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1 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued to improve the defenses of FSB 30 and destroy and evacuate FSB 15. Companies B and D conducted patrols around FSB 25 and FSB 32 respectively. Company C remained OP/CON to 3-12. The heavy mortar platoon was in General Support of the Bn. Recon helped improve the defenses of FSB 30. Company A 3-12 becomes OP/CON to 1-14. Plans: Company A will conduct a recon patrol to the vicinity of YB 977281. Company B will conduct recon patrols to the following locations YB 875295, YB 898285 and the third recon patrol to 877288 for a night ambush. Company C will remain OP/CON to 3-12. Company D will conduct recon patrols to YB 820830, 804254 for a night ambush and to 828250 for a night ambush. Recon platoon will conduct a recon patrol to YB 967257. Mortar platoon will be in general support of the Bn. A/3-12 will conduct patrols around FSB (YB 839223) as coordinated with 1-14.
2 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons conducted 7 recon patrols and 6 night ambushes. Company A conducted a patrol around FSB 30. Company B conducted patrols around FSB 25 and had a night ambush. Company C was OP/CON to 3-12. Company D conducted patrols around FSB 32. Heavy mortars was in general support. Recon conducted a patrol around FSB 30. A/3-12 conducted patrols and ambushes around FSB 29. Plans: Patrols and night ambushes will be conducted around the firebases in the AO. A/3-12 will remain OP/CON to 1-14 and C/1-14 will remain OP/CON to 3-12 for the duration of the operation around FSB 19 (YB 854398).
3 September 1968 1040-1041: C/1-14 while OP/CON to 3-12 had 3 NVA KIA and captured 3 AK 47. Located at FSB 19 1110-1111: C/1-14 while OP/CON to 3-12 reports 1 NVA KIA and 1 AK 47, and 1-B 40 rocket without launcher. At 1205 they report 1 more KIA, this one looks like artillery got him. Located at FSB 19 1115-1116: Plans for tomorrow from Bde. 3-12: A/3-12 P1 from NL 847205 to 855206 to 853212 to 744207 to 837204 which is NL. P2-837216 to 840212 to 843218 to 854225 to 842221. P3-843226 to 848230 to 844235 to 833226 to 836224. Recon Apache 2 833223 to 820215 to 819208 to 813213 to 811215. Apache 3 from NL 818199 to 824204 to 832210 to 835215. 1344-1345: To B/1-14. 91A will conduct an 8 man patrol from FSB 25 at 1000 to 880290 to 874287 to 873290 to 875294 to 874295 which is a NL. 93A will conduct an 8 man patrol from FSB 25 to FSB 25. 92A will conduct an 8 man patrol at 1000 from NL 892280 to 900286 to 907286 for NL. 1346-1347: To D/1-14. 92C will conduct a 6 man patrol to depart FSB 32 at 0900 to 913255 to 811259 to 807250 for NL. 93(-) will conduct a platoon size patrol to depart FSB 32 at 0830 to 810245 to 809238 to 814236 to 813234 to 819234 to 825236 to 823240 to 820245 to FSB 32. 93C will conduct an 8 man patrol to depart FSB 32 at 1100 from NL 833252 to 830244 to 824248 to FSB 32. 2300-2301: C/1-14 OP/CON to 3-12 received mortar fire, automatic fire and small arms fire resulting in 1 US KIA, 2 US WIA. Dustoff for these US personnel will be completed tomorrow. Summary: The Golden Dragons conducted 8 patrols and 5 night ambushes. All elements conducted patrols around their respective firebases with the exception of Company C which is OP/CON to 3-12. Company C found 5 NVA that were KIA, 4 AK 47’s, and 1 B40 rocket near their perimeter. Apparently the NVA were killed by small arms and artillery fire. This was received by S-3 from Company C Commander at 2015 hrs. Plans: Continued patrolling and night ambushes around the firebases will be conducted. C/1-14 will remain OP/CON to 3-12. The heavy mortars will be in general support of the Bn.
