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From the 1/14th Daily Journal Summaries for the month of January, 1968. The Daily Journal Summaries January, 1968 1 JAN 1968 1515 A 2 1/2 Ton truck 250 meters North of Bridge 106A struck and killed a 9 year old VN girl. MP's notified. 1 January 1968 Summary The "Golden Dragons" continued security of AO DRAGON. The cease fire deleated any operations other than the security of the bridges, LZ THINDER, LZ LIZ, LZ OD and LZ DRAGON. Plans: The "Golden Dragons" will move to LZ UPTIGHT and assume responsibility of AO GRANT.
2 Jan 68 1055 E Trp/17th Cav vic Bridge 106 received 2 rds SA fire from a hootch. Returned fire with neg results. 1100 Boxcar 31 received 2 rds SA fire 2000 meters Southeast of LZ Uptight. 1 WIA (Pilot) 1200 3/E/17th Cav received 1 hand grenade(gas) while passing through Duc Pho. 1400 C&C 1/14 received ground fire 1000 meters Northeast of LZ Uptight. Neg hits. 1530 B/1/14 vic 771816 requested a Dust-Off for a man with a 104 degree temperature, Dust-Off completed at 1545. 1620 B/1/14 vic 771816 requested a Dust-Off for a VN girl with second degree burns. Dust-Off complete at 1645. 1645 1/14 Medics requested a Dust-Off for a man with a 104 degree temperature. Dust-Off complete at 1710 vic LZ Uptight. 2 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" concluded operations in the Duc Pho AO and assumed AO GRANT from the ROK Marine Bde. Air movement was conducted from LZ Thunder, LZ OD and Dragon Rear. Plans: Contunued movement to AO Grant with C&D Companies and conduct CA's in to the AO.
3 Jan 68 0235 LZ Leslie and LZ Ross received mortar and ground attack at 0235. B, C/1/14 alerted. 0926 1/B/1/14 vic 771816 requested a Dust-Off for a VN male with a swollen appendix. Dust-Off complete at 0955. 0945 Rcn/1/14 vic 745855 had 1 VCS with neg ID card. Also found a bunker complex and some booby-trap mat'rl. Found 1000 lbs of rice and 300 lbs of salt. Rice and salt destroyed, VCS evac to Bde. 1141 174th Avn Gunship received ground fire from vic 752832. Engaged area with 6 enemy KIA confirmed and 1 enemy KIA possible. 1200 174th Avn Gunship reported 1 VC KIA(BC) vic 718808. 1245 C/1/14 vic 741855 requested a Dust-Off for 2 US WIA(slight) from Rcn/1/14 that hit a booby-trap (Grenade with trip wire). Dust-Off complete at 1315. 1510 3/D/1/14 vic 725813 had 1 VC KIA. Indiv refused to come out of a bunker and was killed when a grenade was thrown into it. Wearing black PJ bottoms and a red sweater. 1515 1/A/1/14 found 2 VC KIA vic 742844 killed by Gunships. 1825 3/D/1/14 vic 727813 spotted 1 VC evading. Engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA wearing black PJ's with 1 US grenade. 1826 2/D/1/14 vic 726817 spotted 3 VC(1 with a wpn). Engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA and 1 VC CIA. KIA had 1 US pistol belt, 2 Chi-com grenades and 2 US frag grenades. CIA evac to Bde. 1 Thompson sub-machine gun CIA. 1852 1/D/1/14 ambush loc 736831 had a trip flare pop on the trail. Engaged with SA fire resulting in 1 VC KIA wearing Black PJ's and pistol belt. 3 JAN 68 Summary The "Golden Dragons" conducted offensive actions in AO GRANT immediately following the arrival of Alpha and Delta companies from AO DRAGON. There was contact in the two CA's from the ground elements and air support. Other elements swept around LZ Uptight and continued to prepare LZ Uptight as a "Golden Dragon" fire base. Plans: Continued offensive actions in the area with emphasis on S&D operations and ambushes.
4 JAN 68 0810 2/D/1/14 vic 728827 spotted 1 VC who ran into a hooch. Indiv refused to come out resulting in 1 VC KIA. 0815 2/C/1/14 vic 709852 received 3 rds sniper fire from 200 meters West of their location. Also had 1 detainee, 27 years old who was brought back to LZ Uptight. 1046 2/C/1/14 vic 699855 spotted 1 indiv running from a hooch. Engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA wearing black PJ's approx 25 years old. Also found 1 US pistol belt in a hooch. 1230 1/A/1/14 vic 745825 had 1 male tetainee with neg ID card. Indiv had a bad leg, possibly polio. Evac to Bde. 1414 2/C/1/14 vic 718840 had 1 VC KIA wearing black PJ's 25 years old. Indiv was evading and engaged. 1525 1/A/1/14 vic 743823 had 2 VC KIA. Soptted 1 indiv evading and engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA. 2nd KIA was a detainee that tried to escape wwhen first indiv was being engaged. 1635 1/D/1/14 vic 737821 had 6 VC move into their location. Inidv evaded and were engaged with M-60 resulting in 6 VC KIA and 1 Chicom grenade. 4 January 1968 Summary 1-14th had light contact in the AO. Continued S&D operations, night ambushes, and security of the refugee camp were conducted by the "Golden Dragons". Plans: Aggressive offensive actions are planned against the enemy.
