles G. Smedberg, adjutant. Company A, First Battalion: Capt. H. K. Thatcher and First Lieut. John Henton. Company B, First Battalion: Lieut. G. M. Downey and Second Lieut. C. McKibbin. Company D, First Battalion: Capt. George D. Norton and First Lieut. James W. Weir. Company E, First Battalion: Capt. G. Ilges and Second Lieut. Thomas E. Collins. Company F, First Battalion: Capt. J. J. Coppinger and First Lieuts. J. B. Sinclair and W. H. Mills. Company F, Second Battalion: Capt. W. H. Lawrence and First Lieuts. Alfred Foote and Robert H. Porter. Company G, First Battalion: Capt. H. De B. Clay and Second Lieut. G. R. Vernon. Company G, Second Battalion: Capt. W. C. McCall and Lieuts. John McClintock and W. O. Douglas. Lieuts. Daniel Loosley and Patrick Collins were on the sick report and with the ambulance, and did not participate in the movements and operations of the regiment at any time during its absence, nor have they been yet reported to me. Capts. W. Harvey Brown and H. K. Thatcher, the former acting field officer and the latter commanding the right company, rendered me valuable assistance, and by their conduct encouraged both men and officers in the proper discharge of their duties. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain Fourteenth Infantry, Commanding Regiment in the Field.
Captain Fourteenth U.S. Infantry, A. A. A. G., 1st Brigade, Reg. Infantry
Civil War: Chancellorsville After Action Report
Copyright © 2013 14th Infantry Regiment Association
Last modified: February 04, 2017