4 September 1968 1337-1338: From A/3-12 plans of 5 Sept.: P1 start at 1000 at 834220-823213-830210-838214-836217; P2 at 1300-830198-825195-822201-NL; P3 at 0915-834219-848225-844231-835231-833227-837191; Apache 3 at 1600 NL 4 Sept. 811215 to 814220 for NL 5 Sept. Summary: The Golden Dragons conducted 8 patrols and established 4 night ambushes. All elements patrolled around their respective firebases with the exception of Company C which is OP/CON to 3-12. Weather prevented resupply of firebases. Company A, Company D and the HQ element have eaten their last meals. Heavy mortars were in General Support of the Battalion. Plans: Continued patrols and ambushes will be conducted around all firebases if the weather clears. Company C will remain OP/CON to 3-12. Company B has been designated as a reaction company for the Brigade.
5 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons conducted six patrols and five night ambushes. All companies and the recon platoon conducted patrols and ambushes around the firebases with Company C remaining OP/CON to 3-12. Heavy rains prevented extensive operations. Plans: Elements will continue to patrol and ambush around their respective firebases. Weather forecast is continued rain.
6 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued extensive patrolling around the firebases. Ten patrols and 6 night ambushes were conducted throughout the battalion TAOR. Inclement weather continued and Company C did not get resupplied at the vicinity of FSB 19. All other elements received critical supplies. Plans: The battalion will continue extensive patrolling and ambushes around the firebases in the AO. Company B has been alerted to relieve Company C in the weather permits helicopters to fly. Maximum effort will be made to resupply Company C in the vicinity of FSB 19.
7 September 1968 1009-1010: Replacements for the companies: A/1-14 gets 6, B/1-14 gets 8, C/1-14 gets 14, D/1-14 and E/1-14 get none. 1545-1546: A/3-12 Apache 1 element is in contact. Possible team leader KIA. Calling in artillery at YB 811216. Estimated 4 NVA. At 1800, Recon 3-12 reports team leader KIA, rest of 5 men in team extracted to FSB 29. Summary: The Golden Dragons continued patrolling and conducting ambushes around firebases. Nine patrols and 5 night ambushes were conducted throughout the AO. Inclement weather continued to prohibit extensive operations. C/1-14 remained OP/CON to 3-12 and A/3-12 and Recon Platoon of 3-12 remained OP/CON to 1-14. Plans: Patrolling and ambushes will be employed around the firebases. Resupply will be reattempted if the weather clears. C rations, ammo, dry clothes and socks will have priority.
8 September 1968 1135-1136: SRRP – Short Range Recon Patrols, 2 or 3 man operating 2.5 to 3 clicks from FSB, company and platoon locations remain stationary 3 to 4 days. SRRP take place of majority of patrol activity. NOTE: 1-8 is employing SRRP along ridges west of rocket ridge furnishing 12 to 14 teams ranging from FSB 6 to Hill 1314. Having some trouble with the radios. REF to 1-14 elements. Put out 2 slurps NW and NE of FSB 25. Put out 2 SRRP critical avenues of approach to the W or NW or N building up. 3 to 4 day periods alternating so they are not going out or coming in all at the same time. CG desires employment of SRRP between our FSB and 101-D. Bde. S-2 has two LRRP teams going in today to the N and W of FSB 25. SRRP will be submitted to Bde. S-3. Higher has been pushing the use of SRRP. Summary: The Golden Dragons conducted six patrols, two night ambushes around firebases in the AO. Company C returned to FSB 30 and returned OP/CON to 1-14. D/1-14 went OP/CON to 3-12. Inclement weather prevented resupply to firebases and also prevented the complete move of the A Company to Mortar Mountain at ZB018258. Plans: A Company will continue to move to Mortar Mountain. Company A (-) and Company B will continue to patrol around firebases. SRRP will be deployed to YB 872293, 871309, 975285, 951268 and ZB 012270. Each will consist of 3 men and deploy for 3 days and 2 nights. 9 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons were alerted to conduct a 2 Company CA to the vicinity of YB 810344, 820344, 810374, 820374. One company and the recon platoon were alerted to move to FSB 31 and secure that LZ. The remainder of the day was spent obtaining badly needed resupplies and preparing for the move. Plan: Company A and the recon platoon will move to FSB 31 at YB 896442 to secure that LZ. Companies B and D will CA to the coordinates mentioned above and conduct a battle damage assessment on an arc lite target. Company C will dispatch two SRRP and secure FSB 30. The mortar platoon will be in general support of the Bn.