5 JAN 68 0742 At 042248 Rcn/1/14 LP engaged 1 Enemy. On checking the area in the morning found 1 VC KIA wearing a poncho and carrying a M-60 ammo can with rice. 1053 3/C/1/14 vic 747817 had 1 male detainee that was wounded when he refused to stop. Dust-Off requested and complete at 1225. Neg ID. 1326 1/C/1/14 vic 703874 had 2 male detainees with neg ID cards. Evac to LZ Uptight. 1425 3/C/1/14 vic 747864 killed 1 VC that was evading. Dressed in black. 5 January 1968 Summary 1 Bn, 14th Inf "Golden Dragons" continue Search and Destroy operations in AO GRANT with only minor contact reported from enemy snipers. Delta Co found 2000 lbs of rice, also found 1 150 lb booby trap bomb. Plans: 1/14 continue offensive operations in AO GRANT and continued security of refugee hamlet in AO.
6 JAN 68 0847 Gunship vic 777857 received fire Southeast of Rcn/1/14. Spotted 3 indiv with wpns. Engaged resulting in 2 VD KIA. 0951 1/A/1/14 vic 747832 found 1 Enemy KIA approx 3 days old. Killed by SA fire wearing black PJ's. 0955 Rcn/1/14 had 3 VC KIA vic 777857 killed by Gunships with web gear and packs. 1018 2/C/1/14 vic 719880 sustained 3 US WIA from SA fire. Dust-Off requested and complete at 1052. 1250 1/C/1/14 vic 727869 found some fresh dug bunkers and some expended ammo. Had 1 detainee 35-40 yrs old. Bunkers destroyed. 1510 Gunships vic 773861 spotted 4 enemy. Engaged resulting in 4 VC KIA. 1605 Rcn/1/14 vic 777864 spotted 4 enemy dressed in green uniforms. Engaged resulting in 4 VC KIA, neg packs or wpns. 1606 1/C/1/14 vic 734876 found 1 cave with 1 bed roll inside. US indiv stepped on a punji stake while entering cave. Evac by RS Ship. 1722 1/D/1/14 vic 775860 had 1 VC KIA. Indiv evaded and was engaged with SA fire. Wearing khaki type uniform with pack. 6 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continue offensive opns in AO GRANT. Recon inserted into AO on S&D mission. On the Batangau Peninsula gunships received hits while supporting Recons contack. Charlie Co received heavy sniper fire. Delta inserted into Recon contact area to reinforce them. Plans: 1/14 Inf continue S&D into AO GRANT and continue security of refugee hamlet in AO.
7 JAN 68 0745 1/D/1/14 vic 777864 spotted 1 enemy dressed in black PJ's. Hid in a tunnel and refused to come out resulting in 1 VC KIA. 500 lbs of rice was found in the tunnel and was destroyed. 1510 3/D/1/14 vic 776861 had 1 VCS with neg ID's. Evac to Bde. 1545 D/1/14 vic 785852 requested a Dust-Off for 2 US WIA from a booby trap (Grenade). Dust-Off complete at 1555 1300 Intell Report: Time: Late Morning: Possible unidentified CP location vic BS702788, radius 750 Meters. 7 January Summary "Golden Dragons" continue offensive operations in AO GRANT (OPERATION MUSCATINE). Bravo found booby trap factory. Delta found a tunnel and a bunker complex containing two wpns. Plans: 1/14 Inf continues S&D Opns in AO GRANT. Continue security of refugee hamlet in AO.
8 JAN 68 0709 072300 1/A/1/14 sub el ambush engaged 3 indiv resulting in 2 VC KIA. Wearing black PJ's with neg packs or wpns. 0800 1/B/1/14 ambush vic 750816 spotted 1 indiv trying to evade. Engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA wearing black PJ's with neg ID or wpn. Also had 1 detainee in the same area. 0834 1/B/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a VN female with a shoulder wound. Dust-Off complete vic 774816 at 0905. 1129 3/C/1/14 vic 728871 received fire from 2 wpns. 1 US WIA, dust-off requested and complete at 1145. 1150: 3 VC KIA. 1520 1/C/1/14 vic 724875 found 1 VC KIA by SA. Dressed in khaki uniform with pistol belt. 1643 3/B/1/14 vic 768836 spotted 3 VC at 150 meters carrying M-1 rifles, wearing black PJ's. Engaged with SA fire and swept area with neg findings. 1734 3/C/1/14 vic 729870 spotted 1 VC with an M-1 rifle. Engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA with neg wpn and 1 clip M-1 ammo. 1817 3/C/1/14 vic 729870 while engaging VC had a detainee make a break. Resulting in 1 VC KIA. 8 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continued S&D operations in AO GRANT. Operation MUSCATINE on the Batangan Peninsula operating in platoon sized elements, the "Golden Dragons" had slight enemy contact during the daylight hours. All elements closed their respective night locations. Plans: Continue S&D operations. Amount of activity in AO GRANT indicated the presence of an enemy force, undetermined size.