10 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons were alerted to conduct a CA with 2 companies to LZ at the vicinity of 810376 and check BDA within coordinates 810344, 820344, 810374, 820374. Company A (-) conducted a secure move from FSB 30 located at YB 971267 and 1 platoon from Mortar Mountain located at ZB018258 to FSB 31 located at YB 896442. Recon platoon conducted a secure move from FSB 30 to FSB 31. Company C sent out 5 SRRP consisting of 3 men each. Patrol will remain in position for approximately 2-3 days. Remainder of the day was spent resupplying units and preparing for operation to be conducted on 11 Sept. 1968. Plans: Company B and Company D will conduct CA to Arc Lite area and conduct a BDA. Company A and Recon remains OP/CON to 3-8. Company C continues to improve and secure FSB 30. Mortar Platoon will continue to be in general support of the Battalion.
11 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons conducted a 2 Company (B and D) CA to LZ in the vicinity of 831339 and check BDA within Arc Lite target 6376; location 828343, 838244, 832314, 042315. Company A reverted back to control of 1-14. The Bn. AO extended to include FSB 31. Company A sent out 4 SRRP consisting of 3 men each. Length of SRRP will be approximately 2-3 days. Remainder of the day was spent in resupplying units. Plans: Company B and D/1-14 will continue to check BDA within assigned AO. Company A and Recon platoon will continue recurring FSB 31. Company C continues to secure FSB 30. Mortar Platoon will continue to be in general support of the Battalion.
12 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons with 2 companies continued to check BDA within assigned AO. One squad from the heavy mortars platoon moved to Dak Seang in support of the CSF camp. Company A received incoming enemy 82mm mortar fire at FSB 31 with negative casualties or damage reported. Company A continued to secure FSB 31 with the Recon platoon. Company C sent 4 new SRRP patrols out from FSB 30 with the remaining elements continuing to improve and secure FSB 30. Remainder of the day being spent resupplying units. In addition several VR were flown for future planned operations. Plans: Company B will be extracted from location 838329 to Mortar Mountain located at ZB 018258. Company D will be extracted from 838329 to FSB 30. Company C will send 12 men to Mortar Mountain to secure LZ for the incoming company and return to FSB 30 upon completion of Company B moving in. Mortar platoon (-) continues to be in general support of the battalion.
13 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons extracted Company D from PZ location 837236 to FSB 30. Company B was extracted from PZ 837236 to ZB 018259 and 010262 with the mission of establishing a Company (-) FSB at Mortar Mountain. Company C sent 12 men to Mortar Mountain to secure LZ for incoming company with the remainder of the day spent on construction of FSB 30. Company A continued to secure FSB 31 also 4 new SRRP patrols were sent out to operate within assigned AO for a period of 2-3 days duration. Recon remained at FSB 31 continueing its assignment and mission of securing FSB 31. Company received incoming mortar fire with negative casualties or equipment damage. Remainder of the day was spent supplying units. Plans: Company B will construct a company size firebase to include sufficient room for an artillery battery. Company C will continue to improve FSB 30. Company D will assist in improvement of FSB 30. Company A and Recon platoon will continue its present security mission. Mortar platoon (-) continues to be in general support of with one squad supporting CSF camp and Dak Seang.
14 September 1968 1145-1146: To be passed on to S-3 and 1-14 CO. From A/1-14 for the 81mm ammunition on hand. HE-981, WP-133, ILL-372. 1450-1451: SRRP patrol plan of 15 Sept. Depart 15 Sept. and return 17 Sept. #1-958294, #2-981291, #3-995274, #4-952277. These will depart at 0900 from the D/1-14 element. 1458-1459: For A/1-14: SRRP for 15 Sept. and return 17 Sept. to depart 1200. #1-083459, #2-906450, #3-903430, #4-875449. 1500-1501: For B/1-14: SRRP plans for 15 Sept. Depart at 0900. #1-014274, #2-015242, #3-988252. 1644-1645: To be passed on to S-3 and to 53. From heavy mortars. On hand. H3-87, ILL-214, WP-34, CS-144. Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations and firebase construction. Companies A and C had 4 SRRP’s each. Company B began constructing a firebase on Mortar Mountain (ZB 018259). Company D prepared to assume the defense of FSB 30. Recon platoon continued the defense of FSB 31. Heavy mortars were in general support. Plans: Companies A and D will continue SRRP missions. Companies B (-) and C will be combat assaulted to vicinity of ZB 1312 to cordon and search village at ZB 148150 and ZB 154138. Recon platoon will remain on FSB 31. Heavy mortars will remain in General Support.
15 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons conducted a combat assault and continued the defense of the FSB’s 30, FSB 31, and Mortar Mountain. Company A continued the defense of the FSB 31 and dispatched 4 SRRP teams. Companies B and C conducted a Combat Assault to the vicinity of ZB 140185 where three villages at 158149, 158158 and 169144 will be cordoned by the companies and searched by ARVN elements. Company D assumed the responsibility for FSB 30. Recon Platoon remained at FSB 31. Heavy Mortars remained n general support. Plans: Company A will continue SRRP operations and remain at FSB 31. Companies C and B will return to FSB 30 and Mortar Mountain respectively. Company D will continue SRRP operations and defend FSB 30. Recon platoon will remain on FSB 31 and the heavy mortars will be in General Support.
16 September 1968 0130-0131: A/1-14 reports 2 more incoming rounds. Believed to be 82mm coming from the general area of 888449. 1 round hit gun pit, causing fire, set off 81mm rounds, 3 US WIA and 1 CIDG WIA. The US’s hit- one in the neck, one in the face, one hit in the buttocks. The US wounded in the neck may have deep wound with possible internal bleeding. Requires Dustoff. Recon also reports a little movement. At 0310 A/1-14 reports the WIA is in critical condition. Pulse steadily weakening. At 0325 his pulse is returning to normal. Only worry is shock. 0853-0854: There were 84 rounds of 105 ammo lost and 1-105 tube which was scarred up with a hole in the tire also. This was this result of 2 incoming mortars early this morning at FSB 31. 1930-1931: Mortar platoon reports 12 incoming rounds between 1030 and 1430. Type were 60mm and 82mm in side the perimeter. Damage-Scorpion type artillery piece out of action. At Dak Seang. Summary: The Golden Dragons airlifted 3 rifle companies and conducted a cordon and search of three villages. Company A continued SRRP operations. Company B cordoned and searched the village mentioned in the plans for today with negative results. Company C cordoned and searched the two villages planned for today with negative results. Company C returned to FSB 30 and Company B returned to Mortar Mountain. Company D was moved to FSB 31 to reinforce Company A. Recon platoon returned to FSB 30. Heavy Mortars were in general support. Plans: Company A will employ 3 SRRP with 4 returning to FSB 31. Company B will employ 2 SRRP and continue the construction of Mortar Mountain. Company C and D will dispatch 4 SRRP each. Recon platoon will be the Battalion reaction force. Heavy Mortars will be in general support of the Battalion.
17 September 1968 0058-0059: Dak Seang is receiving incoming mortar and recoilless fire also has movement all around. At 0130 incoming has ended. Damage- 1 75 ft commo tower destroyed, rounds received 2 75 recoilless rounds from the west. Believed to be 7 enemy on runway. SF fires Illumination. The 7 personnel disappeared. The SF push changed from 43.20 to 72.90. 1515-1516: Dak Seang just took one more incoming believed to be 82mm. One artillery personnel was slightly wounded. Other than that there was no damage. Called to Bde at 1520. 2144-2145: Dak Seang received 12 incoming round today. 11-82mm and 1-75mm recoilless. 2 US WIA and 3 RVN WIA and 2 buildings damaged. US artillery will leave Dak Seang tomorrow. SF plans- two operations were started today. Operation 74-3 days-4 grid squares center 8739. Operation 75-4 days-4 grid squares, center 8636. NL at Dak Pek-918427. Operation 74-880387, Operation 75-885385. OP’s 903408, 898408. Ambushes-905415, 905405, 890406. Summary: The Golden Dragons were engaged in SRRP operations. Company A dispatched 3 SRRP, Company B dispatched 2, and Company C and D dispatched 4 each. The mission of SRRP is to report enemy movement, activities, and locations and to call air and artillery firepower upon them. Heavy Mortars will be in general support. Plans: SRRP operations will continue in all elements to include the Recon platoon. A and D Companies will strengthen the defenses of FSB 31. Company B will continue to construct a firebase at Mortar Mountain. Heavy Mortars will be in general support.