9 JAN 68 1130 3/B/1/14 vic 766835 had 1 VC KIA wearing web gear with neg ID. 1 US frag grenade, 1 camoflage hat and some ammo. 1132 B/1/14 vic 766835 requested a Dust-Off for a VN woman that was very sick. Dust off complete at 1137. 1137 C/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a man with a gunshot wound in the arm. Dust-Off complete at 1137. A liason visit was conduct with MAJ Hancock at Quang Nhai MACV compound. Conducted a discussion concerning future operations with 2 ARVN Battalions Ranger to the South of 1-14th Inf AO. 9 January 1968 Summary The "Golden Dragons" continued S& D operations in AO GRANT. LTC Petro was awarded a DFC and the Air Medal w/cluster during the change of command ceremony at LZ Uptight. LTC Petro departed to assume the position of assistant Chief of Staff G3, 4th Infantry Division. LTC George L. Ball assumed the command of the Battalion at 1000H. Plans: Preparations were made to conduct a combined operations with the Ranger Task Force, 2nd ARVN Div.
PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR VISIT OF MAJ GEN CHARLES P. STONE, 4TH DIV COMDR 9 JAN 1968 TIME LOCATION OFFICER RESPON. 0845-0945 Enroute to Chu Lai Aide to CG 0945-1000 Enroute to 1-14 COL WEAR 1000-1030 Change of Command, 1-14 1-14, CO 1030-1100 Enroute to 1-35 COL WEAR 1100-1120 Visit 1-35 1-35, CO 1120-1150 Enroute to 2-35 COL WEAR 1150-1210 Visit 2-35 2-35, CO 1210-1240 Enroute to MT BRONCO COL WEAR 1240-1320 Lunch COL WEAR 1320-1350 Briefing on Bde Activities COL WEAR 1350-1400 Enroute to DUC PHO Airport COL WEAR 1400-1445 Enroute to CAMP ENARI Aide to CG Battalion Commander and principal staff members will greet the CG upon his arrival at the Battalion helicopter pad. The Battalion Commander will introduce his staff to the CG.
10 JAN 68 0745 2/B/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for 3 US WIA from a booby trap vic 771828. Dust-Off complete at 0805. 1121 2/B/1/14 vic 788835 had 2 VC KIA. Indiv were preparing 2 81 mm momrtar tounds for booby traps. Wearing black PJ's and 1 pistol belt. 1250 1/A/1/14 vic 708823 had 4 VC KIA wearing black with neg ID cards. Indiv were engaged when they tried to evade. 1350 1/A/1/14 vic 713820 had 1 VC KIA wearing black with neg IK card. Indiv was engaged when he tried to evade. 1355 C/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a man with a 104 degree temperature. Dust-Off complete vic LZ Uptight at 1400. 1415 1/A/1/14 had 2 VC KIA wearing black PJ's and 1 NVA pistol belt. Indiv were engaged when they tried to evade. Neg ID cards. 2 US frag grenades, blown in place. (711819) 1525 3/A/1/14 vic 710822 requested a Dust-Off for a VN female with internal injuries. Dust-Off complete at 1545. 1541 B/1/14 sustained 1 US KIA vic 766834 from a booby trap. 1605 3/A/1/14 had 6 detainees vic 710820. Evac to Bde. (Neg ID cards). 1800 1/B/1/14 sustained 1 US KIA from sniper fire. (745807) Called in Arty with neg assessment. 1818 Rcn/1/14 vic 740830 had 5 VC KIA wearing green uniforms and pistol belts. Also found 1 frag grenade and 3 homemade type grenades. Grenades destroyed. 10 January 1968 Summary 1/14 continued S&D operations while moving to blocking positions in the Southern portion of AO GRANT. The Bde LRRP's inserted into A Co for observation purposes in connection with the blocking forces. Plans: Continued blocking force and security of LZ Uptight.
11 JAN 68 0757 1/D/1/14 vic 768859 sustained 6 US WIA froom a booby trap. Dust-Off complete at 0806. 0912 1/A/1/14 vic 685804 received 5-6 rds of mortars from the Southwest. Called in Arty vic 685806. Sustained 4 US WIA. Dust-Off complete at 0945. 0920 D/1/14 Requested a Dust-Off for a man with a 104 degree temperature. Evac by resupply ship. 1035 A/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a man with a concussion injury. Dust-Off complete at 1052. 1537 2, CP/C?1/14 vic 684835 spotted 2 VN. Called in Arty. Detained 1 male wearing black PJ's with neg ID card. Evac to Bde. 1642 National Police at 1/B/1/14 location detained 1 female with child. Evac to Bde. 1730 1/B/1/14 vic 645808 spotted 1 VC crossing river in a boat. Fired warning shots to turn him back. Engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA. 1744 1/C/1/14 vic 692825 sustained 1 US WIA and 1 US KIA. Spotted 15 VC w/wpns. Dust-Off complete at 1817. 11 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continured as a blocking force in the Southern portion of AO GRANT with two companies. Delta Company relieved Charlie Company in security of LZ Uptight. Charlie Company moved to the Southwest to occupy blocking positions. The National Police Force are working with the 1/14 in hopes of getting more information out of detainees. Plans: Continued blocking positions and with the possibility of moving North on S&D operations.