18 September 1968 0735-0736: D/1-14 request dustoff for EM as soon as possible when weather breaks. The medic believes it to be a broken wrist. US type fell into a trench last night. Routine dustoff on D/1-14 organic push, ground contact will be 84c, located at FSB 31. Dustoff requested at 0745. 0902-0903: Dak Seang just had 2 rounds of incoming on the firebase. They do not know the extent of the damage. The frequency for A/G contact for AS will be 46.00. At 0954 they o9nly had slight damage reported from the 2 incoming. A bunker and a building were only slightly damaged. No casualties and the rounds were believed to be 82mm. 1624-1625: Code word used by the FAC aircraft is GRUNT SLAVE. Use today's date and then number to 0 and then up to today's date again. This was passed to all elements from zero. Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations throughout the AO. ARRP’s remained stationary today with no enemy activity reported. Plans: SRRP operations will continue.
19 September 1968 1515-1516: To zero from A/1-14. The mortars at Dak Seang reports SF Operation 73 was ambushed. Ambush sprung by command detonated mine. 4-WIA, 2 of which need a dustoff. At present time they are moving to 874407 to set up an LZ. Dustoff requested through SF people. One AS completed (20mm) with FAC putting it in shortly and Artillery is being adjusted on target at this time. Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Negative reporting of enemy activities or movement. Dak Seang CSF reported on numerous occasions of receiving incoming enemy 82mm fire with negative damage being reported. Mortar and artillery counter radar was placed on FSB 31. A and C companies continued to secure FSB 31. Company C along with Recon platoon continued improvement of FSB 30. Company B continued to construct FSB at Mortar Mountain. Heavy mortars remains in general support of the Battalion. Plans: SRRP will continue to operate within assigned company areas. All remaining elements within the battalion will continue to improve the FSB positions. Briefing with MI and Company C CO at TOC will be conducted tomorrow in reference to the Cordon and Search operation being conducted on 21 Sept.
20 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Company C sent an ambush to 968294 to 970297 to assist in tomorrows operation. Remainder of the day was spent by all elements improving their FSB’s. Heavy mortar Platoon continued to remain in general support of the battalion. Dak Seang CSF continued to receive sporadic mortar fire with negative casualties, or damage reported. Plans: Company C with MI and ARVN interpreters will conduct a cordon and search operation in vicinity village located at 966292. Company C will act as a blocking force for ARVN’s. They will position themselves around the village. SRRP will continue to operate within assigned company areas. Remainder of the battalion will continue to improve their defensive positions.
21 September 1968 0930-0931: The BN from Bde. A new frequency for SF is 43.25. Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Company C and the MI and ARVN interpreters with RF personnel completed their cordon and search in village located at 966292 with negative findings. Remainder of the day was spent by all elements maintenance of equipment and improving their FSB’s. Heavy mortar Platoon remained in general support of the battalion. Plans: SRRP will continue to be employed in all assigned Company AO. Continuation on improving defensive position by all elements within the battalion.
22 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Remainder of the day was spent on maintenance, resupplying, and FSB improvement. Heavy mortar platoon remained in general support of the battalion. Plans: 1st Bde tasked 1-14 with responsibility to conduct an ambush in the vicinity of village Bien Binh (093167). Tentatively B (-) along with Recon platoon will perform given mission on or about 24 Sept. Operation is scheduled for 3-4 days. Remaining elements will conduct training subject for SRRP operations, and continued to improve defensive positions.
23 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Remainder of the day was spent on training, maintenance, resupplying, and FSB improvement. Heavy mortar platoon remained in general support of the battalion. Plans: Company B (-), Recon platoon and 2 Squads of 4.2 will conduct a night ambush in vicinity of ZB 0719-1319-0724-1324. RF from Kontum province will assist in the joint operation. Company B (-) and recon will move from present FSB by air to Dak To and then by vehicles to a dismount point located at ZB 075205. Mortar platoon (-) will remain at location 053217 and in general support of operation. Upon arrival at RP element will move to night ambush site in the vicinity of center of mass 085200, following day to 081209. Last day to center of mass 080217. Remaining of the battalion will continue to train personnel in SRRP procedures and to improve defensive positions.
24 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Company B (-), recon platoon and 4.2 (-) moved from perspective to designated area of operation. Remainder of the day was spent on maintenance of equipment, resupplying of elements and FSB improvement. Plans: Company A was tasked frm Bde HO for immediate reactionary force for D/7-17 Cav. General area of operation will be within grid AS 8721. In addition being a reactionary company they will move from FSB 31 to FSB 30, and the following tentative plan is to relieve an element from 3-12 Inf on FSB 3. D/1-14 mortar platoon will move from FSB 30 to FSB 31. Recon platoon upon completion of its 3-4 days operation will then move to FSB 31. Increase of SRRP and ambush activities within battalion AO.
25 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Company A completed its mission as reactionary company for D/7-17 Cav with negative results, then closed FSB 30. Company D mortar platoon moved from FSB 30 to FSB 31. Company B (-), recon platoon, mortar platoon (-) continued its mission conducting ambushes in assigned area. Remainder to day was spent on maintenance of equipment, resupplying of elements and FSB improvement. Plans: Company A will construct additional bunkers on Recon hill. Remainder of the battalion will concentrate on training and maintenance of equipment.
26 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRP operations within assigned AO Recon platoon moved from YB 080217 to FSB 31. Company B (-) and mortar platoon (-) continued to support ambush operations in assigned AO. Remainder of day spent on maintenance of equipment, resupplying of elements and FSB security and improvement. Plans: Company B (-) and mortar platoon will be extracted by vehicle from a predesignated point and moved to respective FSB. Remainder of the Battalion (-) will concentrate on training and maintenance of equipment and FSB construction.
27 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Remainder of the day was spent on maintenance of equipment, resupplying of elements and FSB security and improvement. Company B (-) and mortar platoon (-) were extracted by vehicle from locatino 074183 and both brought by convoy to Dak To, and then transported by air to respective FSB’s. Plans: All elements will place emphasis on training, maintenance of equipment and FSB construction. Company B will remain on brigade standby for future planned operations.
28 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Remainder of the day was spent on maintenance of equipment, resupplying of elements and FSB security and improvement. Plan: Heavy mortars platoon (-) will conduct a secure move from FSB 3 to Mortar Mountain and continue to remain in general support of the battalion.
29 September 1968 Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operations within assigned AO. Remainder of the day was spent on maintenance of equipment, training, resupplying of elements and FSB security and improvement. Heavy mortar platoon remains in general support of the battalion. Plans: Battalion received fragmentary orders to be prepared to move on a 4 hour notice to location 935636 with battalion (-) and on rifle company, 105 battery (4 tubes) and recon platoon. To location 908677 with 2 rifle companies, heavy mortar platoon. Company D will remain at FSB 31. All elements within the battalion have been notified and are presently ordering necessary equipment and supplied to sustain operation in given fragmentary order.
30 September 1968 1320-1321: S-3 told B/1-14 that the mission at LZ Mary Lou will be palace guard. Ground contact there will be TARRIFF push 36.85. Summary: The Golden Dragons continued SRRP operation within assigned AO. Company B conducted a secure move from Mortar Mountain to LZ Mary Lou and will become OP/CON to 3rd Brigade. Company A provided 1 platoon to secure Heavy mortars squads at Mortar Mountain. Remainder of the day was spent on resupplying elements, training, FSB security and improvement. Plans: Heavy mortar platoon continue to be in general support of the battalion. All elements will continue to prepare themselves for future moves and continue their present mission.
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