12 JAN 68 1358 Rcn/1/14 vic 738810 found 4 VC KIA (2 Gunships and 2 Arty). Wearing green uniforms. 1425 Rcn/1/14 vic 754806 had 1 VC KIA and wounded 1 VC with a weapon. Pursued wounded VC with neg results. 1630 1/A/1/14 vic 682806 had 1 VC KIA wearing black PJ's, 2 frag grenades with neg ID. Indiv evaded when warning shots were fired. 1830 Intell Report: 30 M-16 anti-personnel type mines located vic 65808. Passed to CO/C. 1905 Rcn/1/14 vic 732825 had 1 VC KIA wearing green shirt and black shorts. Also in same vic found some misc pieces of a UH-1B. 12 January 1968 Summary 1-14th Infantry continued operations in AO GRANT. Bravo Company and Fox Force conducted operations in the southern portion of AO GRANT. Charlie Company (-) was lifted to the western portion of the AO and linked up with C/1-10th Cav for future operations and bridge security. Bravo Company(-) continued security of the refugee camp. Plans: Continue operations in the southern wand western portions of AO GRANT. Plans include staying away from the northern portion of the AO until later. Continued security will be conducted at the refugee center.
13 JAN 68 13 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continued offensive operations in AO GRANT with four(4) rifle companies, one Cavalry platoon and one Reconnaissance Platoon. Bde LRRP was extracted and negative sightings or significant contact was reported. Several mines and booby traps were found and destroyed. Large numbers of women and children were observed moving South out of the AO. Plans: 1-14th Infantry continues search and destroy operations in the southern portion of AO GRANT and security to the refugee hamlet.
14 JAN 68 1125 2/C/1/14 vic 654838 had 1 VCS (male) aged 25 yrs with neg ID card. Evac to Bde. 1225 2/A/1/14 vic 685865 sustained 3 US KIA and 3 US WIA. (booby trap). Dust-Off complete at 132. 1605 Rcn/1/14 vic 715834 detained 1 military aged male. Indiv had a bullet wound scar on his back and was carrying rice and corn. Evac to Bde. 1800 3/D/1/14 vic 710862 spotted 7-8 enemy with wpns 400-500 meters Southwest of their loc. Engaged with SA and 4.2 mortars resulting in 2 VC KIA dressed in black PJ's with neg wpns. 14 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continued search and destroy operations in AO GRANT. Alpha Company while working the northwestern portion of the AO sustained 3 US KIA and 3US WIA from a "bouncing betty" mine. Plans: Continue offensive operations in AO GRANT and security of refugee center.
15 JAN 68 1005 B/1/14 vic 728827 spotted 2 VC (1 w/wpn). Manuevered into area and spotted 3 enemy. Engaged resulting in 3 VC CIA(2 wounded). 2 VC WIA evac via Dust-Off at 1047. 1050 Bravo/Recon Contact: 1050: B/1/14 spotted 6-7 VC dressed in green uniforms vic 728827. 1134: B/1/14 vuc 724823 received AW fire and sustained 3 US WIA. Dust-Off complete at 1330. Called in Arty blocking fire. 1225: Rcn/1/14 manuevered into village vic of contact. 1545: B/1/14 reported a total of 7 VC KIA and 2 wpns CIA (1 M-2 carbine SN5730592 and 1 bolt action rifle SN K0168). 1811 Rcn/1/14 vic 716831 spotted 2 VC following them. Engaged with SA fire resulting in 1 VC KIA dressed in green uniform with 3 Chicom grenades. 15 January 1958 Summary "Golden Dragons" continued S&D operations in AO GRANT. Bravo Company and Reconnaissance Platoon made contact receiving automatic weapons fire in the southern portion of the AO and sustained 3 US WIA while killing 8 VC, 3 CIA, 2 weapons captured. Alpha assumed security of ZULU(security of artillery firebase). Refugees were evacuated from the Batangan Penninsula and relocated. Plans: Continue operations in AO with Bravo and Fox.
16 JAN 68 0906 Gunships vic 787864 had 1 VC KIA. 1330 2/C/1/14 vic 670828 requested a Dust-Off for a man with a 104 degree temperature. Dust-Off complete at 1345. 16 January 1968 Summary The "Golden Dragons" continued offensive operations in AOL GRANT. Delta combat assaulted two platoons to the Bataagan Penninsula and moved north to occupy blocking positions for operations tomorrow. Plans: "Golden Dragons" continue S&D operations in AO and security mission of bridges and continued security of artillery battery at area ZULU. Bravo Company and Fox will conduct combat assault into the northern portion of the AO with Delta and 1/52 occupying blocking positions to the north.
17 JAN 68 After Action Report for 17 JAN 68 Action 1/14th Press Release for 17 JAN 68 Action 0915 B/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a man that was wounded by grenade fragments. Dust-Off complete vic 710877 at 0932. 1055 B/1/14 requested Dust-Off for a man WIA. Dust-Off complete vic 710877 at 1318. 1158 A/1/14 had 1 male detainee, military aged, with neg ID card. Evac to Bde. 1317 B/1/14 vic 718877 requested a Dust-Off for 3 wounded VC. Dust-Off complete at 1322. 1335 B/1/14 vic 717867 requested a Dust-Off for 1 US WIA. Dust-Off complete at 1345. 1825 2/D/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a man WIA from sniper fire. Dust-Off complete at 1848. Delayed Entries: 0830 174th Helicopter spotted enemy in trenches vic 714880. Engaged resulting in 10 VC KIA. 1220 B/1/14 and Rcn/1/14 had contact with the Enemy. Results: 70 VC KIA, 3 VC CIA, and 36 weapons CIA (10 M-1 Rifles, 7 M-1 Carbines, 4 M-2 Carbines, 4 AK-47's, 4 BAR's, 1 M-79, 1 Thompson SMG, 2 MAT 49 SMG, 2 .45 pistols, 1 NV K50 SMG). Also captured were misc ammo, web gear, grenades, clothing, documents, and 3 B-40 rockets. 17 January 1968 Summary: 1/14th Infantry continued operations in AO GRANT. Bravo Company and Fox conducted CA to a LZ vic of AN THING(2). 1/52(-) occupied blocking positions along the AO boundry and made contact prior to LZ time. The LZ was changed and Bravo Company and Fox swept into AN THINH while Delta Company(2 platoons) blocked to the South along the coast. As Fox made contact, Aloha and Sharks engaged the VC in hedgerow/trench systems. The enemy broke into the open in several instances and were easy shooting. Others hid in caves located in the trench rows and tunnel rats were employed. 2nd Platoon of Delta Company was CA to beach in order to sweep to the blocking positions occupied by 1/52nd. After Sweeping the area the results were noteworthy. Plans: A continued sweep of the contact area and continued security of LZ ZULU and the bridges.
18 JAN 68 1317 D/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a man that stepped on a grenade vic 733892. Dust-Off Complete at 1335. 1405 D/1/14 vic 782897 sustained 1 US KIA, 3 US WIA from a booby trap. Dust-Off requested and complete at 1415 by C&C ship. 1400 1/A/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a VN female with shrapnel wounds. Dust-Off complete at 1420. 18 January 1968 Summary The "Golden Dragons" continued S&D operations in AO GRANT and provided security at LZ ZULU. Bravo Company and Fox continued police of the battle area and re-entered all bunkers and caves before destroying them. B & Fox returned to LZ Uptight for security of the battalion firebase. Plans: "Golden Dragons" continue S&D opns and security of the artillery firebase and security of the bridges along hightway #1.
19 JAN 1968 1105 1/D/1/14 vic 774862 sustained 1 US KIA and 3 US WIA from a booby trap (bouncing betty). WIA evac by C&C ship at 1118. 1223 C/1/14 vic 715828 had 5 detainees with neg ID cards. Evac to Bde. 19 January 1968 Summary 1-14th Infantry continued operations in AO GRANT. Negative contact was reported during the day until Alpha Company reported contact at night ambush location. Results: Negative findings. "Golden Dragons" continued to find extensive US munitions employed as booby traps. Plans: Continue offensive operations in the AO as well as security of LZ ZULU and highway bridges along highway #1.
20 JAN 68 1855 PF ambush locations; #1 624852, #2 622862, #3 622859, #4 623868 20 January 1968 Summary 1-14th Infantry continued offensive operations in AO GRANT while participating in OPERATION MUSCATINE. Negative contact was reported in the AO during the reporting period. "Golden Dragons" continued S&D operations and security of LZ ZULU and the bridge on highway #1. Plans: "Golden Dragons" continued S&D operations in AO GRANT and security along the LOC and LZ ZULU.
21 JAN 68 1018 3/D/1/14 vic 715871 had 1 male detainee, 30 yrs old with no ID card. Evac to Bde. 1112 1/C/1/14 vic 713823 had 1 VC KIA. Indiv was setting up a booby trap. In same vic found 1 VC pistol belt, SKS cleaning rod, and 600 1bs of rice. Also at 687805 found 1 VC pack full of supplies. 1445 3/C/1/14 vic 695822 received 2 grenades from 2 NVA. 1 US WIA (slight). Engaged resulting in 1 NVA KIA wearing green uniform with a pistol belt. 21 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continued operations in AO GRANT with four rifle companies. Charlie Company discovered 2500 lbs of rice in a cache, which was destroyed. Charlie Company engaged 1 VC emplacing a booby trap, results: 1 VC KIA. Plans: "Golden Dragons continue S&D operations in AO GRANT and security of LZ ZULU (3/18th Arty).
22 JAN 68 0925 3/D/1/14 vic 702859 engaged 3 VC setting up a booby trap resulting in 2 VC KIA wearing black PJ's, military aged with neg ID cards. 1515 3/A/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a VN boy that was hit by a truck. Complete at 1510. 22 January 1968 Summary 1-14th Infantry continued aggresive Search and Destroy operations in AO GRANT with four(4) rifle companies. Delta Company conducted S&D opns to the west; Bravo to the northwest from LZ Uptight. Booby traps and mines continued to be present within the AO. Plans: "Golden Dragons" continue S&D opns in AO GRANT. Charlie and Delta Companies will conduct moves to LZ Zulu for Preparation for movement to LZ BALDY.
HEADQUARTERS 1ST BATTALION, 14TH INFANTRY (GOLDEN DRAGONS) APO San Francisco 96355 22 January 1968 PRESS RELEASE At approximately 0915H 17 January 1968, B Company, 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry (Golden Dragons), and Fox Force, the Reconnaissance Platoon, all of the 3rd Brigade Task Force, Operation Muscatine, participated in a combined combat assault which resulted in one of the most decisive military victories in the battalion's recent history. The outstanding success of the operation can be attributed to the sound tactical coordination of elements of the battalion by the battalion staff, the insight and flexibility of the ground company commander and most of all to the personal bravery and exceptional courage of the individual soldiers who executed their assigned mission in the best tradition of the military service. In its initial phases, a concept of operation was developed on 10 January. At this time, the Golden Dragon Tactical Operations Center analyzed reports from higher headquarters, available intelligence agencies, and airborne personnel detectors. The combined staff determination was that enemy Local Force guerrillas were present in strength in the vicinity of the village An Thinh(2) located near the battalion's north boundary line. Lieutenant Colonel George L Ball, the Battalion Commander, reviewed the recommendation and made a positive decision not to exploit the area under consideration until maximum tactical advantage could be afforded. It was at this time that the Golden Dragon Battalion Commander conferred with Lieutenant Colonel Paul Roach Jr of the 1st Battalion, 52nd Infantry, located to the north, and they mutually concluded that 17 January should be the date of the planned mission. The basic concept of operations involved a combat assault of one Golden Dragon company onto the Batangan Peninsula on the 16th of January with a later deployment to the south of the objective area. Simultaneously, the 1st of the 52nd Infantry would occupy blocking positions to the north while elements of the 1st of the 14th Infantry air assaulted and swept through the suspected enemy position. The enemy would in effect be surrounded by blocking forces to the north and south, the South China Sea to the east and the assaulting elements moving from the west. On 16 January, as enemy activity in the area increased, two platoons of D Company combat assaulted onto the Batangan Peninsula, east of An Thinh(2). They encountered light enemy contact and towards evening, proceeded to blocking positions on high ground northeast of the village. In the meantime, Major James T Campbell, the Battalion Operations Officer, effected liaison and coordination with elements of the 1st Battalion, 52nd Infantry; in conjunction with current concept of operations, blocking positions were selected by Lieutenant Colonel Paul A Roach Jr north of AO GRANT in the vicinity of An Thinh(1), An Thinh(4), and Lac Son(7). Detailed coordination and planning were made with attached artillery and supporting gunships of "Aloha Airlines", Dolphin and Shark army aircraft. In the early morning hours of 17 January, A Company, 1st Battalion, 52nd Infantry repeorted receiving heavy enemy contact including light machine gun fire in the vicinity of one of their planned blocking positions. Based on a recommendation of Lieutenant Colonel Paul A Roach Jr and concurred on by the 1st of the 14th Infantry staff, the Golden Dragon Battalion Commander, Lieutenant Colonel George L Ball, changed the landing zone for B Company to a more appropriate location closer to the contact area. A quick aerial reconnaissance was made by the Battalion S2 (Captain Charles L Cosand) and the Artillery Liaison Officer (Captain Jack Jones) to pinpoint the new landing zone. Prompt, but exact adjusted coordination was then made by the battalion commander with the ground forces, the artillery fire support, airlift aircraft, and support of armed helicopters. Quick effective response was given by all concerned. Upon entering the landing zone, all elements were deployed as planned. Under the control of the B Company Commander, the forces consolidated and were approaching the objective area on four individual axes. However, within minutes they began receiving intense hostile fire from fortified bunker positions that were expertly concealed in trenches and high brush. Fox Force was the first to initiate contact with the enemy; one friendly casualty was incurred from VC hand grenades. At this time, supporting armed helicopters of "Aloha Airlines" detected enemy emplacements in an elaborate tunnel complex surrounding a nearby village. They delivered deadly suppresive fire on the fleeing enemy thereby holding them in place until they were thoroughly overcome by the assaulting elements of B Company and the Reconnaissance Platoon. The supporting fire of the helicopters fell close to the advancing troops and effectively neutralized much of the resistance in B Company's path. The Company Commander, First Lieutenant Bruce C Shipley, exhibited brilliant organizational and tactical ability in successfully coordinating his platoons, Fox Force and an element of D Company sweeping from the oppostite direction. Noteworthy assistance was rendered by First Lieutenant Terry E Bender, the Battalion Recon Platoon Leader, whose courage and inspirational leadership were clearly instrumental in the ultimate destruction of the insurgent force. Hours later, after extensive mop up operations consisting mostly of searching out the tunnel complexes, the results of the battlefield sacrifices and the meticulous detailed planning were assessed in the Battalion Tactical Operations Center. More than eighty of the hostile forces were killed, eight were captured, thirty-six weapons seized while only three light casualties were sustained by friendly forces. ENEMY FORCES: (These forces were reported to be in the area in the strength indicated; however, it is believed that only portions of two companies were actually present in the objective area at the time of the attack.) 95th LF Company 80 Men 20th LF Company 87 Men 21st LF Sapper Company 90 Men P31st LF Company 40 Men ENEMY LOSSES: 80 VC KIA 7 VC/PW 1 CD/PW ENEMY EQUIPMENT LOSSES: 10 US M1 30 Cal Rifles 7 US M1 30 Cal Carbines 4 US M2 30 Cal Carbines 4 AK 47 Assault Rifles 1 US BAR 1 M79 Rocket Launcher 1 45 Cal Thompson SMG 2 MAT 49 SMG 1 NV R50 SMG 2 45 Cal Pistols 137 CHICOM Hand Grenades 16 60 MM Mortar Rounds 2000 Rounds 30 Cal Ammo 500 Rounds 7.62 Short Ammo 500 Rounds 30 Cal Carbine Ammo 100 Rounds 45 Cal Ammo 50 Rounds 9 MM 3 B-40 Rockets w/fuses FRIENDLY LOSSES: 3 US WIA
23 JAN 68 0950 3/B/1/14 vic 721817 sustained 1 US KIA from SA fire. 1152 3/B/1/14 vic 623815 had 1 VC KIA wearing green fatigues, military aged, with neg ID. 1405 3/B/1/14 vic 727817 had 1 VC KIA, military aged. 1715 3/B/1/14 vic 724817 received AW fire from the West from 4 wpns. Spotted 2 VC to the East and engeged resulting in 1 VC KIA wearing black PJ's. Indiv had a mortar chart. 1940 PF ambush locations; #1 655821, #2 652819, #3 655809, #4 640823, #5 630830, #6 633811. 23 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continued search and destroy operations in the southern portion of AO GRANT. Charlie and Delta conducted air movement to LZ ZULU for deployment to LZ BALDY by convoy. Bravo 4/3 OPCON to the "Golden Dragons" for security of LZ Uptight. Plans: Continue limited S&D opns and prepare to move C&D Companies from LZ ZULU to LZ BALDY by convoy for future operations in OPERATION WHEELER/WALLOWA. Bravo and Fox will be lifted to LZ ZULU.
24 JAN 1968
0816 B/1/14 vic 738811 requested a Dust-Off for 2 US WIA. Complete at 0901. Received AW fire from vic 738811. Called in Arty and swept area with neg results. 1038 1/B/1/14 vic 738811 had 1 VC KIA wearing black PJ's with neg weapon or ID card. 1043 1/B/4/3 vic 709861 had 2 male detainees with neg ID cards. Evac to Bde. 24 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continued limited operations in AO GRANT with 3 rifle companies and a reconnaissance platoon. Charlie and Delta Companies departed LZ ZULU for LZ BALDY by truck. B/4/3 conducted local sweep vic LZ Uptight. Charlie and Delta Companies OPCON to 5/7the Cav and conducted CAs to western portion of AO. Bravo 1-14th and Fox extracted to LZ ZULU. Plans: Continue operations under OPCON 5/7th Cav with 2 rifle companies and conduct movement to LZ BALDY when relieved with elements 11th Bde vic LZ Uptight.
25 JAN 1968 1203 2/C/1/14 vic 010379 received SA fire. Swept area and observed 3 enemy fleeing. Engaged resulting in 2 VC KIA dressed in black PJ's. 1 pack CIA. 25 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" relieved resopnsibility AO GRANT and deploy to OPERATION WHEELER/WALLOWA under control of 5/7th Cav. Bravo, Fox and Alpha Companies conducted CAs in to AO using 1 ACD aircraft after closing into LZ BALDY. Alpha Company provided security to LZ COLT. Plans: "Golden Dragons" assume AO from 5/7th Cav after conducting relief in place and conduct S&D operations in OPERATION WHEELER/WALLOWA.
26 JAN 1968 1717 Intell Report: Suspect enemy CP location BT020369, 1000 meters radius, Time:261645. 1912 Intell Report TOR 251000H; 105th VC Bn located BT044367, strength 350 men. 26 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons continue police of LZ COLT preparing bunkers and defensive positions. Charlie and Delta continue S&D operations in the western portion of the AO. Bravo and Fox provided security for bridge upgrading on LOC by engineer work party. Plans: Continue construction and rebuilding LZ COLT and continue assigned mission.
27 JAN 1968 0925 2/C/1/14 vic 001373 spotted 1 VC. Engaged indiv resulting in 1 VC KIA wearing black PJ's with neg wpn, pack or ID card. 27 January 1968 Summary "Golden Dragons" continued search and destroy operations in the AO. Charlie Company discovered an NVA classroom which was destroyed. Other companies conducted search and destroy operations with negative contact reported. Alpah Company continued FSB security and local sweeps vic LZ COLT. Plans: Continue search and destroy operations in zone and begin preparation for any change in rules of engagement during the "TET Cease-Fire".
28 JAN 1968 1555 Intell Report: TOR: Mid Afternoon: Possible VC CP vic 995369; 500-1000 neter radius; Arty put in at that location. 1837 Intell Report: 1 NVA Bn moved from BT000440 to 004414, 048420, 055416. Strength 400 men, 2 81mm and 3 60mm mortars, 3 57mm recoiless rifles, 4 light MGs and indiv wpns. (B-2) 28 January 1968 Summary 1-14th Infantry continued operations in AO with negative significant contact reported. Alpha continued to rebuild defensive positions at LZ COLT and conducted local patrols from the battalion firebase. Plans: Continue search and destroy operations in AO and continue securing the high ground in the western portion of the AO to provide security to LZ ROSS. Alpha Company will conduct local sweep east of LZ COLT.
29 JAN 1968 1230 1/C/1/14 vic 010359 had 1 male detainee, age 15. 1/C/1/14 in same vic shot and wounded 1 enemy and followed blood trails with neg results. Found 1 M-16 magazine and 1 M-16 cleaning rod, medical supplies and some tunnels. Destroyed. 1435 1/C/1/14 vic 005356 had 1 male detainee, aged 40, dressed in black PJ's with no ID card. Evac to Bde. 1550 3/C/1/14 vic 006351 had 1 VC KIA wearing green pants with neg ID card and 1 US grenade aged 30. Indiv was killed when he refused to come out of a cave. 1725 3/C/1/14 vic 994367 had 1 VC KIA wearing khaki shirt and black PJ's with neg ID card. 29 January 1968 Summary The "Golden Dragons" continued Search and Destroy operations with light contact in the AO. Alpha Company continued local sweeps around LZ COLT with negative contact. Plans: Continue S&D opns to destroy Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army forces in zone.
30 JAN 1968 0907 Intell Report: TOR 0900: Vic BT082348, 2 companies of VC moving North-Northeast. 0928 Intell Report: 2 VC companies vic BT062365, and BT069367, moving Northeast. 1105 Intell Report: (C-4); 1 VC Company vic BT144380. 1130 3/C/1/14 vic 993368 had 1 VC CIA with 1 AK-44 SN D9966, wearing black PJ's. 1355 Intell Report: Vic BT127357 approx 100 indiv moving along road wearing mixed green and black clothing. 1625 A/1/14 requested a Dust-Off for a VN male with a stomach wound. Complete at 1640 at LZ COLT. 1819 Intell Report: TOR; Late Afternoon: Reinforced Battalion CP loc vic BT998379, Radius, 1000 meters. 30 January 1968 Summary Continued Search and Destroy operations were conducted by all elements in the AO. Bravo Company was lifted to LZ BALDY and became OPCON to 1-35 for added defense of LZ BALDY. Considerable movement was observed by large groups of civilians however these were primarily TET celebrants. Plans: Continued Search and Destroy operations and plans for the rotations of the fire base security company into the AO.
31 JAN 1968 1025 2/C/1/14 vic 007359 spotted 3 VC. Engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA vic 008366 wearing black pants with neg ID card. 1108 3, CP/C/1/14 vic 983376 received 2 rds of sniper fire. Returned fire resulting in 3 VC KIA wearing green. 1148 2/C/1/14 vic 006367 had 1 VC KIA wearing black shorts and white shirt. 1 M-16 CIA, SN710192. Indiv was carrying a bag containing 5 green uniforms. 1250 1/C/1/14 vic 985364 had 1 VC KIA carrying an M-72(LAW), dressed in green uniform, 25 yrs old. Also in same vic, found 1-M79 rd and some bunkers. Destroyed. 1332 1/C/1/14 vic 985364 had 1 VC KIA wearing green uniform. Indiv was inside a cave. Also found some sweat shirts and mess gear. 31 January 1968 Summary The "Golden Dragons" continued operations in AO WHEELER/WALLOWA with aggressive Search and Destroy operations in the Western portion of the AO. Charlie Company was successful killing 7 enemy West of their company base area. Fox was lifted into a location to observe any mortar flashes in the event that BALDY is attacked with mortars. Plans: Continue opns in the Western portion of the AO. Bravo Company continues OPCON to 1-35. |
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